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UK 254,869 properties data: address, phone, price, postcode, description, Lat, Lon, feature, image


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Listed below are the first 10 - 100 (or more) records of each of the 6 tables.

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category_1 top category_1.ts category_1.title category_1.location location.ts location.title location.avg_price
12017-12-22 16:25:49See all properties to rent in Central LondonCentral London12017-12-18 14:22:42Central London6,324£1,371 pw
22017-12-18 14:24:10See all bungalows to rent in Central LondonCentral London12017-12-18 14:22:42Central London6,324£1,371 pw
32017-12-18 14:24:10See all flats to rent in Central LondonCentral London12017-12-18 14:22:42Central London6,324£1,371 pw
42017-12-18 14:24:10See all houses to rent in Central LondonCentral London12017-12-18 14:22:42Central London6,324£1,371 pw
52017-12-22 16:25:55See all retirement properties to rent in Central LondonCentral London12017-12-18 14:22:42Central London6,324£1,371 pw
62017-12-18 14:24:10See all studios to rent in Central LondonCentral London12017-12-18 14:22:42Central London6,324£1,371 pw
72017-12-18 14:24:10See all farms/land to rent in Central LondonCentral London12017-12-18 14:22:42Central London6,324£1,371 pw
82017-12-22 16:53:45See all properties to rent in East LondonEast London22017-12-18 14:22:42East London12,846£370 pw
92017-12-18 14:24:15See all bungalows to rent in East LondonEast London22017-12-18 14:22:42East London12,846£370 pw
102017-12-18 14:24:15See all flats to rent in East LondonEast London22017-12-18 14:22:42East London12,846£370 pw
112017-12-18 14:24:15See all houses to rent in East LondonEast London22017-12-18 14:22:42East London12,846£370 pw
122017-12-22 16:53:50See all retirement properties to rent in East LondonEast London22017-12-18 14:22:42East London12,846£370 pw
132017-12-18 14:24:15See all studios to rent in East LondonEast London22017-12-18 14:22:42East London12,846£370 pw
142017-12-18 14:24:15See all farms/land to rent in East LondonEast London22017-12-18 14:22:42East London12,846£370 pw
152017-12-22 17:11:37See all properties to rent in North East LondonNorth East London32017-12-18 14:22:42North East London7,066£398 pw
162017-12-18 14:24:17See all bungalows to rent in North East LondonNorth East London32017-12-18 14:22:42North East London7,066£398 pw
172017-12-22 17:42:16See all flats to rent in North East LondonNorth East London32017-12-18 14:22:42North East London7,066£398 pw
182017-12-18 14:24:17See all houses to rent in North East LondonNorth East London32017-12-18 14:22:42North East London7,066£398 pw
192017-12-22 17:42:21See all retirement properties to rent in North East LondonNorth East London32017-12-18 14:22:42North East London7,066£398 pw
202017-12-22 18:01:41See all studios to rent in North East LondonNorth East London32017-12-18 14:22:42North East London7,066£398 pw
212017-12-22 18:15:38See all farms/land to rent in North East LondonNorth East London32017-12-18 14:22:42North East London7,066£398 pw
222017-12-22 18:46:13See all properties to rent in North LondonNorth London42017-12-18 14:22:42North London14,784£549 pw
232017-12-18 14:24:20See all bungalows to rent in North LondonNorth London42017-12-18 14:22:42North London14,784£549 pw
242017-12-18 14:24:20See all flats to rent in North LondonNorth London42017-12-18 14:22:42North London14,784£549 pw
252017-12-18 14:24:20See all houses to rent in North LondonNorth London42017-12-18 14:22:42North London14,784£549 pw
262017-12-22 18:46:19See all retirement properties to rent in North LondonNorth London42017-12-18 14:22:42North London14,784£549 pw
272017-12-18 14:24:20See all studios to rent in North LondonNorth London42017-12-18 14:22:42North London14,784£549 pw
282017-12-18 14:24:20See all farms/land to rent in North LondonNorth London42017-12-18 14:22:42North London14,784£549 pw
292017-12-22 19:15:41See all properties to rent in South LondonSouth London52017-12-18 14:22:42South London24,558£796 pw
302017-12-18 14:24:23See all bungalows to rent in South LondonSouth London52017-12-18 14:22:42South London24,558£796 pw
312017-12-18 14:24:23See all flats to rent in South LondonSouth London52017-12-18 14:22:42South London24,558£796 pw
322017-12-18 14:24:23See all houses to rent in South LondonSouth London52017-12-18 14:22:42South London24,558£796 pw
332017-12-22 19:15:44See all retirement properties to rent in South LondonSouth London52017-12-18 14:22:42South London24,558£796 pw
342017-12-18 14:24:23See all studios to rent in South LondonSouth London52017-12-18 14:22:42South London24,558£796 pw
352017-12-18 14:24:23See all farms/land to rent in South LondonSouth London52017-12-18 14:22:42South London24,558£796 pw
362017-12-22 19:46:20See all properties to rent in West LondonWest London62017-12-18 14:22:42West London25,645£803 pw
372017-12-18 14:24:26See all bungalows to rent in West LondonWest London62017-12-18 14:22:42West London25,645£803 pw
382017-12-18 14:24:26See all flats to rent in West LondonWest London62017-12-18 14:22:42West London25,645£803 pw
392017-12-18 14:24:26See all houses to rent in West LondonWest London62017-12-18 14:22:42West London25,645£803 pw
402017-12-22 19:46:26See all retirement properties to rent in West LondonWest London62017-12-18 14:22:42West London25,645£803 pw
412017-12-18 14:24:26See all studios to rent in West LondonWest London62017-12-18 14:22:42West London25,645£803 pw
422017-12-18 14:24:26See all farms/land to rent in West LondonWest London62017-12-18 14:22:42West London25,645£803 pw
432017-12-22 19:57:48See all properties to rent in BerkshireBerkshire72017-12-18 14:22:42Berkshire3,596£290 pw
442017-12-18 14:24:28See all bungalows to rent in BerkshireBerkshire72017-12-18 14:22:42Berkshire3,596£290 pw
452017-12-18 14:24:28See all flats to rent in BerkshireBerkshire72017-12-18 14:22:42Berkshire3,596£290 pw
462017-12-18 14:24:28See all houses to rent in BerkshireBerkshire72017-12-18 14:22:42Berkshire3,596£290 pw
472017-12-22 19:57:53See all retirement properties to rent in BerkshireBerkshire72017-12-18 14:22:42Berkshire3,596£290 pw
482017-12-18 14:24:28See all studios to rent in BerkshireBerkshire72017-12-18 14:22:42Berkshire3,596£290 pw
492017-12-18 14:24:28See all farms/land to rent in BerkshireBerkshire72017-12-18 14:22:42Berkshire3,596£290 pw
502017-12-22 20:03:45See all properties to rent in BuckinghamshireBuckinghamshire82017-12-18 14:22:42Buckinghamshire2,397£264 pw
512017-12-22 20:08:27See all bungalows to rent in BuckinghamshireBuckinghamshire82017-12-18 14:22:42Buckinghamshire2,397£264 pw
522017-12-22 20:14:00See all flats to rent in BuckinghamshireBuckinghamshire82017-12-18 14:22:42Buckinghamshire2,397£264 pw
532017-12-18 14:24:30See all houses to rent in BuckinghamshireBuckinghamshire82017-12-18 14:22:42Buckinghamshire2,397£264 pw
542017-12-22 20:14:05See all retirement properties to rent in BuckinghamshireBuckinghamshire82017-12-18 14:22:42Buckinghamshire2,397£264 pw
552017-12-18 14:24:30See all studios to rent in BuckinghamshireBuckinghamshire82017-12-18 14:22:42Buckinghamshire2,397£264 pw
562017-12-18 14:24:30See all farms/land to rent in BuckinghamshireBuckinghamshire82017-12-18 14:22:42Buckinghamshire2,397£264 pw
572017-12-22 20:19:12See all properties to rent in East SussexEast Sussex92017-12-18 14:22:42East Sussex2,011£260 pw
582017-12-18 14:24:34See all bungalows to rent in East SussexEast Sussex92017-12-18 14:22:42East Sussex2,011£260 pw
592017-12-18 14:24:34See all flats to rent in East SussexEast Sussex92017-12-18 14:22:42East Sussex2,011£260 pw
602017-12-22 20:24:21See all houses to rent in East SussexEast Sussex92017-12-18 14:22:42East Sussex2,011£260 pw
612017-12-22 20:24:26See all retirement properties to rent in East SussexEast Sussex92017-12-18 14:22:42East Sussex2,011£260 pw
622017-12-18 14:24:34See all studios to rent in East SussexEast Sussex92017-12-18 14:22:42East Sussex2,011£260 pw
632017-12-18 14:24:34See all farms/land to rent in East SussexEast Sussex92017-12-18 14:22:42East Sussex2,011£260 pw
642017-12-22 20:42:09See all properties to rent in HampshireHampshire102017-12-18 14:22:42Hampshire3,949£248 pw
652017-12-22 21:00:20See all bungalows to rent in HampshireHampshire102017-12-18 14:22:42Hampshire3,949£248 pw
662017-12-18 14:24:37See all flats to rent in HampshireHampshire102017-12-18 14:22:42Hampshire3,949£248 pw
672017-12-18 14:24:37See all houses to rent in HampshireHampshire102017-12-18 14:22:42Hampshire3,949£248 pw
682017-12-22 21:00:23See all retirement properties to rent in HampshireHampshire102017-12-18 14:22:42Hampshire3,949£248 pw
692017-12-18 14:24:37See all studios to rent in HampshireHampshire102017-12-18 14:22:42Hampshire3,949£248 pw
702017-12-18 14:24:37See all farms/land to rent in HampshireHampshire102017-12-18 14:22:42Hampshire3,949£248 pw
712017-12-22 21:00:43See all properties to rent in Isle of WightIsle of Wight112017-12-18 14:22:42Isle of Wight125£164 pw
722017-12-18 14:24:42See all bungalows to rent in Isle of WightIsle of Wight112017-12-18 14:22:42Isle of Wight125£164 pw
732017-12-22 21:01:03See all flats to rent in Isle of WightIsle of Wight112017-12-18 14:22:42Isle of Wight125£164 pw
742017-12-22 21:01:17See all houses to rent in Isle of WightIsle of Wight112017-12-18 14:22:42Isle of Wight125£164 pw
752017-12-22 21:02:00See all retirement properties to rent in Isle of WightIsle of Wight112017-12-18 14:22:42Isle of Wight125£164 pw
762017-12-22 21:02:14See all studios to rent in Isle of WightIsle of Wight112017-12-18 14:22:42Isle of Wight125£164 pw
772017-12-22 21:02:29See all farms/land to rent in Isle of WightIsle of Wight112017-12-18 14:22:42Isle of Wight125£164 pw
782017-12-22 21:18:22See all properties to rent in KentKent122017-12-18 14:22:42Kent5,521£247 pw
792017-12-18 14:24:47See all bungalows to rent in KentKent122017-12-18 14:22:42Kent5,521£247 pw
802017-12-22 21:33:20See all flats to rent in KentKent122017-12-18 14:22:42Kent5,521£247 pw
812017-12-22 21:49:32See all houses to rent in KentKent122017-12-18 14:22:42Kent5,521£247 pw
