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12018-03-09 09:40:01#
22018-03-09 09:50:36A
32018-03-09 09:54:29B
42018-03-09 10:01:57C
52018-03-09 10:04:57D
62018-03-09 10:08:18E
72018-03-09 10:12:13F
82018-03-09 10:14:37G
92018-03-09 10:17:58H
102018-03-09 10:22:07I
112018-03-09 10:22:24J
122018-03-09 10:23:05K
132018-03-09 10:26:46L
142018-03-09 10:31:23M
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182018-03-09 10:41:43Q
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202018-03-09 10:50:14S
212018-03-09 10:54:25T
222018-03-09 10:55:03U
232018-03-09 10:57:02V
242018-03-09 10:57:52W
252018-03-09 10:58:00X
262018-03-09 10:58:06Y
272018-03-09 09:39:01Z
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dictionary top dictionary.ts dictionary.title dictionary.definitions dictionary.type dictionary.synonyms
12018-03-12 08:58:43΄-aminobutyrate aminotransferase1. An enzyme that catalyzes the reversible transfer of an amino group from ΄-aminobutyrate to 2-oxoglutarate, thus forming an l-glutarate acid and succinate semialdehyde (an important step in the catabolism of ΄-aminobutyrate).Term
22018-03-12 08:58:45΄-aminolevulinate dehydrataseTermporphobilinogen synthase
32018-03-12 08:58:49΄-aminolevulinate dehydratase porphyria1. an inherited disorder in which there is a deficiency of porphobilinogen synthase; ΄-aminolevulinate levels are elevated, which leads to neurologic disturbances.Termporphobilinogen synthase porphyria
42018-03-12 08:58:54΄-aminolevulinic acid1. An acid formed by ΄-aminolevulinate synthase from glycine and succinyl-coenzyme A; a precursor of porphobilinogen, hence an important intermediate in the biosynthesis of heme. Plasma levels are elevated in cases of lead poisoning.Term
52018-03-12 08:58:56΄-aminolevulinic acid synthase1. an enzyme that catalyzes the reaction of succinyl-CoA with glycine to form ΄-aminolevulinate, coenzyme A, and CO2. The committed step in porphyrin biosynthesis.Term
62018-03-12 08:59:00΄-hydroxylysineTerm5-hydroxylysine
72018-03-12 08:59:00-ad1. In anatomic nomenclature, a suffix synonymous with -ward; toward or in the direction of the part indicated by the main portion of the word.Term
82018-03-12 08:59:03-agogue1. Leading, promoting, stimulating; a promoter or stimulant of.Term
92018-03-12 08:59:03-agra1. Sudden onslaught of acute pain.Term
102018-03-12 08:59:04-algia1. Pain, painful condition.Term
112018-03-12 08:59:07-amic1. Chemical suffix denoting the replacement of one COOH group of a dicarboxylic acid by a carboxamide group (—CONH2); applied only to trivial names (succinamic acid).Term
122018-03-12 08:59:07-ase1. A termination denoting an enzyme, suffixed to the name of the substance (substrate) on which the enzyme acts; phosphatase, lipase, proteinase. May also indicate the reaction catalyzed, decarboxylase, oxidase. Enzymes named before this naming convention was established generally have an -in ending; pepsin, ptyalin, trypsin.Term
132018-03-12 08:59:10-ate1. Termination used as a replacement for “-ic acid” when the acid is neutralized (sodium acetate) or esterified (ethyl acetate), or when reference is being made to the conjugate base.Term
142018-03-12 08:59:17-blast1. An immature precursor cell of the type indicated by the prefix. preceding it.Term
152018-03-12 08:59:19-cele1. Swelling; hernia.Term
162018-03-12 08:59:24-ceptor1. Combining form denoting taker, receiver.Term
172018-03-12 08:59:26-chrome1. A suffix indicating relationship to color.Term
182018-03-12 08:59:29-cide1. A word ending denoting an agent that kills (insecticide), or the act of killing (suicide).Term
192018-03-12 08:59:34-cleisis1. Closure.Term
202018-03-12 08:59:36-clysis1. Combining form referring to injection or enema.Term
212018-03-12 08:59:39-cone1. The cusp of a tooth in the upper jaw.Term
222018-03-12 08:59:40-conid1. The cusp of a tooth in the lower jaw.Term
232018-03-12 08:59:45-cyte1. Suffix meaning cell.Term
242018-03-12 08:59:47-d1. Suffix indicating the presence of deuterium in a compound in concentrations above normal, thus labeling the compound; subscripts (d2, d3, etc.) indicate the number of such atoms so fortified.Term
252018-03-12 08:59:50-didymus1. A conjoined twin, with the first element of the complete word designating fused parts.Term
262018-03-12 08:59:51-diol1. Suffix form of the prefix dihydroxy.2. A member of a class of compounds containing two hydroxyl groups.Term
