Database of 300,000 Free Icons in 1,653 Icon Sets
Arts and images database of 300,000 free icons in 1,653 icon sets from 45 categories created by 408 artists
Listed below are the first 10 - 100 (or more) records of each of the 5 tables.
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icon top
id | artist_id | title | posted | slug |
1 | 1 | Adobe Creative Sense | June 29, 2012 | creative-sense-2-icons-by-dthought |
2 | 2 | Creative Orbs 2 | June 28, 2012 | creative-orbs-2-icons-by-wackypixel |
3 | 3 | Blueprint Adobe | February 3, 2012 | blueprint-icons-by-double-j-design |
4 | 4 | Aqua X | February 25, 2011 | aqua-x-icons-by-kamikaze00x |
5 | 5 | Adobe CS5 | February 7, 2011 | adobe-cs5-icons-by-robsonbillponte |
6 | 6 | Adobe CS5 | December 7, 2010 | adobe-cs5-icons-by-artdesigner |
7 | 7 | Glossy Adobe Application | November 27, 2010 | glossy-adobe-app-eggs-icons-by-iconshock |
8 | 8 | Adobe CS4 | September 14, 2010 | adobe-cs4-icons-by-pixelresort |
10 | 9 | Adobe CS4 | May 27, 2010 | adobe-cs4-icons-by-deleket |
11 | 10 | Adobe Cs3 | December 11, 2009 | adobe-cs3-icons-by-iixo |
12 | 7 | New Adobe Vol. 3 | October 22, 2009 | new-adobe-vol3-icons-by-iconshock |
13 | 11 | Adobe CS3 3DCons | April 27, 2009 | adobe-cs3-icons-by-media-design |
14 | 12 | Adobe Folders | November 24, 2008 | adobe-folders-icons-by-musett |
15 | 9 | Adobe Family | July 3, 2007 | adobe-family-icons-by-deleket |
16 | 13 | Adobe CS2 | September 10, 2006 | adobe-cs2-icons-by-fasticon |
17 | 14 | Adobe Round Icons | July 5, 2006 | adobe-round-icons-icons-by-mayosoft |
18 | 15 | Keyboard Keys | April 25, 2012 | keyboard-keys-icons-by-chromatix |
19 | 16 | Speech Balloon Grey | September 30, 2010 | speech-balloon-grey-icons-by-iconexpo |
20 | 16 | Speech Balloon Orange | September 30, 2010 | speech-balloon-orange-icons-by-iconexpo |
21 | 17 | Um | September 29, 2010 | umicons-icons-by-mattahan |
22 | 18 | Multipurpose Alphabet | September 28, 2010 | multipurpose-alphabet-icons-by-hydrattz |
23 | 19 | Arabesque Alphabet | September 27, 2010 | arabesque-alphabet-icons-by-iconarchive |
24 | 20 | Alphabet | September 27, 2010 | alphabet-icons-by-ariil |
25 | 19 | Red Orb Alphabet | September 27, 2010 | red-orb-alphabet-icons-by-iconarchive |
26 | 21 | Bag O Tiles | September 27, 2010 | bag-o-tiles-icons-by-barkerbaggies |
27 | 22 | Characters | September 27, 2010 | characters-icons-by-dooffy |
28 | 16 | Speech Balloon Green | September 27, 2010 | speech-balloon-green-icons-by-iconexpo |
29 | 23 | Animals ABC | August 7, 2006 | animals-abc-icons-by-imil |
30 | 24 | Zoom Eyed Creatures | May 10, 2012 | zoom-eyed-creatures-icons-by-turbomilk |
31 | 24 | Zoom Eyed Creatures 2 | May 10, 2012 | zoom-eyed-creatures-2-icons-by-turbomilk |
32 | 25 | Animals | May 7, 2012 | animals-icons-by-shrikant-rawa |
33 | 26 | Animal Desktop | April 16, 2012 | animal-desktop-icons-by-aha-soft |
34 | 13 | Cat | March 15, 2012 | cat-icons-by-fasticon |