822017-12-22 21:49:40See all retirement properties to rent in KentKent122017-12-18 14:22:42Kent5,521£247 pw
832017-12-18 14:24:47See all studios to rent in KentKent122017-12-18 14:22:42Kent5,521£247 pw
842017-12-18 14:24:47See all farms/land to rent in KentKent122017-12-18 14:22:42Kent5,521£247 pw
852017-12-22 21:58:54See all properties to rent in OxfordshireOxfordshire132017-12-18 14:22:42Oxfordshire2,944£381 pw
862017-12-22 22:05:36See all bungalows to rent in OxfordshireOxfordshire132017-12-18 14:22:42Oxfordshire2,944£381 pw
872017-12-22 22:13:34See all flats to rent in OxfordshireOxfordshire132017-12-18 14:22:42Oxfordshire2,944£381 pw
882017-12-22 22:22:07See all houses to rent in OxfordshireOxfordshire132017-12-18 14:22:42Oxfordshire2,944£381 pw
892017-12-22 22:22:11See all retirement properties to rent in OxfordshireOxfordshire132017-12-18 14:22:42Oxfordshire2,944£381 pw
902017-12-18 14:24:49See all studios to rent in OxfordshireOxfordshire132017-12-18 14:22:42Oxfordshire2,944£381 pw
912017-12-18 14:24:49See all farms/land to rent in OxfordshireOxfordshire132017-12-18 14:22:42Oxfordshire2,944£381 pw
922017-12-22 22:31:34See all properties to rent in SouthamptonSouthampton142017-12-18 14:22:42Southampton2,998£300 pw
932017-12-18 14:24:52See all bungalows to rent in SouthamptonSouthampton142017-12-18 14:22:42Southampton2,998£300 pw
942017-12-22 22:39:42See all flats to rent in SouthamptonSouthampton142017-12-18 14:22:42Southampton2,998£300 pw
952017-12-18 14:24:52See all houses to rent in SouthamptonSouthampton142017-12-18 14:22:42Southampton2,998£300 pw
962017-12-22 22:39:49See all retirement properties to rent in SouthamptonSouthampton142017-12-18 14:22:42Southampton2,998£300 pw
972017-12-22 22:40:00See all studios to rent in SouthamptonSouthampton142017-12-18 14:22:42Southampton2,998£300 pw
982017-12-18 14:24:52See all farms/land to rent in SouthamptonSouthampton142017-12-18 14:22:42Southampton2,998£300 pw
992017-12-22 22:59:19See all properties to rent in SurreySurrey152017-12-18 14:22:42Surrey5,532£375 pw
1002017-12-18 14:40:47See all bungalows to rent in SurreySurrey152017-12-18 14:22:42Surrey5,532£375 pw
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category_1_x_property top category_1_x_property.ts category_1.ts category_1.title category_1.location location.ts location.title location.avg_price property.ts property.title property.description property.latitude property.longitude property.street_address property.postal_code
12017-12-22 14:57:2612017-12-22 16:25:49See all properties to rent in Central LondonCentral London12017-12-18 14:22:42Central London6,324£1,371 pw12017-12-25 09:23:37£4,333 pcm (£1,000 pw)Situated within Tower View Apartments this exceptional split-level property sits on the banks of the Thames and boasts spectacular direct south facing river views through full length windows which offer aspects of landmarks including Tower Bridge and The Shard.The property offers excellent character for a modern apartment - finished with crisp neutral décor. Wood floors in living areas, carpeted bedrooms for added comfort, a stylish, contemporary interior design and modern specification – top of the range home automation features including integrated audio throughout, air-conditioned reception and master bedroom, underfloor heating in both bathrooms and zonal controlled heating.Spread over 2 floors, arranged across a total 1170 Square Feet / 108.7 Square Meters the apartment comprises of bright and spacious reception with high, extra-large windows generating excellent natural light. Open plan kitchen with fully integrated appliances within black units and polished stone worktops. The lower level comes complete with guest WC and storage / utility compartment in the hallway.The upper level comprises of both bedrooms - generous size doubles, fully equipped with wardrobes and furnishings. The master bedroom benefits from the same exceptional views enjoyed in the reception with en-suite shower wet room featuring sleek black tile finish, mirrored vanity cabinets, custom made wash basin and heated towel rail. The 2nd bedroom also includes en-suite shower wet room in a light cream tile finish.Located in Wapping the location sits within walk distance of The City and within easy reach of Canary Wharf, The West End and Central London with Tower Hill underground and Tower Gateway DLR stations within a short walk.Set on St Katherines Walk the property is minutes from popular St Katherine’s dock and Tower Bridge where lies Shad Thames and More London for a selection of bars, restaurants and pubs. The location is also moments from Thomas More Square with large Waitrose Supermarket and other local shops and amenities.St Katherine’s Way+44 20 3463 1577E1W 1BE
22017-12-22 14:57:2612017-12-22 16:25:49See all properties to rent in Central LondonCentral London12017-12-18 14:22:42Central London6,324£1,371 pw22017-12-25 09:23:39£3,012 pcm (£695 pw)2 bedroom flat in Stafford Place, Westminster, London. Tucked away in a discreet cul-de-sac of mews style properties which runs parallel to Buckingham Palace Road, 24 Stafford Place is almost neighbouring Buckingham Palace itself! This apartment has 2 large Ensuite bedrooms, Modern open plan Living and spacious room throughout. Available at flexible terms. Call exclusively for further information+44 20 8022 6099SW1E 6NP
32017-12-22 14:57:2612017-12-22 16:25:49See all properties to rent in Central LondonCentral London12017-12-18 14:22:42Central London6,324£1,371 pw32017-12-25 09:23:43£3,683 pcm (£850 pw)2 bedroom flat in Stafford Place, Westminster, London. Tucked away in a discreet cul-de-sac of mews style properties which runs parallel to Buckingham Palace Road, 24 Stafford Place is almost neighbouring Buckingham Palace itself! This apartment has 2 large Ensuite bedrooms, Modern open plan Living and spacious room throughout. Available at flexible terms. Call exclusively for further information+44 20 8022 6099SW1E 6NP
42017-12-22 14:57:2612017-12-22 16:25:49See all properties to rent in Central LondonCentral London12017-12-18 14:22:42Central London6,324£1,371 pw42017-12-25 09:23:48£3,250 pcm (£750 pw)1 bedroom flat in Stafford Place, Westminster, London. Tucked away in a discreet cul-de-sac of mews style properties which runs parallel to Buckingham Palace Road, 24 Stafford Place is almost neighbouring Buckingham Palace itself! This apartment has 1 large Ensuite bedrooms, Modern open plan Living and spacious room throughout. Available at flexible terms. Call exclusively for further information+44 20 8022 6099SW1E 6NL
52017-12-22 14:57:2612017-12-22 16:25:49See all properties to rent in Central LondonCentral London12017-12-18 14:22:42Central London6,324£1,371 pw52017-12-25 09:23:52£3,683 pcm (£850 pw)2 bedroom flat in Stafford Place, Westminster, London. Tucked away in a discreet cul-de-sac of mews style properties which runs parallel to Buckingham Palace Road, 24 Stafford Place is almost neighbouring Buckingham Palace itself! This apartment has 2 large Ensuite bedrooms, Modern open plan Living and spacious room throughout. Available at flexible terms. Call exclusively for further information+44 20 8022 6099SW1E 6NL
62017-12-22 14:57:2612017-12-22 16:25:49See all properties to rent in Central LondonCentral London12017-12-18 14:22:42Central London6,324£1,371 pw62017-12-25 09:27:30£3,033 pcm (£700 pw)A two bedroom apartment located on the 1st floor (with lift) of this brand new modern building located only moments away from Victoria Station and the popular local shops and amenities of Wilton Road, Pimlico. This well presented property is furnished to a high standard and further benefits from a contemporary integrated kitchen and reception room and three double bedrooms. The property offers good storage and onsite concierge. The tube links of Victoria, St James's Park and Westminster are within easy walking distance as well as a selection of bus services. The surrounding area also offers a variety of retail stores, including the flagship House of Fraser Department store, the Cardinal Place Shopping Centre as well as amenities such as Little Waitrose, a Curzon Cinema and many restaurants such as Jamie Oliver's Italian, Iberica, Browns, A Wong and Franco Manca to name but a few. Please note that the photos displayed may not be representative of the apartment.51.498245-0.14032888+44 20 8022 6099SW1 1AU
72017-12-22 14:57:2612017-12-22 16:25:49See all properties to rent in Central LondonCentral London12017-12-18 14:22:42Central London6,324£1,371 pw72017-12-25 09:27:35£3,683 pcm (£850 pw)A stunning two double bedroom apartment located in the prestigious Paramount Building that offers 1187 sq ft of lateral space. This well proportioned property comprises two large double bedrooms, ensuite shower room, main bathroom, large reception room and fully fitted open-plan kitchen with breakfast bar. Finished to an impeccable standard throughout this apartment is situated less than 5 minutes walk from Farringdon station and is on the popular St John Street with Waitrose nearby. Offered fully furnished and available with underground parking by separate negotiation.51.524803-0.103426206-212 St. John Street London+44 20 8022 5536EC1V 4JY
82017-12-22 14:57:2612017-12-22 16:25:49See all properties to rent in Central LondonCentral London12017-12-18 14:22:42Central London6,324£1,371 pw82017-12-25 09:27:40£1,842 pcm (£425 pw)Introducing 202 Bishopsgate in the heart of the City.Offering this modern spacious studio apartment with a modern bathroom in a prime location to the lettings market. The property comprises of an open plan living and sleeping area, a separate modern kitchen, a recently refurbished bathroom. This apartment is superbly located opposite Liverpool Street station and offers easy access to local bars, restaurants and shops. The utility bills are included in the rent.Contact the lettings team to arrange viewings as soon as possible.51.517952-0.079727202 Bishopsgate+44 20 8022 5580EC2M 4NR