272018-03-12 08:59:52-dymus1. Suffix to be combined with number roots; didymus, tridymus, tetradymus.2. Occasionally used shortened form for -didymus.Term
282018-03-12 08:59:57-ectasia1. Dilation, expansion.Term
292018-03-12 08:59:57-ectomy1. Removal of an anatomical structure.Term
302018-03-12 09:00:02-emia1. Blood.Term
312018-03-12 09:00:05-ene1. Suffix applied to a chemical name indicating the presence of a carbon-carbon double bond, propene (unsaturated propane, CH3—CH=CH2).Term
322018-03-12 09:00:09-enoic1. Suffix indicating an unsaturated acid.Term
332018-03-12 09:00:11-esis1. Condition, action, or process.Term
342018-03-12 09:00:21-facient1. Causing; one who or that which brings about.Term
352018-03-12 09:00:22-form1. In the form, shape of; equivalent to -oid.Term
362018-03-12 09:00:34-fugal1. Movement away from the part indicated by the main portion of the word.Term
372018-03-12 09:00:37-fuge1. Flight, denoting the place from which flight takes place or that which is put to flight.Term
382018-03-12 09:00:38-gen1. Suffix meaning “precursor of.”Term
392018-03-12 09:00:40-genic1. Producing, forming; produced, formed by.Term
402018-03-12 09:00:43-genin1. Suffix used to denote the basic steroid unit of the toxic substance, usually a steroid glycoside (the aglycon portion).Term
412018-03-12 09:00:51-gram1. A recording, usually by an instrument.Term
422018-03-12 09:00:55-graph1. Something written, as in monograph, radiograph.2. The instrument for making a recording, as in kymograph.Term
432018-03-12 09:01:00-graphy1. A writing, a description.Term
442018-03-12 09:01:04-ia1. A suffix used to form terms for states or conditions, often abnormal.Term
452018-03-12 09:01:08-iasis1. A condition or state, especially an unhealthy one; in medical neologisms it has the same value as, and is sometimes interchangeable with, -osis.Term
462018-03-12 09:01:13-ic1. Suffix denoting of, pertaining to.2. Chemical suffix denoting an element in a compound in one of its highest valencies.3. Suffix indicating an acid.Term
472018-03-12 09:01:19-ics1. Organized knowledge, practice, treatment.Term
482018-03-12 09:01:22-id1. A state of sensitivity of the skin in which a part remote from the primary lesion reacts (“id reaction”) to substances of the pathogen, giving rise to a secondary inflammatory lesion.2. Small, young specimen.Term
492018-03-12 09:01:22-ide1. Suffix denoting the more electronegative element in a binary chemical compound; formerly denoted by the qualification -ureted; hydrogen sulfide was sulfureted hydrogen.2. Suffix in a sugar name indicating substitution for the H of the hemiacetal OH, glycoside.Term
502018-03-12 09:01:25-imine1. Suffix denoting the group =NH.Term
512018-03-12 09:01:27-in1. A suffix widely used to form names of biochemical substances, including proteins (e.g., globulin), lipids (lecithin), hormones (insulin), botanical principles (digoxin), antibiotics (streptomycin), synthetic drugs (aspirin), dyes (eosin), and others; initially a variant of -ine; in a few terms (e.g., dentin, thyroxin, spellings with and without final e are both found.Term
522018-03-12 09:01:32-ine1. A suffix used to form the names of chemical substances, including halogens (e.g., chlorine), organic bases (guanine), amino acids (glycine), botanical principles (caffeine), pharmaceuticals (meperidine), and others.2. General adj. suffix (e.g., equine, uterine).3. Dim. suffix (e.g., cholerine).Term
532018-03-12 09:01:41-ism1. A condition, disease, or intoxication.2. A practice, doctrine.Term
542018-03-12 09:01:44-ismus1. L. for -ism; customarily used to imply spasm, contraction.Term
552018-03-12 09:01:49-ite1. Of the nature of, resembling.2. A salt of an acid that has the termination -ous.3. In comparative anatomy, a suffix denoting an essential portion of the part to the name of which it is attached.Term
562018-03-12 09:02:26-ites1. G. adjectival suffix attached to noun stems, corresponding to L. -alis or -inus or to Eng. -y or -like. An adjective formed with this suffix sometimes stands alone, representing a phrase from which a noun has been dropped, tympanites for tympanitēs hydrōps, drumlike swelling of the abdomen.Term
572018-03-12 09:02:27-itides1. Plural of -itis.Term
582018-03-12 09:02:28-itis1. Suffix denoting inflammation.Term