35 | 27 | World Animal | December 5, 2011 | world-animal-icons-by-ergosign |
36 | 28 | Ugly Birds | November 17, 2011 | ugly-birds-icons-by-banzaitokyo |
37 | 29 | Circus | May 17, 2011 | circus-icons-by-joker-design |
38 | 30 | Zootetragonoides 4 | March 17, 2011 | zootetragonoides-4-icons-by-charlotte-schmidt |
39 | 2 | Dogs N Puppies | February 24, 2011 | dogs-n-puppies-icons-by-wackypixel |
40 | 31 | Animal | January 13, 2011 | animal-icons-by-martin-berube |
41 | 32 | Nature Folder | December 8, 2010 | nature-folder-icons-by-majid-ksa |
42 | 33 | Toys | November 29, 2010 | toys-icons-by-cuberto |
43 | 34 | Adium | November 28, 2010 | adium-icons-by-icondrawer |
44 | 30 | Zootetragonoides 3 | November 2, 2010 | zootetragonoides-3-icons-by-charlotte-schmidt |
45 | 35 | Animal Tracks | October 28, 2010 | animal-tracks-icons-by-sirea |
46 | 35 | Glass Zoo 2 | October 27, 2010 | glass-zoo-2-icons-by-sirea |
47 | 35 | Glass Zoo | October 27, 2010 | glass-zoo-icons-by-sirea |
48 | 7 | Vector Twitter | October 22, 2010 | vector-twitter-icons-by-iconshock |
49 | 7 | Stroke Animals | January 27, 2010 | stroke-animals-icons-by-iconshock |
50 | 7 | Tiny Bugs | January 2, 2010 | tiny-bugs-icons-by-iconshock |
51 | 36 | We Love Cows | November 29, 2009 | we-love-cows-icons-by-archigraphs |
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artist top
id | name | available_for_custom_work | default_license | commercial_usage | stats | homepage | slug |
1 | digital.thought | No | Free for personal desktop use only. | Not allowed | July 30th, 2012 | | dthought |
2 | Wackypixel | Yes | Free for personal desktop use only. | Not allowed | July 30th, 2012 | | wackypixel |
3 | Double-J Design | Yes | CC Attribution 3.0 | Allowed | July 30th, 2012 | | double-j-design |
4 | Kamikaze00X | Yes | Free for non-commercial use. | Not allowed | July 30th, 2012 | | kamikaze00x |
5 | Robsonbillponte | No | Freeware | Allowed | July 30th, 2012 | | robsonbillponte |
6 | (Tanya) | Yes | Free for non-commercial use. | Allowed | July 30th, 2012 | | artdesigner |
7 | Iconshock | Yes | Free for personal desktop use only. | Allowed | July 30th, 2012 | | iconshock |
8 | Pixelresort (Michael Flarup) | Yes | Free for non-commercial use. | Allowed | July 30th, 2012 | | pixelresort |
9 | Deleket (Jojo Mendoza) | Yes | CC Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivate 3.0 | Allowed | July 30th, 2012 | | deleket |
10 | iixo | No | CC Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivate 2.5 | Not allowed | July 30th, 2012 | | iixo |
11 | Media Design (Ben Fleming) | Yes | Freeware | Allowed | July 30th, 2012 | | media-design |
12 | (Alejandro Lopez) | Yes | Free for personal desktop use only. | Not allowed | July 30th, 2012 | | musett |
13 | Fast Icon | Yes | Linkware (Backlink to required) | Allowed | July 30th, 2012 | | fasticon |
14 | Mayosoft | Yes | Free for non-commercial use. | Not allowed | July 30th, 2012 | | mayosoft |