92017-12-22 14:57:2612017-12-22 16:25:49See all properties to rent in Central LondonCentral London12017-12-18 14:22:42Central London6,324£1,371 pw92017-12-25 09:27:43£2,015 pcm (£465 pw)Introducing Abbott's Chambers, 202 Bishopsgate in the heart of the City.Offering this spacious one bedroom flat with a modern bathroom in a prime location to the lettings market. The property comprises of an sub open plan living room with a modern kitchen which has recently been refurbished throughout including the bathroom. The flat offers wooden flooring throughout and a good size double bedroom with fitted wardrobes. This apartment is superbly located opposite Liverpool Street station and offers easy access to local bars, restaurants and shops. The utility bills are included in the rent.Contact the lettings team to arrange viewings as soon as possible.51.517952-0.079727202 Bishopsgate+44 20 8022 5580EC2M 4NR
102017-12-22 14:57:2612017-12-22 16:25:49See all properties to rent in Central LondonCentral London12017-12-18 14:22:42Central London6,324£1,371 pw102017-12-25 09:27:46£2,145 pcm (£495 pw)A exciting opportunity to rent moments from the Embankment within London's Westminster in the form of this charming 2 bedroom apartment situated on the top floor (3rd floor) within this elegant Grade II Listed Georgian Town House.Accessed via a short walk up, the apartment comprises of a very spacious reception room with a fully equipped recessed kitchen. The kitchen and Reception space both benefit from a south facing aspect to which natural light is in plenty. Toward the rear of the layout, the master bedroom hosting good storage and faces the rear of the building. The second bedroom is commonly suited to a children's bedroom however can also be used as a common study space for additional storage. The apartment is concluded via a beautifully presented bathroom and has a total floor space of 580 Sq. Feet / 53 Sq. M.Craven Street is a Georgian lined street linking The Strand to the Victoria Embankment. The location was developed via the Craven Family within the mid 17th century and has laid residence to some very prominent historical figures notably Benjamin Franklin, one of the Founding Fathers of The United States of America. The location is simply unrivaled for incredible access to the many attractions of The South Bank, Westminster and Victoria Embankment.In conclusion, the location can offer excellent transport Links including immediate access to Charing Cross (Northern line – Charing Cross branch) and Embankment (Circle and District Line) London Underground stations in addition to Charing Cross Rail Station offering Mainline Services.51.50728-0.124242Craven Street+44 20 7768 2296WC2N 5NT
112017-12-22 14:57:2612017-12-22 16:25:49See all properties to rent in Central LondonCentral London12017-12-18 14:22:42Central London6,324£1,371 pw112017-12-25 09:28:41£2,578 pcm (£595 pw)Key features: Having been recently decorated throughout, we offer this extensive two bedroom loft style apartment in the heart of Clerkenwell.Arranged on the first floor of this popular residential building, the apartment comprises of an impressive sized living area with ample amounts of natural light. An offset kitchen is fully utilised and offers a separate breakfast area. Two double bedrooms are available boasting high ceilings in both.Located on Clerkenwell Road between both Farringdon & Barbican Stations, the apartment also offers a short walk to Old Street Station and The City.The apartment is available early February.EPC Rating - C51.52302-0.100473Clerkenwell London+44 20 3478 3310EC1M 5PS
122017-12-22 14:57:2612017-12-22 16:25:49See all properties to rent in Central LondonCentral London12017-12-18 14:22:42Central London6,324£1,371 pw122017-12-25 09:28:43£2,145 pcm (£495 pw)This large one bedroom bright and spacious apartment on the seventh floor, is located in the heart of Victoria.The apartment has a large bright bedroom with a spacious reception area, plenty of storage space, fully fitted kitchen and a modern bathroom. The apartment comes with free wifi and is set up for a Sky subscription.Luke House offers an excellent variety of 30 newly refurbished studio, one and two bedroom apartments, situated on the upper floors of this purpose built development building, offering flexible accommodation to suit all requirements. The building has a dedicated building manager, secure underground parking, wifi, laundry room and lift service.Centrally located in Westminster, just off Victoria Street, Luke House is surrounded by shops, bars and restaurants, as well as giving easy access to the rest of the city. Residents of Luke House have easy access to some of the capital’s best known historic sights – including Buckingham Palace, the Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey. It is a 5 minute walk to St James’s Park tube station (District line) and to Victoria tube and train station (Victoria line & Gatwick Express).All of our tenants benefit from a dedicated building manager who is on hand to assist with any property related issues. We also employ a dedicated team of maintenance experts and provide a 24-hour emergency helpline.Luke House offers an excellent variety of 30 newly refurbished studio, one and two bedroom apartments, situated on the upper floors of this purpose built development, offering flexible accommodation to suit all requirements. The building has a dedicated building manager, secure underground parking, wifi, laundry room and lift service.Centrally located in Westminster, just off Victoria Street, Luke House is surrounded by shops, bars and restaurants, as well as giving easy access to the rest of the city. Residents have access to some of the capital’s best known historic sights within easy walking distance, including Buckingham Palace, Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey. It is a 5 minute walk to St James’s Park tube station (District line) and 10 minutes to Victoria tube and train station (Victoria line & Gatwick Express). Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs)51.497944-0.1320163 Abbey Orchard Street Westminster London+44 20 8022 0759SW1P 2JJ
132017-12-22 14:57:2612017-12-22 16:25:49See all properties to rent in Central LondonCentral London12017-12-18 14:22:42Central London6,324£1,371 pw132017-12-25 09:28:47£2,500 pcm (£577 pw)An exquisite one bedroom apartment within the exclusive new St Dunstan's Court development.This apartment is finished to a high specification and features the highest quality fixtures and fittings. This beautiful unit offers an open plan living/dining area opening onto a stunning balcony, with a contemporary fully fitted kitchen including Siemens appliances.A spacious bedroom and bathroom with a shower and white marble affect tiles, this apartment is ideal for a single occupant or working couple.To the rear of St Dunstan’s Court, you will also benefit from private access to secluded, landscaped gardens, a perfect haven to retreat from the hustle and bustle of city living.Despite being in the core of the capital, residents can relax and unwind in their very own green oasis.This property also has stunning and unrivalled views of the Grade II listed King’s College Maughan Library.The residents also benefit from a 24 hour concierge service and exclusive club facilities.This property is offered furnished available for occupation immediately.Call Waterfronts on today to arrange a viewing with one of our friendly members of staff or to find out more information.6th FloorBedroomBathroomReception51.514954-0.109946St Dunstans House 133-137 Fetter Lane+44 20 3463 7513EC4A 1BF
142017-12-22 14:57:2612017-12-22 16:25:49See all properties to rent in Central LondonCentral London12017-12-18 14:22:42Central London6,324£1,371 pw142017-12-25 09:28:49£5,250 pcm (£1,212 pw)An exquisite two bedroom duplex penthouse within the exclusive new St Dunstan's Court development.This apartment is finished to a high specification and features the highest quality fixtures and fittings. This beautiful unit offers an open plan living/dining area opening onto a stunning balcony, with contemporary fully fitted kitchen to include Siemens appliances and spacious bedrooms and bathrooms, with a roof terrace.To the rear of St Dunstan’s Court, you will also benefit from private access to secluded, landscaped gardens, a perfect haven to retreat from the hustle and bustle of city living.Despite being in the core of the capital, residents can relax and unwind in their very own green oasis. This property also has stunning and unrivalled views of the Grade II listed King’s College Maughan Library.The residents also benefit from a 24 hour concierge service and exclusive club facilities.Offered fully furnished and available for occupation immediately.Please give us a call on to arrange a viewing.7th FloorBedroomBathroomReceptionBedroomBathroom51.514954-0.109946St Dunstan's House 133-137 Fetter Lane+44 20 3463 7513EC4A 1BF
152017-12-22 14:57:2612017-12-22 16:25:49See all properties to rent in Central LondonCentral London12017-12-18 14:22:42Central London6,324£1,371 pw152017-12-25 09:28:56£2,275 pcm (£525 pw)Key features:Luxurious 1 bedroom flatNewly refurbished building Large windowsContemporary kitchen Wood flooringFull description:A luxurious 1 bedroom flat in a newly refurbished building set in the heart of Soho.Well proportioned, bright and presented in immaculate condition, the flat comprises of a modern open plan living area with large windows, contemporary kitchen with integrated appliances & real wood flooring, one double bedroom with full height wardrobes, and an elegant bathroom.The property further benefits from the exceptional local amenities of the West end and the excellent transport links.51.512035-0.133645Rupert Street London+44 20 3463 2701W1D 7PQ