592018-03-12 09:02:35-legia1. Reading, as distinguished from the G. derivatives, -lexis and -lexy, which signify speech.Term
602018-03-12 09:02:38-lepsis1. A seizure.Term
612018-03-12 09:02:43-lexis1. Suffixes that properly relate to speech, although often confused with -legia (L. lego, to read) and thus erroneously employed to relate to reading.Term
622018-03-12 09:02:45-logia1. The study of the subject noted in the body of the word, or a treatise on the same; the Eng. equivalent is -logy, or, with a connecting vowel, -ology.2. Collecting or picking.Term
632018-03-12 09:02:47-logyTerm
642018-03-12 09:03:24-mania1. An abnormal love for, or morbid impulse toward, some specific object, place, or action.Term
652018-03-12 09:04:02-megaly1. Large.Term
662018-03-12 09:04:03-mer1. Chemical suffix attached to a prefix such as mono-, di-, poly-, tri-, etc., to indicate the smallest unit of a repeating structure, polymer.2. Suffix denoting a member of a particular group, isomer, enantiomer.Term
672018-03-12 09:04:08-mone1. A termination denoting a hormone or hormonelike substance.Term
682018-03-12 09:04:12-odes1. Having the form of, resembling.Term
692018-03-12 09:04:16-oid1. Resemblance to, equivalent to Eng. -form.Term
702018-03-12 09:04:21-ol1. Suffix denoting that a substance is an alcohol or a phenol.Term
712018-03-12 09:04:28-ologyTerm
722018-03-12 09:04:33-oma1. A tumor or neoplasm.Term
732018-03-12 09:04:37-omata1. Plural of -oma.Term
742018-03-12 09:04:38-one1. Suffix indicating a ketone (–CO–) group.Term
752018-03-12 09:04:42-onium1. Suffix indicating a positively charged radical, ammonium, NH4+.Term
762018-03-12 09:04:47-opia1. Vision.Term
772018-03-12 09:04:52-ose1. In chemistry, a terminator usually indicating a carbohydrate.2. Suffix appended to some Latin roots, with significance of the more common -ous2.Term
782018-03-12 09:04:55-oses1. Plural of -osis.Term
792018-03-12 09:04:56-osis1. Suffix meaning a process, condition, or state, usually abnormal or diseased; production or increase, physiologic or pathologic; an invasion or infestation; in the latter sense, it is similar to and often interchangeable with Greek -iasis, as seen in trichinosis, trichiniasis.Term
802018-03-12 09:04:59-ostomyTerm
812018-03-12 09:05:02-otomyTerm
822018-03-12 09:05:03-ous1. Chemical suffix attached to the name of an element in one of its lower valencies.2. Having much of.Term
832018-03-12 09:05:05-oyl1. Suffix denoting an acyl radical; -yl replaces -ic in acid names.Term
842018-03-12 09:05:14-pagus1. Conjoined twins, the first element of the word denoting the parts fused.Term
852018-03-12 09:05:19-pathyTerm
862018-03-12 09:05:23-penia1. Deficiency.Term
872018-03-12 09:05:25-petal1. Seeking; movement toward the part indicated by the main portion of the word.Term
882018-03-12 09:05:29-pexy1. Fixation, usually surgical.Term
892018-03-12 09:05:41-phage1. Eating, devouring.Term
902018-03-12 09:05:43-phagyTerm
912018-03-12 09:05:51-phil1. Affinity for, craving for.Term
922018-03-12 09:05:56-phrenia1. The diaphragm.2. The mind.Term
932018-03-12 09:05:57-plasia1. Formation (especially of cells).Term
942018-03-12 09:06:02-plasty1. Molding or shaping of a defect to restore form and function to a body part.Term
952018-03-12 09:06:07-plegia1. Paralysis.Term
962018-03-12 09:06:07-ploid1. Multiple in form; its combinations are used both adjectivally and substantively of a (specified) multiple of chromosomes.Term
972018-03-12 09:06:09-pnea1. Breath, respiration.Term
982018-03-12 09:06:17-poiesis1. Production; producing.Term
992018-03-12 09:06:18-poietin1. Suffix used with words to indicate an agent with a stimulatory effect on growth or multiplication of cells, such as erythropoietin, among others.Term
1002018-03-12 09:06:21-ptosis1. A sinking down or prolapse of an organ.Term
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category_1_x_dictionary top category_1_x_dictionary.ts category_1.ts category_1.title dictionary.ts dictionary.title dictionary.definitions dictionary.type dictionary.synonyms
12018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#12018-03-12 08:58:43΄-aminobutyrate aminotransferase1. An enzyme that catalyzes the reversible transfer of an amino group from ΄-aminobutyrate to 2-oxoglutarate, thus forming an l-glutarate acid and succinate semialdehyde (an important step in the catabolism of ΄-aminobutyrate).Term