15 | Chromatix | No | CC Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivate 3.0 | Not allowed | July 30th, 2012 | | chromatix |
16 | Iconexpo | No | GNU General Public License | Allowed | July 30th, 2012 | | iconexpo |
17 | Mattahan (Paul Davey) | No | CC Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 | Not allowed | July 30th, 2012 | | mattahan |
18 | Supratim Nayak | Yes | Free for non-commercial use. | Not allowed | July 30th, 2012 | | hydrattz |
19 | Icon Archive | No | CC Attribution 3.0 | Allowed | July 30th, 2012 | | iconarchive |
20 | Ariil | No | Freeware | Allowed | July 30th, 2012 | | ariil |
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icon_category top
id | title | slug |
1 | Adobe Icons | adobe-icons |
2 | Alphabet Icons | alphabet-icons |
3 | Animal Icons | animals-icons |
4 | Apple Icons | apple-icons |
5 | Application Icons | application-icons |
6 | Art Icons | art-icons |
7 | Avatar Icons | avatar-icons |
8 | Buildings Icons | buildings-icons |
9 | Business Icons | business-icons |
10 | Cartoon Icons | cartoon-icons |
11 | Christmas Icons | christmas-icons |
12 | Computer Icons | computer-icons |
13 | Culture Icons | culture-icons |
14 | Drive Icons | drive-icons |
15 | Easter Icons | easter-icons |
16 | Emo Icons | emo-icons |
17 | Flag Icons | flag-icons |
18 | Folder Icons | folder-icons |
19 | Food Icons | food-icons |
20 | Funny Icons | funny-icons |
21 | Game Icons | game-icons |
22 | Halloween Icons | halloween-icons |
23 | Hand-Drawn Icons | handdrawn-icons |
24 | Holiday Icons | holiday-icons |
25 | Kids Icons | kid-icons |
26 | Lifestyle Icons | lifestyle-icons |
27 | Love Icons | love-icons |
28 | Media Icons | media-icons |
29 | Medical Icons | medical-icons |
30 | Mobile Icons | mobile-icons |
31 | Music Icons | music-icons |
32 | Nature Icons | nature-icons |
33 | Object Icons | object-icons |
34 | People Icons | people-icons |
35 | Photographic Icons | photographic-icons |
36 | Places Icons | places-icons |
37 | Sci-Fi Icons | scifi-icons |
38 | Social Network Icons | social-network-icons |
39 | Sport Icons | sport-icons |
40 | System Icons | system-icons |
41 | Technology Icons | technology-icons |
42 | Transport Icons | transport-icons |
43 | TV & Movie Icons | movie-icons |
44 | Vintage Icons | vintage-icons |
45 | Mini Icons | mini-icons |
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icon_file top
id | icon_id | formats_inside | file_zip | slug |
1 | 1 | (.ico) (.icns / icon files) | | creative-sense-2-icons-by-dthought |
2 | 2 | (.ico) (.icns / icon files) (.png) | | creative-orbs-2-icons-by-wackypixel |
3 | 3 | (.png) | | blueprint-icons-by-double-j-design |
4 | 4 | (.icns / icon files) (.png) | | aqua-x-icons-by-kamikaze00x |
5 | 5 | (.ico) (.icns / icon files) (.png) | | adobe-cs5-icons-by-robsonbillponte |
6 | 6 | (.ico) (.icns / icon files) (.png) | | adobe-cs5-icons-by-artdesigner |