162017-12-22 14:57:2612017-12-22 16:25:49See all properties to rent in Central LondonCentral London12017-12-18 14:22:42Central London6,324£1,371 pw162017-12-25 09:28:58£3,900 pcm (£900 pw)Set on the first floor of this landmark development, The Strand and situated in the renowned Strand itself, this one bedroom apartment is only moments from theatres, museums, restaurants and the River Thames.Finished to a high specification throughout and including underfloor heating, air conditioning and a video entry phone system the property comprises reception room with contemporary, state of the art open plan fitted kitchen, beautiful wood floors, access to private balcony, spacious double bedroom with built in wardrobe and luxury family bathroom.Residents of The Strand also enjoy access to health spa, gym and swimming pool as well as concierge services.Available to rent on a furnished basis.Council Tax Band: TbcEPC rating: B51.509724-0.120236Strand+44 20 8128 4514WC2R 1AB
172017-12-22 14:57:2612017-12-22 16:25:49See all properties to rent in Central LondonCentral London12017-12-18 14:22:42Central London6,324£1,371 pw172017-12-25 09:29:01£758 pcm (£175 pw)A good size double room available in a prime location, moments away from Russell Square Station and directly adjacent to the Brunswick Centre. The room is fully furnished with all bills included. The room shares two wc's, a large kitchen and two bathrooms with showers. Available Now!* all bills included ** moments walk from the brunswick centre ** moments walk from russell square tube station ** single occupancy *51.52326-0.123571Bernard Street+44 20 3463 8360WC1N 1LN
182017-12-22 14:57:2612017-12-22 16:25:49See all properties to rent in Central LondonCentral London12017-12-18 14:22:42Central London6,324£1,371 pw182017-12-25 09:29:05£3,250 pcm (£750 pw)A gorgeous 2 bedroom apartment located a few minutes away from Russell Square. The fully furnished apartment has 2 bedrooms, bathroom, a fully-fitted state-of-the-art kitchen and benefits from a big balcony. The reception room can be converted into a third bedroom as there is a seperate kitchen. Located brilliantly in the heart of central London, the development has concierge service and is within walking distance to the many attractions of Soho, Covent Garden and the West End.51.520935-0.123912Cranfield House+44 20 3463 9596WC1B 4HH
192017-12-22 14:57:2612017-12-22 16:25:49See all properties to rent in Central LondonCentral London12017-12-18 14:22:42Central London6,324£1,371 pw192017-12-25 09:29:09£5,850 pcm (£1,350 pw)We are delighted to offer this newly refurbished 2-bedroom apartment with a large south facing reception room. This contemporary apartment set over 1324 sq. Ft. On the second floor in a portered apartment block located in the stylish area of Mayfair. The apartment has been refurbished throughout to an excellent standard and benefits from wood flooring and air cooling throughout. New Hereford House is an exclusive purpose-built block with a luxury entrance foyer and smart common areas located on the corner of Park Street and Oxford Street. The nearest tube station is Marble Arch and Bond Street.(Tenant fees may apply)51.513493-0.156068New Hereford House, 129 Park Street+44 20 3463 9596W1K 7JB
202017-12-22 14:57:2612017-12-22 16:25:49See all properties to rent in Central LondonCentral London12017-12-18 14:22:42Central London6,324£1,371 pw202017-12-25 09:29:14£4,160 pcm (£960 pw)Two bedroom apartment in the heart of London's fashionable Mayfair neighbouring the famous Berkeley Square. Mayfair has attracted exclusive shops, such as Fortnum and Mason, Selfridges & Fenwicks as well as world renowned designer boutiques on Mount Street & Bond Street & historic Saville Row and is also home to a number of desirable restaurants and private clubs. The fine architecture and village atmosphere that Mayfair has to offer makes it a great place to live. The apartment is set over 727 sq ft. On the sixth floor and comprises two spacious double bedroom (the master with an en-suite bathroom), two modern fitted bathrooms, airy and spacious reception room with rear facing views over Hay's Mews, modern fitted kitchen and benefits from ample storage space, porter, lift and on-site building manager. Available 22nd January 2018Two bedroom apartment in the heart of London's fashionable Mayfair neighbouring the famous Berkeley Square. Mayfair has attracted exclusive shops, such as Fortnum and Mason, Selfridges & Fenwicks as well as world renowned designer boutiques on Mount Street & Bond Street & historic Saville Row and is also home to a number of desirable restaurants and private clubs. The fine architecture and village atmosphere that Mayfair has to offer makes it a great place to live. The apartment is set over 727 sq ft. On the sixth floor and comprises two spacious double bedroom (the master with an en-suite bathroom), two modern fitted bathrooms, airy and spacious reception room with rear facing views over Hay's Mews, modern fitted kitchen and benefits from ample storage space, porter, lift and on-site building manager. Available 22nd January 201851.50793-0.149462Mayfair London+44 20 3641 5354W1J 5NA
212017-12-22 14:57:2612017-12-22 16:25:49See all properties to rent in Central LondonCentral London12017-12-18 14:22:42Central London6,324£1,371 pw212017-12-25 09:29:19£3,012 pcm (£695 pw)Long let. Centrally located moments from local amenities and Goodge Street Station, this fantastic two bedroom flat is presented in excellent condition and benefits from an open-plan kitchen and private balcony.Located in the heart of Fitzrovia, Goodge Street offers a variety of shops and restaurants and is a short walk to Goodge Street underground station for access to transport links.51.519238-0.136478Goodge Street+44 20 3463 0064W1T 4LZ
222017-12-22 14:57:2612017-12-22 16:25:49See all properties to rent in Central LondonCentral London12017-12-18 14:22:42Central London6,324£1,371 pw222017-12-25 09:29:25£1,950 pcm (£450 pw)Beautiful one bedroom apartment located in the heart of the Marylebone village. This property comprises of open plan reception room, spacious bedroom and a bathroom. This flat benefits from wooden flooring throughout and entry phone system for added security.This property comes fully furnished. Available now.51.518894-0.1511225 Marylebone Street+44 20 3544 7195W1G 8JA
232017-12-22 14:57:2612017-12-22 16:25:49See all properties to rent in Central LondonCentral London12017-12-18 14:22:42Central London6,324£1,371 pw232017-12-25 09:29:30£2,058 pcm (£475 pw)A superbly stylish, recently renovated 1 bed apartment situated on the ground floor of this superbly maintained residential apartment building located just a short distance from Baker Street Tube Station and the attractions of Oxford Street & Hyde Park. The apartment is offered fully-furnished and has recently been completely renovated to provide first-class living accommodation including porcelain tiled floors, under-floor heating, LED mood lighting, brand new open-plan kitchen with individual breakfast bar, composite worktops, integrated appliances, luxury fully tiled shower-room with WC, lounge with all new contemporary furnishings, LCD TV with international satellite feed and a sumptuous bedroom with all new modern furnishings and fitted wardrobes. The property also benefits from access to the building's private rear terrace garden with pond and seating areas. The building is also equipped with CCTV for added security and ultra-fast Wi-Fi is available on request.51.52086-0.159576121 Gloucester Place+44 20 3544 7195W1U 6JY
242017-12-22 14:57:2612017-12-22 16:25:49See all properties to rent in Central LondonCentral London12017-12-18 14:22:42Central London6,324£1,371 pw242017-12-25 09:29:32£2,492 pcm (£575 pw)A modern, spacious and fully furnished top-floor 1 bedroom apartment situated in a superbly maintained residential apartment building located just a short distance from Baker Street Tube Station and the attractions of Oxford Street & Hyde Park. The apartment offers a large lounge with solid-wood flooring, flat-screen TV & satellite feed, a modern & fully fitted kitchen containing all of the main appliances, a large double bedroom with modern furnishings and there is a fully tiled shower room with porcelain flooring. The property also benefits from the building's private rear terrace garden with pond and seating areas. The building is also equipped with CCTV for added security and ultra-fast Wi-Fi is available on request.51.52086-0.159576121 Gloucester Place+44 20 3544 7195W1U 6JY
252017-12-22 14:57:2612017-12-22 16:25:49See all properties to rent in Central LondonCentral London12017-12-18 14:22:42Central London6,324£1,371 pw252017-12-25 09:29:36£2,383 pcm (£550 pw)A bright & modern 1 bed apartment situated on the 2nd floor of this well maintained residential apartment building located just a short distance from Baker Street Tube Station and the attractions of Oxford Street, Park Lane & Hyde Park. The apartment is offered fully-furnished with modern furnishings and provides superb living accommodation including wood flooring, stunning open-plan kitchen with individual breakfast bar, composite worktops & integrated appliances, large lounge with LCD TV and international satellite feed, ultra-modern walk-in shower room with WC and a large bedroom with fitted wardrobes. The building is equipped with CCTV for added security and ultra-fast Wi-Fi is available on request.51.519573-0.15897991 Gloucester Place+44 20 3544 7195W1U 6JG
262017-12-22 14:57:4052017-12-22 16:25:55See all retirement properties to rent in Central LondonCentral London12017-12-18 14:22:42Central London6,324£1,371 pw262017-12-25 09:29:40£1,900 pcm (£438 pw)Dance Square is a development finished and maintained to a high specification, with fantastic benefits such as a concierge service, secure entrances, lift within the building and gated gardens.The property offers, kitchen with integrated appliances and dining space. Lounge leading to a balcony with city views. One double bedroom, and bathroom. The property is offered part furnished, the landlady is flexible with this.Located in a prime area, with a access to Barbican and Old Street tube stations, moments from the City and many restaurants and amenities of Clerkenwell, popular social spots of Shoreditch and Hoxton Square are close by.Please call us to arrange a viewing.51.526207-0.097299Dance Square+44 20 7768 0482EC1V 3AJ