22018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#22018-03-12 08:58:45΄-aminolevulinate dehydrataseTermporphobilinogen synthase
32018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#32018-03-12 08:58:49΄-aminolevulinate dehydratase porphyria1. an inherited disorder in which there is a deficiency of porphobilinogen synthase; ΄-aminolevulinate levels are elevated, which leads to neurologic disturbances.Termporphobilinogen synthase porphyria
42018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#42018-03-12 08:58:54΄-aminolevulinic acid1. An acid formed by ΄-aminolevulinate synthase from glycine and succinyl-coenzyme A; a precursor of porphobilinogen, hence an important intermediate in the biosynthesis of heme. Plasma levels are elevated in cases of lead poisoning.Term
52018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#52018-03-12 08:58:56΄-aminolevulinic acid synthase1. an enzyme that catalyzes the reaction of succinyl-CoA with glycine to form ΄-aminolevulinate, coenzyme A, and CO2. The committed step in porphyrin biosynthesis.Term
62018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#62018-03-12 08:59:00΄-hydroxylysineTerm5-hydroxylysine
72018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#72018-03-12 08:59:00-ad1. In anatomic nomenclature, a suffix synonymous with -ward; toward or in the direction of the part indicated by the main portion of the word.Term
82018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#82018-03-12 08:59:03-agogue1. Leading, promoting, stimulating; a promoter or stimulant of.Term
92018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#92018-03-12 08:59:03-agra1. Sudden onslaught of acute pain.Term
102018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#102018-03-12 08:59:04-algia1. Pain, painful condition.Term
112018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#112018-03-12 08:59:07-amic1. Chemical suffix denoting the replacement of one COOH group of a dicarboxylic acid by a carboxamide group (—CONH2); applied only to trivial names (succinamic acid).Term
122018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#122018-03-12 08:59:07-ase1. A termination denoting an enzyme, suffixed to the name of the substance (substrate) on which the enzyme acts; phosphatase, lipase, proteinase. May also indicate the reaction catalyzed, decarboxylase, oxidase. Enzymes named before this naming convention was established generally have an -in ending; pepsin, ptyalin, trypsin.Term
132018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#132018-03-12 08:59:10-ate1. Termination used as a replacement for “-ic acid” when the acid is neutralized (sodium acetate) or esterified (ethyl acetate), or when reference is being made to the conjugate base.Term
142018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#142018-03-12 08:59:17-blast1. An immature precursor cell of the type indicated by the prefix. preceding it.Term
152018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#152018-03-12 08:59:19-cele1. Swelling; hernia.Term
162018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#162018-03-12 08:59:24-ceptor1. Combining form denoting taker, receiver.Term
172018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#172018-03-12 08:59:26-chrome1. A suffix indicating relationship to color.Term
182018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#182018-03-12 08:59:29-cide1. A word ending denoting an agent that kills (insecticide), or the act of killing (suicide).Term
192018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#192018-03-12 08:59:34-cleisis1. Closure.Term
202018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#202018-03-12 08:59:36-clysis1. Combining form referring to injection or enema.Term
212018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#212018-03-12 08:59:39-cone1. The cusp of a tooth in the upper jaw.Term
222018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#222018-03-12 08:59:40-conid1. The cusp of a tooth in the lower jaw.Term
232018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#232018-03-12 08:59:45-cyte1. Suffix meaning cell.Term
242018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#242018-03-12 08:59:47-d1. Suffix indicating the presence of deuterium in a compound in concentrations above normal, thus labeling the compound; subscripts (d2, d3, etc.) indicate the number of such atoms so fortified.Term