7 | 7 | (.png) | | glossy-adobe-app-eggs-icons-by-iconshock |
8 | 8 | (.ico) | | adobe-cs4-icons-by-pixelresort |
9 | 8 | (.icns / icon files) | | adobe-cs4-icons-by-pixelresort |
11 | 10 | (.ico) (.icns / icon files) (.png) | | adobe-cs4-icons-by-deleket |
12 | 11 | (.ico) (.icns / icon files) (.png) | | adobe-cs3-icons-by-iixo |
13 | 12 | (.ico) (.png) | | new-adobe-vol3-icons-by-iconshock |
14 | 13 | (.ico) (.png) | | adobe-cs3-icons-by-media-design |
15 | 14 | (.ico) | | adobe-folders-icons-by-musett |
16 | 14 | (.icns / icon files) | | adobe-folders-icons-by-musett |
17 | 15 | (.ico) | | adobe-family-icons-by-deleket |
18 | 15 | (.icns / icon files) | | adobe-family-icons-by-deleket |
19 | 15 | (.png) | | adobe-family-icons-by-deleket |
20 | 16 | (.ico) | | adobe-cs2-icons-by-fasticon |
21 | 16 | (.icns / icon files) | | adobe-cs2-icons-by-fasticon |
22 | 16 | (.png) | | adobe-cs2-icons-by-fasticon |
23 | 17 | (.ico) | | adobe-round-icons-icons-by-mayosoft |
24 | 18 | (.png) | | keyboard-keys-icons-by-chromatix |
25 | 19 | (.ico) (.icns / icon files) (.png) | | speech-balloon-grey-icons-by-iconexpo |
26 | 20 | (.ico) (.icns / icon files) (.png) | | speech-balloon-orange-icons-by-iconexpo |
27 | 21 | (.ico) | 27_Umicons_Volume_2.rar | umicons-icons-by-mattahan |
28 | 22 | (.ico) | 28_Multipurpose_Alphabet_Icons_by_HYDRATTZ.rar | multipurpose-alphabet-icons-by-hydrattz |
29 | 23 | (.ico) (.icns / icon files) (.png) | | arabesque-alphabet-icons-by-iconarchive |
30 | 24 | (.icns / icon files) | | alphabet-icons-by-ariil |
31 | 25 | (.ico) (.icns / icon files) (.png) | | red-orb-alphabet-icons-by-iconarchive |
32 | 26 | (.png) | | bag-o-tiles-icons-by-barkerbaggies |
33 | 27 | (.png) | | characters-icons-by-dooffy |
34 | 28 | (.ico) (.icns / icon files) (.png) | | speech-balloon-green-icons-by-iconexpo |
35 | 29 | (.ico) | | animals-abc-icons-by-imil |
36 | 29 | (.icns / icon files) | 36_animalsABC-set-sit.hqx | animals-abc-icons-by-imil |
37 | 30 | (.ico) | | zoom-eyed-creatures-icons-by-turbomilk |
38 | 30 | (.icns / icon files) | | zoom-eyed-creatures-icons-by-turbomilk |
39 | 30 | (.png) | | zoom-eyed-creatures-icons-by-turbomilk |
40 | 31 | (.ico) | | zoom-eyed-creatures-2-icons-by-turbomilk |
41 | 31 | (.icns / icon files) | | zoom-eyed-creatures-2-icons-by-turbomilk |
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icon_to_icon_category top
id | icon_id | icon_category_id |
1 | 1 | 1 |
2 | 2 | 1 |
3 | 3 | 1 |
4 | 4 | 1 |
5 | 5 | 1 |
6 | 6 | 1 |
7 | 7 | 1 |
8 | 8 | 1 |
10 | 10 | 1 |
11 | 11 | 1 |
12 | 12 | 1 |
13 | 13 | 1 |
14 | 14 | 1 |
15 | 15 | 1 |
16 | 16 | 1 |
17 | 17 | 1 |
18 | 18 | 2 |
19 | 19 | 2 |
20 | 20 | 2 |
21 | 21 | 2 |
22 | 22 | 2 |
23 | 23 | 2 |
24 | 24 | 2 |
25 | 25 | 2 |
26 | 26 | 2 |
27 | 27 | 2 |
28 | 28 | 2 |
29 | 29 | 2 |
30 | 30 | 3 |
31 | 31 | 3 |
32 | 32 | 3 |
33 | 33 | 3 |
34 | 34 | 3 |
35 | 35 | 3 |
36 | 36 | 3 |
37 | 37 | 3 |
38 | 38 | 3 |
39 | 39 | 3 |
40 | 40 | 3 |
41 | 41 | 3 |