272017-12-22 14:57:4052017-12-22 16:25:55See all retirement properties to rent in Central LondonCentral London12017-12-18 14:22:42Central London6,324£1,371 pw272017-12-25 09:29:46£1,950 pcm (£450 pw)Love Dwellings are delighted to offer to the market a lovely flat in Holborn, A One Bedroom apartment on the second floor in this purpose built block in the heart of the city. Spacious reception room, fully fitted kitchen. Electric heating. Within a short walk to Holborn Underground station.Please call to book a viewing.51.515324-0.107784Pemberton House, East Harding Street London+44 20 8115 5488EC4A 3AS
282017-12-22 14:57:4052017-12-22 16:25:55See all retirement properties to rent in Central LondonCentral London12017-12-18 14:22:42Central London6,324£1,371 pw282017-12-25 09:29:50£4,312 pcm (£995 pw)Third Floor two bedroom two bathroom flat in very popular building close to Marylebone High Street, Open plan living room and kitchen, master bedroom with en suite walk in shower second double bedroom with separate bathroom. Building has 12 hour portertage51.518898-0.153183Blandford St+44 20 8128 0040W1U 4BY
292017-12-22 14:57:4052017-12-22 16:25:55See all retirement properties to rent in Central LondonCentral London12017-12-18 14:22:42Central London6,324£1,371 pw292017-12-25 09:29:56£3,207 pcm (£740 pw)We are delighted to present a lovely one bedroom apartment on the Ground floor of this beautiful red brick building, situated in the heart of London`s fashionable Mayfair, close to Berkeley Square.The apartment is set over 599sq ft. And has a large living room area with fitted cupboards, bathroom and kitchen with fitted cupboards. Other benefits fully carpeted include a lift service, porter, cctv, use of a laundry room, electric heating, video entry system.The transport links include underground stations which are Green Park and Bond Street, Marble Arch all within a short walk away. Available Now Furnished or Unfurnished51.50793-0.149462Hill Street,Mayfair+44 20 8022 5281W1J 5NA
302017-12-22 14:57:4052017-12-22 16:25:55See all retirement properties to rent in Central LondonCentral London12017-12-18 14:22:42Central London6,324£1,371 pw302017-12-25 09:29:58£1,200 pcm (£277 pw)Stunning two double bedroom apartment close to the River Lea development. Benefits from Parking.Large naturally bright reception, open plan modern kitchen, two good size double rooms, modern bathrooms. Plenty of storage and Parking.Moments from many cafes, bars and restaurants. Just a five minute walk to Clapton Station where you can reach Liverpool street and the city in 10 minutes.51.56482-0.048088Riverside close+44 20 8022 0213E5 9ST
312017-12-22 14:57:4052017-12-22 16:25:55See all retirement properties to rent in Central LondonCentral London12017-12-18 14:22:42Central London6,324£1,371 pw312017-12-25 09:30:03£1,278 pcm (£295 pw)Recently refurbished one bedroom flat located within minutes walk to Haggeston tube station and right next to Regents Canal. Property features, large lounge, separate fully fitted kitchen with breakfast bar, wood flooring, large double bedroom, separate modern bathroom with power shower, double glazed windows. Close to all amenities, great transport link to Central London. Viewings highly recommended.51.535988-0.077338Mill Row, Kingsland Road+44 20 3641 7950N1 5RL
322017-12-22 14:57:4052017-12-22 16:25:55See all retirement properties to rent in Central LondonCentral London12017-12-18 14:22:42Central London6,324£1,371 pw322017-12-25 09:30:08£737 pcm (£170 pw)Hi everyone, This large double room is available from the beginning of December in a well presented flat located in the convenient central/east area of Mile End.Property description:- Good sized kitchen with a dining area- Fully furnished with everything you need- Comfortable double bed.- Includes: Double bed, desk with chairs, built in wardrobe, chest of drawers.- Separated bathroom and toiletLocation- 4 min walk to Queen Mary University- Supermarkets like Lidl, asda or tesco.- 2 min walking to the main street, Mile End Road.- Local shops 24 hours- Easy access to Royal London Hospital.- Gyms and amenities around.Transport- 4 min walking to Stepney Green Station (District, Hammersmith and City Lines)- 12 min walk to Mile End Station (Central Line)- Within 17 min bus to Canary Wharf- 1 stop to Mile EndWhat make us unique in the marketAll the bills are includedFree Weekly cleaning service24 hours maintenanceFree relocation service-- Call, text or email for a viewing! ---- Book it online if you are not in London at the moment --Thanks, Patricia51.518845-0.036995Mile End Road+44 20 8128 4303E1 4RS
332017-12-22 14:57:4052017-12-22 16:25:55See all retirement properties to rent in Central LondonCentral London12017-12-18 14:22:42Central London6,324£1,371 pw332017-12-25 09:30:11£650 pcm (£150 pw)I am happy to offer this double room for single occupant just 3 min walk to the DLR!In a big house with 3 bathrooms and living room.To share with other young professionals.The location:A few steps to Poplar High Street, full of shops, banks, supermarkets and local restaurants.Short walk to Chrisp Street Market!The transport links:- poplar DLR station is literally 5 min walking to the house. 10 min to Canary Wharf, 10 min to Stratford, 15 min to bank!- D7 and D6 direct to canary wharf!What make us unique in the marketAll the bills are includedFree Weekly cleaning service24 hours maintenanceFree relocation service-- come and see and you won't regret-- or..-- book it online if you are not in london and get the room ready for your arrival --Thanks, Patricia51.509796-0.010594Bazely Street+44 20 8128 4303E14 0ES
342017-12-22 14:57:4052017-12-22 16:25:55See all retirement properties to rent in Central LondonCentral London12017-12-18 14:22:42Central London6,324£1,371 pw342017-12-25 09:30:15£650 pcm (£150 pw)I am happy to offer this double room for single occupant just 3 min walk to the DLR!In a big house with 3 bathrooms and living room.To share with other young professionals.The location:A few steps to Poplar High Street, full of shops, banks, supermarkets and local restaurants.Short walk to Chrisp Street Market!The transport links:- poplar DLR station is literally 5 min walking to the house. 10 min to Canary Wharf, 10 min to Stratford, 15 min to bank!- D7 and D6 direct to canary wharf!What make us unique in the marketAll the bills are includedFree Weekly cleaning service24 hours maintenanceFree relocation service-- come and see and you won't regret-- or..-- book it online if you are not in london and get the room ready for your arrival --Thanks, Patricia51.509796-0.010594Bazely Street+44 20 8128 4303E14 0ES
352017-12-22 14:57:4052017-12-22 16:25:55See all retirement properties to rent in Central LondonCentral London12017-12-18 14:22:42Central London6,324£1,371 pw352017-12-25 09:30:17£1,800 pcm (£415 pw)***your new home***The Flat has two double rooms, kitchen, living room, toilet and bathroom and the whole flat has wooden floors.Room 1 - comes with a double bed, fitted in wardrobe, chest of drawers and a table.Room 2 - comes with a double bed, wardrobe, chest of drawers, two tables and two chairs.The living room is huge! Has a fire place and a balcony.The kitchen is fully equipped, very nice tile works as well as a good amount of space and has a very modern feel to it.Bathroom and toilet separate.***what you need to know about the location***- Bethnal Green Station Is a 5 minute walk- Cambridge Heath Statin Overground is a 10 minute walk.- D3,309, Number 8, D6,106,254,388 Bus Stop is at walking distance - goes towards Central London and Stratford Westfield City.- Supermarkets, off licences, shops, bars and restaurants very close by.- Victoria Park Is the closest park.If this two bedroom Flat sounds like the perfect home for yourself or you and your family then get in touch with me to book your appointment.Kind RegardsSterling De Vere Team51.532116-0.048161St James Avenue+44 20 8128 4303E2 9JE
362017-12-22 14:57:4052017-12-22 16:25:55See all retirement properties to rent in Central LondonCentral London12017-12-18 14:22:42Central London6,324£1,371 pw362017-12-25 09:30:23£13,000 pcm (£3,000 pw)This property normally will charge £9500 pcm for short lease but will accept £4500 pcm for long-term lease.Located North of Hyde Park in the popular Hyde Park Estate of W2 is this well presented modern family townhouse. Arranged over two floors the accommodation comprises to the ground floor: Guest cloakroom, kitchen/breakfast room, reception room with sliding doors onto the approx. 300 + sq ft courtyard garden, first floor: Master bedroom with en-suite bathroom, second bedroom (currently used as a walk in dressing room) with doors onto a terrace, second floor: Third Bedroom with en-suite bathroom, bedrooms four and five share the main bathroom. The top floor comprises the second reception room with a kitchenette and doors onto the south west facing terrace measuring approx. 295 sq ft.This property normally with charge £9500 pcm for short lease but will accept £4500 pcm for long-term lease.SituationPorchester Place in the Hyde Park Estate is located close to a wealth of transport links and central London locations.Nearby underground stations include Edgware Road (Circle & District and Bakerloo lines), Lancaster Gate (Central line), Marble Arch (Central line) and Paddington Station (Heathrow Express) providing International, National and City links as well as providing tube links on the Bakerloo, Hammersmith & City and Circle & District lines. For motorists the A40 is also nearby.Hyde Park is within walking distance as is Oxford Street where the famous Selfridges store can be found.Additional Information2 x Reception RoomsKitchen/Breakfast RoomGuest Cloakroom5 x Bedrooms3 x BathroomsTop floor kitchenetteGround floor gardenTop floor south west facing terrace51.515537-0.165945Porchester Place+44 1274 067951W2 2PD