252018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#252018-03-12 08:59:50-didymus1. A conjoined twin, with the first element of the complete word designating fused parts.Term
262018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#262018-03-12 08:59:51-diol1. Suffix form of the prefix dihydroxy.2. A member of a class of compounds containing two hydroxyl groups.Term
272018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#272018-03-12 08:59:52-dymus1. Suffix to be combined with number roots; didymus, tridymus, tetradymus.2. Occasionally used shortened form for -didymus.Term
282018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#282018-03-12 08:59:57-ectasia1. Dilation, expansion.Term
292018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#292018-03-12 08:59:57-ectomy1. Removal of an anatomical structure.Term
302018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#302018-03-12 09:00:02-emia1. Blood.Term
312018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#312018-03-12 09:00:05-ene1. Suffix applied to a chemical name indicating the presence of a carbon-carbon double bond, propene (unsaturated propane, CH3—CH=CH2).Term
322018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#322018-03-12 09:00:09-enoic1. Suffix indicating an unsaturated acid.Term
332018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#332018-03-12 09:00:11-esis1. Condition, action, or process.Term
342018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#342018-03-12 09:00:21-facient1. Causing; one who or that which brings about.Term
352018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#352018-03-12 09:00:22-form1. In the form, shape of; equivalent to -oid.Term
362018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#362018-03-12 09:00:34-fugal1. Movement away from the part indicated by the main portion of the word.Term
372018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#372018-03-12 09:00:37-fuge1. Flight, denoting the place from which flight takes place or that which is put to flight.Term
382018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#382018-03-12 09:00:38-gen1. Suffix meaning “precursor of.”Term
392018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#392018-03-12 09:00:40-genic1. Producing, forming; produced, formed by.Term
402018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#402018-03-12 09:00:43-genin1. Suffix used to denote the basic steroid unit of the toxic substance, usually a steroid glycoside (the aglycon portion).Term
412018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#412018-03-12 09:00:51-gram1. A recording, usually by an instrument.Term
422018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#422018-03-12 09:00:55-graph1. Something written, as in monograph, radiograph.2. The instrument for making a recording, as in kymograph.Term
432018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#432018-03-12 09:01:00-graphy1. A writing, a description.Term
442018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#442018-03-12 09:01:04-ia1. A suffix used to form terms for states or conditions, often abnormal.Term
452018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#452018-03-12 09:01:08-iasis1. A condition or state, especially an unhealthy one; in medical neologisms it has the same value as, and is sometimes interchangeable with, -osis.Term
462018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#462018-03-12 09:01:13-ic1. Suffix denoting of, pertaining to.2. Chemical suffix denoting an element in a compound in one of its highest valencies.3. Suffix indicating an acid.Term
472018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#472018-03-12 09:01:19-ics1. Organized knowledge, practice, treatment.Term
482018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#482018-03-12 09:01:22-id1. A state of sensitivity of the skin in which a part remote from the primary lesion reacts (“id reaction”) to substances of the pathogen, giving rise to a secondary inflammatory lesion.2. Small, young specimen.Term
492018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#492018-03-12 09:01:22-ide1. Suffix denoting the more electronegative element in a binary chemical compound; formerly denoted by the qualification -ureted; hydrogen sulfide was sulfureted hydrogen.2. Suffix in a sugar name indicating substitution for the H of the hemiacetal OH, glycoside.Term