372017-12-22 14:57:4052017-12-22 16:25:55See all retirement properties to rent in Central LondonCentral London12017-12-18 14:22:42Central London6,324£1,371 pw372017-12-25 09:30:29£1,517 pcm (£350 pppw)City View Properties are proud to present one bedroom flat with large reception and a stunning kitchen and bathroom. This particular 1 Bedroom flat has been decorated to a very high standard offering lots of natural light. The double room offers a Hugh built in wardrobe as well as a brand New Double Bed. The whole property consists of wooden flooring and is well presented and Fully furnished.The perks of this amazing location is having trendy bars and clubs. Local supermarkets are all walking distance. This location is extremely desirable just five minutes walk from Aldgate East Station, 24hr bus terminus available only two minutes walk. You have a walking distance to the city. Only 7 minutes walking distance to Liverpool Street Station.51.52172-0.07151Brick Lane+44 20 8022 3976E1 6RU
382017-12-22 14:57:4052017-12-22 16:25:55See all retirement properties to rent in Central LondonCentral London12017-12-18 14:22:42Central London6,324£1,371 pw382017-12-25 09:30:33£1,625 pcm (£188 pppw)Spacious bright 2 double bedroom ground floor flat situated on Kennington Lane. Accommodation comprises of lounge, 2 double beds, bathroom, seperate toilet & kitchen. Large private patio area to rear of of the lounge. Fully furnished and newly decorated. Close to all transport links nearest tube Kennington & Vauxhall. Would be idea for sharers. Available mid October.We are members of The Property Redress Scheme£75.00 Admin Fee ppx6 weeks deposit1 month's rent in advanceInventory Check in £90.00- £130.00End of Tenancy clean (professionally)Students welcome51.487247-0.112187Kennington Lane+44 20 3641 5249SE11 5QT
392017-12-22 14:57:4052017-12-22 16:25:55See all retirement properties to rent in Central LondonCentral London12017-12-18 14:22:42Central London6,324£1,371 pw392017-12-25 09:30:39£1,625 pcm (£375 pw)All our 2 beds have a family size bathroom and an en suite.• Engineered oak wooden flooring throughout the flat• Bedrooms come fully carpeted• Blinds and or curtains are provided• All white goods provide a total of 6 bosch appliances• There are no hidden costs, no referencing fees, check in/out fees or holding deposits. No fees• Property manager on site to provide a 1st class service on your door step like giving access to contractors so you do not have to take the time off work and signing for parcels• Laundry republic on site to undertake all your dry cleaning bringing the service at an affordable price to your door step• Low utilities bill and an B ( 84%) Energy performance certificate.• Longer tenancies offered.• Pet friendlyA short distance from Canning Town tube station, living in Rathbone East provides easy access to the O2, Westfield Stratford, the Olympic Park, Canary Wharf & the City.2 stops on the Jubilee line to Canary Wharf2 stops on the Jubilee line to Stratford10 stops on the Jubilee line to Bond Street7 stops on the DLR to BankThis is a fantastic 2 bedroom property available now for immediate occupation. The property boast a spacious master bedroom with inbuilt wardrobes offering vast amounts of space as well as an en-suite. There is a modern family bathroom located off the hallway for the 2nd bedroom. The modern kitchen/diner opens out to your very own balcony overlooking the residents courtyard below.Rathbone East provides a new standard in renting with a dedicated resident services manager based on site, a beautifully landscaped courtyard garden and rooftop allotments.We want you to make Rathbone East your home; we make customer service our priority, offer long term tenancies of 2 and 3 years and offer a choice of unfurnished, part furnished or furnished apartments.We have a dedicated on site Residents Manager who is solely for the customers of Rathbone East. They will personally follow up any issues, allow access to the property during the day as well as taking deliveries for you. There is a strong community spirit here at Rathbone East, there are customer only events as well as regular newsletters and initiatives.There are no letting fees to applicants.Please note all photos are indicative.51.5166970.012841Maud Street+44 20 3318 6642E16 1YT
402017-12-22 14:57:4052017-12-22 16:25:55See all retirement properties to rent in Central LondonCentral London12017-12-18 14:22:42Central London6,324£1,371 pw402017-12-25 09:30:42£3,467 pcm (£800 pppw)We are delighted to introduce this wonderful 1 bedroom apartment. With a contemporary luxury design and open plan living, it composites all that modern contemporary living has to offer.With beautiful views of Baker Street and wonderful floor to ceiling windows, you will truly feel you are in a hidden treasure based in the heart of Marylebone.This flat comes fully fitted with custom designed fixtures and fittings and maintained to the highest standard. The Apartment comes fully equipped with individual under floor heating, air conditioning and mood lights which are perfect for every occasion.51.52366-0.158541Baker Street+44 20 8115 7279NW1 6XE
412017-12-22 14:57:4052017-12-22 16:25:55See all retirement properties to rent in Central LondonCentral London12017-12-18 14:22:42Central London6,324£1,371 pw412017-12-25 09:30:46£1,400 pcm (£323 pw)Property featuresOne Double BedroomSeparate living roomKitchenBathroomProperty descriptionSet within a low-rise block on the doorstep of Regent's Park, this one double bedroom flat with offers separate living room, kitchen, full bathroom. The flat is situated within easy reach of the shops, bars, cafes and restaurants of Marylebone. Fitzrovia and Camden Town. The attractions of Soho and the West End and ample transport links are also close by.51.529697-0.144038Albany Street+44 20 8128 4232NW1 4DH
422017-12-22 14:57:4052017-12-22 16:25:55See all retirement properties to rent in Central LondonCentral London12017-12-18 14:22:42Central London6,324£1,371 pw422017-12-25 09:30:51£1,300 pcm (£300 pw)This one bedroom apartment is situated in Poplar in a purpose built development. The apartment benefits from:- Gas central heating- Double Glazing- Lounge with open plan kitchen- Fitted bathroom- Video Entryphone- Top floor- Cooker, fridge/freezer and washing machine also includedWith excellent links to the city (DLR Service) and local amenities close by.There is no parking for this property.51.50915-0.001903Newport Avenue+44 20 7768 0482E14 2EB
432017-12-22 14:57:4052017-12-22 16:25:55See all retirement properties to rent in Central LondonCentral London12017-12-18 14:22:42Central London6,324£1,371 pw432017-12-25 09:30:56£700 pcm (£162 pw)We have taken on a range of fabulous properties in Clapham - Not including gas, electric, water or council tax.Shared bathroom facilitiesShared kitchen facilities.Communal lounges available for useDouble glazingFantastic transport linksGreat locationThis is the perfect property for a guardian who needs to commute or likes to get around. With the nearest Train Stations being 10 minutes walking distance from Clapham Common Station. You will be able to get to Clapham South, Zone 2 and take 25 minutes to get to loveable Knightsbridge. Not only is this area surrounded by great neighbouring areas but also Clapham Rover F. C football club, Clapham high street, Clapham Old Town, which includes a range of great pubs and restaurants and Abbeville Road.As follows;Flat 34 Morten Close, London, SW4 8LG 3 bedroom flat with living room, kitchen, bathroom, toilet.£750pcmFlat 14, Tresidder House, Poynders Road, London, SW4 8PU2 bedroom flat with living room, kitchen, bathroom, toilet. £700Flat 31, Tresidder House, Poynders Road, London, SW4 8PU2 bedroom flat with living room, kitchen, bathroom, toilet.£700Flat 40, Tresidder House, Poynders Road, London, SW4 8PU1 bedroom flat with living room, kitchen, bathroom, toilet.£6508 Morten Close, London, SW4 8LGIt is a 3 bedroom flat with living room, kitchen, bathroom, toilet.£750 plus all bills (gas, electric, water, council tax)18 Morten Close, London, SW4 8LGIt is a 2 bedroom maisonette flat with living room, kitchen, bathroom, toilet.£700 plus all bills (gas, electric, water, council tax)39 Moberly Road, London, SW4 8EZIt is a 2 bedroom flat with living room, kitchen, bathroom, toilet.£700 plus all bills (gas, electric, water, council tax)please note these properties do not include water, gas, electric or council tax bills.Going quickly please contact us today for further information.Global Guardians offer available spaces for 60% cheaper than the average market value!We are a property guardian company, so you will be living in the property under a monthly licence agreement. This means that your notice period is a minimum 4 weeks. We only accept working professionals, 21 and over, to secure our properties – no children or pets are allowed in the building.We require documentation from you to apply to become a guardian. These include:• 3 months previous bank statements• 3 months previous pay slips• A scanned copy of your passport• An employers reference51.44969-0.133914moberly road+44 20 8115 8753SW4 8EZ
442017-12-22 14:57:4052017-12-22 16:25:55See all retirement properties to rent in Central LondonCentral London12017-12-18 14:22:42Central London6,324£1,371 pw442017-12-25 09:31:02£5,612 pcm (£1,295 pw)Beautifully appointed first floor flat set in a stunning newly developed Victorian building with solid oak floors throughout. The apartment has been renovated to a very high standard; boasting a wonderful double volume reception room with extensive views. The state-of-the-art kitchen features all mod cons and there are 3 spacious bedrooms with fitted wardrobes. The stunning master bedroom has a fabulous en-suite bathroom with power shower. There is a second family bathroom and separate guest cloakroom. There is a large terrace leading out from the reception room and a glass lift for easy access. Offered unfurnished.51.555885-0.184359Redington Road+44 20 3641 3972NW3 7QX
452017-12-22 14:57:5182017-12-22 16:53:45See all properties to rent in East LondonEast London22017-12-18 14:22:42East London12,846£370 pw452017-12-25 09:31:07£1,400 pcm (£323 pw)Two double bedroom ground floor flat available now! Bairstow eves are pleased to offer this unfurnished ground floor flat with a private rear garden to the market. The property offers character with original wooden flooring and period features throughout other benefits include a modern fitted kitchen/diner, a large seperate reception room, new bathroom, gas central heating and double glazed windows. Perfectly located for commuter links and local amenities.Two double bedroom ground floor flat available now! Bairstow eves are pleased to offer this unfurnished ground floor flat with a private rear garden to the market. The property offers character with original wooden flooring and period features throughout other benefits include a modern fitted kitchen/diner, a large seperate reception room, new bathroom, gas central heating and double glazed windows. Perfectly located for commuter links and local amenities. Call to view.51.563553-0.002607+44 20 3478 3349E11 4BN
462017-12-22 14:57:5182017-12-22 16:53:45See all properties to rent in East LondonEast London22017-12-18 14:22:42East London12,846£370 pw462017-12-25 09:31:12£1,100 pcm (£254 pw)Bairstow eves are proud to present a ready to move into 2 bedroom flat on North Street above a shop within walking distance to Emerson Park Station. This property has a separate kitchen, a bathroom with a shower and two double bedrooms as well as a lounge. With gas central heating and parking this is a must see property! Available now! Call Bairstow eves Hornchurch now to view !Bairstow eves are proud to present a ready to move into 2 bedroom flat on North Street above a shop within walking distance to Emerson Park Station. This property has a separate kitchen, a bathroom with a shower and two double bedrooms as well as a lounge. With gas central heating and parking this is a must see property!Available now! Call Bairstow eves Hornchurch now to view !51.5661280.220395+44 1708 629062RM11 1SR
472017-12-22 14:57:5182017-12-22 16:53:45See all properties to rent in East LondonEast London22017-12-18 14:22:42East London12,846£370 pw472017-12-22 14:57:51£1,800 pcm (£415 pw)51.583294-0.001135
482017-12-22 14:57:5182017-12-22 16:53:45See all properties to rent in East LondonEast London22017-12-18 14:22:42East London12,846£370 pw482017-12-25 09:31:22£1,390 pcm (£321 pw)Rent-a-Home presents this freshly refurbished two double bedroom on ground floor.This newly refurbished property offers a bright and airy reception, modern open plan kitchen with new gas hob, oven, fridge and washing, bathroom, 2 large double bedrooms. This property also has extra storage space.Great location, walk to all the amenities of Dalston and Stoke Newington in 10 minutes. Just a 2 minute walk to the Station which takes you directly into Liverpool Street in 10 minutes.£1390 pcmAvailable 25th January 201851.557007-0.068734+44 20 3478 2925N16 7QP
492017-12-22 14:57:5182017-12-22 16:53:45See all properties to rent in East LondonEast London22017-12-18 14:22:42East London12,846£370 pw492017-12-25 09:31:27£1,050 pcm (£242 pw)Must be viewed. David Daniels are delighted to offer this modern purpose built flat which is situated in a quiet residential area within walking distance of Goresbrook Park. The property is situated on the second floor and has a communal garden, a very spacious lounge, off street parking, and a modern fitted kitchen and bathroom. The property is ideally located, with easy access to transport links including Becontree station which offers District Line services into the city. We anticipate extremely high demand, therefore an early viewing is highly recommended51.5338250.135018+44 20 3478 3360RM9 6XG
502017-12-22 14:57:5182017-12-22 16:53:45See all properties to rent in East LondonEast London22017-12-18 14:22:42East London12,846£370 pw502017-12-22 14:57:51£2,747 pcm (£634 pw)51.545532-0.074874
512017-12-22 14:57:5182017-12-22 16:53:45See all properties to rent in East LondonEast London22017-12-18 14:22:42East London12,846£370 pw512017-12-22 14:57:51£1,517 pcm (£350 pw)51.547215-0.071557
522017-12-22 14:57:5182017-12-22 16:53:45See all properties to rent in East LondonEast London22017-12-18 14:22:42East London12,846£370 pw522017-12-25 09:31:37£1,473 pcm (£340 pw)Fantastic one double bedroom apartment set in a period building. Newly refurbished with private garden.The property has spacious bright rooms, recently refurbished and newly painted. Features a spacious reception, separate kitchen, double bedroom and bathroom. Located just a 10 min walk to Hackney Downs station where you can reach Liverpool Street in just 8 minutes! Downs Park is just across the road or a short walk to London Fields or Victoria Park in 20 minutes.Our Ref: Rpl/iupload/HKL17141351.55417-0.057992Hackney Downs+44 20 8128 5116E5 8NN
532017-12-22 14:57:5182017-12-22 16:53:45See all properties to rent in East LondonEast London22017-12-18 14:22:42East London12,846£370 pw532017-12-25 09:31:42£1,842 pcm (£425 pw)Gorgeous two bedroom property in a fantastic location moments from London Fields and Dalston.The property is full of character and benefits from two almost equal size double bedrooms, spacious reception, modern separate kitchen and bathroom.Enviably located just a 5 minute walk to Haggerston Station and 10 minute walk to Dalston Junction Station. Also a short walk from the popular areas of London Fields, Broadway Market and Dalston with all the many shops, bars cafes and restaurants.Our Ref: Rpl/iupload/HKL17141451.540718-0.073Middleton Road Haggerston+44 20 8128 5116E8 4BN
542017-12-22 14:57:5182017-12-22 16:53:45See all properties to rent in East LondonEast London22017-12-18 14:22:42East London12,846£370 pw542017-12-25 09:31:45£2,058 pcm (£475 pw)Let agreed - Fantastic modern two double bedroom apartment with large balcony with stunning views of the City of London. Sought after Dalston Square development with Gym and Concierge.Features two equal size double bedrooms, bright reception with open plan modern kitchen, balcony and bathroom. Enery eficnet and also features triple glazed windows. Flexible with furniture options.Right in the heart of Dalston so just a 2 minute walk to the station along with the many popular shops cares and restaurants.Our Ref: Rpl/iupload/HKL17141651.54455-0.074843Roseberry Place Dalston Square Dalston+44 20 8128 5116E8 3DD
552017-12-22 14:57:5182017-12-22 16:53:45See all properties to rent in East LondonEast London22017-12-18 14:22:42East London12,846£370 pw552017-12-25 09:31:50£1,993 pcm (£460 pw)Gorgeous semi detached house with tons of character in the desirable gated area of Gloucester Square benefiting from a front and back garden. Ideal location next to the Canal, London Fields and Broadway market.Features a large reception with separate kitchen, upstairs has two large double bedrooms, lots of storage and bathroom. Flexible with furniture options.Gloucester Square is in a peaceful location overlooking regents canal but is also just a few minutes walk to bars, cafés, restaurants of Broadway market and the green open spaces of London Fields. Walk to Hoxton Station in only 10 minutes with all the popular nightlife this area has to offer.Our Ref: Rpl/iupload/HKL17141751.535587-0.068805Hackney London+44 20 8128 5116E2 8RS
562017-12-22 14:57:5182017-12-22 16:53:45See all properties to rent in East LondonEast London22017-12-18 14:22:42East London12,846£370 pw562017-12-25 09:31:54£1,430 pcm (£330 pw)Stunning one bedroom modern apartment in the sought after Clapton Square.Only built last year, this modern one double bedroom apartment with a bright reception, open plan modern kitchen, good size double bedroom and modern bathroom. Located within the picturesque Clapton Square just a few minutes walk to the high street shops, bars and restaurants. Flexible with Furniture. Option to include Bills.Just a 5 minute walk to Hackney Downs Station where you can reach Liverpool street in 8 Minutes! And Hackney Central (Links to London Stratford, Highbury and Islington, Liverpool Street) and regular buses run frequently throughout this area with links to the City, Shoreditch, Oxford Circus and much more 24 hours a day!Guide Price £330 - £370pwOur Ref: Rpl/iupload/HKL17141251.551216-0.05457Clapton London+44 20 8128 5116E5 8HP
572017-12-22 14:57:5182017-12-22 16:53:45See all properties to rent in East LondonEast London22017-12-18 14:22:42East London12,846£370 pw572017-12-25 09:31:58£1,690 pcm (£390 pw)A beautifully presented two double bedroom apartment with a balcony offering views of the River Thames accessed from both the lounge and Master Bedroom. The property benefits from good quality furnishings, a secure parking space and bicycle store in the basement. Located within walking distance of South Quay DLR station. Call the Canary Wharf office on or email to arrange a viewing.Fees apply: The set-up fee for up to two tenants is £350 (inc VAT). For each additional tenant or if a guarantor is required there is a fee of £96 (inc VAT). A check out fee of £180 (inc VAT) will be charged at the end of the tenancy.51.49987-0.008072Stewart Street+44 20 8033 7707E14 3EX
582017-12-22 14:57:5182017-12-22 16:53:45See all properties to rent in East LondonEast London22017-12-18 14:22:42East London12,846£370 pw582017-12-25 09:32:01£1,100 pcm (£254 pw)Property Reference: 322387.1 Bed Flat, Wilmington Gardens, IG11. This 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom Flat is available to move in from 27 December, 2017.The rent is £1,100.00 per month (£253.85 per week).Property comes furnishedDeposit / Bond is £1,523.10Minimum tenancy is 6 MonthsMaximum number of tenants is 2More details available upon enquiry.Photos to follow shortly.Summary & Exclusions:- No DSS / Housing Benefit Applicants- Students welcome to enquire- Pets considered / by arrangement- No Smokers- Family Friendly- Bills not included- Property has parking- Property has garden access- EPC Rating: D If calling, please quote reference: 322387 Fees:You will not be charged any admin fees.Referencing for tenants only costs £20 each, if requested by the landlord for this property.** Contact today to book a viewing and have the landlord show you round! **Request Details form responded to 24/7, with phone bookings available 9am-9pm, 7 days a week.OpenRent endeavours to make all property particulars as accurate and reliable as possible, however if you require any further clarification or information please contact us. When applying for a tenancy using the Rent Now process, you will be required to pay one month's rent and any deposit before moving in. This will be paid to OpenRent and released to the landlord once you have moved in. With OpenRent there are no administration fees to pay, although you may need to pay £20 per tenant to cover the cost of referencing if required by the landlord.51.5412830.087589+44 20 3542 2178IG11 9TP