502018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#502018-03-12 09:01:25-imine1. Suffix denoting the group =NH.Term
512018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#512018-03-12 09:01:27-in1. A suffix widely used to form names of biochemical substances, including proteins (e.g., globulin), lipids (lecithin), hormones (insulin), botanical principles (digoxin), antibiotics (streptomycin), synthetic drugs (aspirin), dyes (eosin), and others; initially a variant of -ine; in a few terms (e.g., dentin, thyroxin, spellings with and without final e are both found.Term
522018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#522018-03-12 09:01:32-ine1. A suffix used to form the names of chemical substances, including halogens (e.g., chlorine), organic bases (guanine), amino acids (glycine), botanical principles (caffeine), pharmaceuticals (meperidine), and others.2. General adj. suffix (e.g., equine, uterine).3. Dim. suffix (e.g., cholerine).Term
532018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#532018-03-12 09:01:41-ism1. A condition, disease, or intoxication.2. A practice, doctrine.Term
542018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#542018-03-12 09:01:44-ismus1. L. for -ism; customarily used to imply spasm, contraction.Term
552018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#552018-03-12 09:01:49-ite1. Of the nature of, resembling.2. A salt of an acid that has the termination -ous.3. In comparative anatomy, a suffix denoting an essential portion of the part to the name of which it is attached.Term
562018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#562018-03-12 09:02:26-ites1. G. adjectival suffix attached to noun stems, corresponding to L. -alis or -inus or to Eng. -y or -like. An adjective formed with this suffix sometimes stands alone, representing a phrase from which a noun has been dropped, tympanites for tympanitēs hydrōps, drumlike swelling of the abdomen.Term
572018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#572018-03-12 09:02:27-itides1. Plural of -itis.Term
582018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#582018-03-12 09:02:28-itis1. Suffix denoting inflammation.Term
592018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#592018-03-12 09:02:35-legia1. Reading, as distinguished from the G. derivatives, -lexis and -lexy, which signify speech.Term
602018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#602018-03-12 09:02:38-lepsis1. A seizure.Term
612018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#612018-03-12 09:02:43-lexis1. Suffixes that properly relate to speech, although often confused with -legia (L. lego, to read) and thus erroneously employed to relate to reading.Term
622018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#622018-03-12 09:02:45-logia1. The study of the subject noted in the body of the word, or a treatise on the same; the Eng. equivalent is -logy, or, with a connecting vowel, -ology.2. Collecting or picking.Term
632018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#632018-03-12 09:02:47-logyTerm
642018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#642018-03-12 09:03:24-mania1. An abnormal love for, or morbid impulse toward, some specific object, place, or action.Term
652018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#652018-03-12 09:04:02-megaly1. Large.Term
662018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#662018-03-12 09:04:03-mer1. Chemical suffix attached to a prefix such as mono-, di-, poly-, tri-, etc., to indicate the smallest unit of a repeating structure, polymer.2. Suffix denoting a member of a particular group, isomer, enantiomer.Term
672018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#672018-03-12 09:04:08-mone1. A termination denoting a hormone or hormonelike substance.Term
682018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#682018-03-12 09:04:12-odes1. Having the form of, resembling.Term
692018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#692018-03-12 09:04:16-oid1. Resemblance to, equivalent to Eng. -form.Term
702018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#702018-03-12 09:04:21-ol1. Suffix denoting that a substance is an alcohol or a phenol.Term
712018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#712018-03-12 09:04:28-ologyTerm
722018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#722018-03-12 09:04:33-oma1. A tumor or neoplasm.Term
732018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#732018-03-12 09:04:37-omata1. Plural of -oma.Term
742018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#742018-03-12 09:04:38-one1. Suffix indicating a ketone (–CO–) group.Term
752018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#752018-03-12 09:04:42-onium1. Suffix indicating a positively charged radical, ammonium, NH4+.Term
762018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#762018-03-12 09:04:47-opia1. Vision.Term
772018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#772018-03-12 09:04:52-ose1. In chemistry, a terminator usually indicating a carbohydrate.2. Suffix appended to some Latin roots, with significance of the more common -ous2.Term
782018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#782018-03-12 09:04:55-oses1. Plural of -osis.Term
792018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#792018-03-12 09:04:56-osis1. Suffix meaning a process, condition, or state, usually abnormal or diseased; production or increase, physiologic or pathologic; an invasion or infestation; in the latter sense, it is similar to and often interchangeable with Greek -iasis, as seen in trichinosis, trichiniasis.Term
802018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#802018-03-12 09:04:59-ostomyTerm
812018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#812018-03-12 09:05:02-otomyTerm
822018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#822018-03-12 09:05:03-ous1. Chemical suffix attached to the name of an element in one of its lower valencies.2. Having much of.Term
832018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#832018-03-12 09:05:05-oyl1. Suffix denoting an acyl radical; -yl replaces -ic in acid names.Term
842018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#842018-03-12 09:05:14-pagus1. Conjoined twins, the first element of the word denoting the parts fused.Term
852018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#852018-03-12 09:05:19-pathyTerm
862018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#862018-03-12 09:05:23-penia1. Deficiency.Term
872018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#872018-03-12 09:05:25-petal1. Seeking; movement toward the part indicated by the main portion of the word.Term
882018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#882018-03-12 09:05:29-pexy1. Fixation, usually surgical.Term
892018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#892018-03-12 09:05:41-phage1. Eating, devouring.Term
902018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#902018-03-12 09:05:43-phagyTerm
912018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#912018-03-12 09:05:51-phil1. Affinity for, craving for.Term
922018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#922018-03-12 09:05:56-phrenia1. The diaphragm.2. The mind.Term
932018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#932018-03-12 09:05:57-plasia1. Formation (especially of cells).Term
942018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#942018-03-12 09:06:02-plasty1. Molding or shaping of a defect to restore form and function to a body part.Term
952018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#952018-03-12 09:06:07-plegia1. Paralysis.Term
962018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#962018-03-12 09:06:07-ploid1. Multiple in form; its combinations are used both adjectivally and substantively of a (specified) multiple of chromosomes.Term
972018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#972018-03-12 09:06:09-pnea1. Breath, respiration.Term
982018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#982018-03-12 09:06:17-poiesis1. Production; producing.Term
992018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#992018-03-12 09:06:18-poietin1. Suffix used with words to indicate an agent with a stimulatory effect on growth or multiplication of cells, such as erythropoietin, among others.Term
1002018-03-09 09:34:3912018-03-09 09:40:01#1002018-03-12 09:06:21-ptosis1. A sinking down or prolapse of an organ.Term

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