592017-12-22 14:57:5182017-12-22 16:53:45See all properties to rent in East LondonEast London22017-12-18 14:22:42East London12,846£370 pw592017-12-25 09:32:08£1,800 pcm (£415 pw)Property Reference: 319501.Beautiful and refurnished 2 bedroom maisonette to rent.Summary & Exclusions:- Rent Amount: £1,800.00 per month (£415.38 per week)- Deposit / Bond: £1,800.00- 2 Bedrooms- 1 Bathrooms- Property comes furnished- Available to move in from 25 December, 2017- Minimum tenancy term is 12 months- Maximum number of tenants is 4- No DSS / Housing Benefit Applicants- Students welcome to enquire- No Pets, sorry- Smokers considered- Family Friendly- Bills not included- No Parking Available- No Garden Access- EPC Rating: B If calling, please quote reference: 319501 Fees:You will not be charged any admin fees.Referencing for tenants only costs £20 each, if requested by the landlord for this property.** Contact today to book a viewing and have the landlord show you round! **Request Details form responded to 24/7, with phone bookings available 9am-9pm, 7 days a week.OpenRent endeavours to make all property particulars as accurate and reliable as possible, however if you require any further clarification or information please contact us. When applying for a tenancy using the Rent Now process, you will be required to pay one month's rent and any deposit before moving in. This will be paid to OpenRent and released to the landlord once you have moved in. With OpenRent there are no administration fees to pay, although you may need to pay £20 per tenant to cover the cost of referencing if required by the landlord.51.524727-0.047641Raynham House Harpley Square+44 20 3542 2178E1 4EB
602017-12-22 14:57:5182017-12-22 16:53:45See all properties to rent in East LondonEast London22017-12-18 14:22:42East London12,846£370 pw602017-12-25 09:32:13£850 pcm (£196 pw)Property Reference: 322101.Very nice double room in an nice and clean house.Just 5 min walking from Westferry station and mints from Limehouse station.Buses 24hr to central London3 double room available in the same house.£800£850£900Summary & Exclusions:- Rent Amount: £850.00 per month (£196.15 per week)- Deposit / Bond: £850.00- 4 Bedrooms- 2 Bathrooms- Property comes furnished- Available to move in from 03 January, 2018- Minimum tenancy term is 3 months- Maximum number of tenants is 2- No DSS / Housing Benefit Applicants- Students welcome to enquire- No Pets, sorry- Smokers considered- Family Friendly- Bills Included- Property has parking- Property has garden access If calling, please quote reference: 322101 Fees:You will not be charged any admin fees.Referencing for tenants only costs £20 each, if requested by the landlord for this property.** Contact today to book a viewing and have the landlord show you round! **Request Details form responded to 24/7, with phone bookings available 9am-9pm, 7 days a week.OpenRent endeavours to make all property particulars as accurate and reliable as possible, however if you require any further clarification or information please contact us. When applying for a tenancy using the Rent Now process, you will be required to pay one month's rent and any deposit before moving in. This will be paid to OpenRent and released to the landlord once you have moved in. With OpenRent there are no administration fees to pay, although you may need to pay £20 per tenant to cover the cost of referencing if required by the landlord.51.51394-0.031787+44 20 3542 2178E14 7TF
612017-12-22 14:57:5182017-12-22 16:53:45See all properties to rent in East LondonEast London22017-12-18 14:22:42East London12,846£370 pw612017-12-25 09:32:15£950 pcm (£219 pw)RM4U is pleased to offer you this First floor one bedroom flat located moments from Forest Gate Overground Station and an array of High Street amenities. This flat is in an excellent location and consists of a large sitting room, double bedroom, fully fitted kitchen and modern bathroom. The property has recently undergone refurbishment and is fully furnished with ample storage. Would suit a professional couple or single professional.Newly DecoratedDouble BedroomSeparate ReceptionSeparate Fully Fitted KitchenBathroomExcellent Transport LinksAvailable NowIf you require further information, please contact us...51.550210.026176SEBERT ROAD Forest Gate+44 20 3641 5020E7 0NQ
622017-12-22 14:57:5182017-12-22 16:53:45See all properties to rent in East LondonEast London22017-12-18 14:22:42East London12,846£370 pw622017-12-25 09:32:21£1,430 pcm (£330 pw)A one bedroom, one bathroom apartment on the 1st floor of Hoola's West Tower. This designer furnished apartment includes a spacious living and dining area, fitted kitchen with integrated appliances, tiled flooring, floor-to-ceiling windows, fitted bedroom storage, modern bathroom suite and a large private balcony. Residents will also have access to a 24 hour concierge service and a residents' gymnasium. There are several amenities located nearby including restaurants, cafés and shops. The development is located near to Royal Victoria DLR station, providing a valuable transport link for commutes within the Capital.51.5083270.014721 Tidal Basin Road Hoola+44 20 7768 2436E16 1UP
632017-12-22 14:57:5182017-12-22 16:53:45See all properties to rent in East LondonEast London22017-12-18 14:22:42East London12,846£370 pw632017-12-25 09:32:25£1,885 pcm (£435 pw)A one bedroom apartment situated on the Nineteenth floor of this popular development. This south facing property offers spectacular views through floor to ceiling glass walls and also features access to a balcony, comfort cooling and designer furnishings. On-site facilities include 24 hour concierge service, a fully staffed fitness suite with Ozone pool, residents' cinema and a 48th floor cocktail bar that offers panoramic views. The development is located within walking distance of Canary Wharf, providing transport links and several amenities including Canary Wharf Shopping Centre.51.4998-0.0173683 Pan Peninsula Square Canary Wharf+44 20 3641 4650E14 9HP
642017-12-22 14:57:5182017-12-22 16:53:45See all properties to rent in East LondonEast London22017-12-18 14:22:42East London12,846£370 pw642017-12-22 14:57:51£173 pcm (£40 pw)51.4998-0.017368
652017-12-22 14:57:5182017-12-22 16:53:45See all properties to rent in East LondonEast London22017-12-18 14:22:42East London12,846£370 pw652017-12-25 09:32:34£1,275 pcm (£294 pw)A fabulous 1 bedroom apartment located minutes from Ilford Station. This property is located on a high floor and benefits from great views, natural lighting and lavish finish to apartment51.558560.069524Ilford+44 20 8115 4637IG1 2DG
662017-12-22 14:57:5182017-12-22 16:53:45See all properties to rent in East LondonEast London22017-12-18 14:22:42East London12,846£370 pw662017-12-25 09:32:40£1,668 pcm (£385 pw)Lang and Ward are pleased to present this amazing fully furnished two bedroom, two bathroom apartment in Fabian Bell Tower, Heart of Bow development in E3, part of Bow Conservation area.This apartment comprises a master bedroom en-suite shower room and balcony, a sophisticated open-plan living room with fully fitted kitchen (washing machine, fridge/freezer and dishwasher), dining area and this unit is available fully furnished and a parking space is available.Fabian Bell Tower development is located within a short walk to Bow tube station (Central, District, Hammersmith & City lines) with the N8 night bus stopping close by. Roman Road market is a 2 minute stroll which has all you need on daily basis, and also Victoria Park is down the road, which is the biggest park in East London and a host to many live events.51.533634-0.022877Fabian Bell Tower"/> var html = document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0]; if ( html.className == "no-js" ) { html.className = "js"; } window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; var OX_dfp_options = { prefetch: true, customVariables: {"branch_name":"Lang and Ward","page":"E3 2SD
672017-12-22 14:57:5182017-12-22 16:53:45See all properties to rent in East LondonEast London22017-12-18 14:22:42East London12,846£370 pw672017-12-25 09:32:45£2,253 pcm (£520 pw)This spectacular 2 bedroom flat in the Landmark boasts stunning views towards Canary Wharf and is ready to move in to immediately.The property comprises two bedrooms, two bathrooms (one en-suite), a spacious open-plan living and kitchen area with integrated appliances, and access to a large private balcony. The flat features floor to ceiling windows and has been excellently maintained.The Landmark has a 24 hour concierge and resident's gym, and is located just a short walk from Canary Wharf station, South Quay DLR and Heron Quay DLR.51.502014-0.024765Canary Wharf+44 20 8022 5580E14 9EB
682017-12-22 14:57:5182017-12-22 16:53:45See all properties to rent in East LondonEast London22017-12-18 14:22:42East London12,846£370 pw682017-12-25 09:32:49£2,102 pcm (£485 pw)Enjoy the stunning views of the river and the O2 from this spacious two bedroom flat on a high floor in the Hoola development. Living accommodation consists of a kitchen diner with integrated appliances, a spacious living area, two modern bathrooms, two spacious bedrooms and a large balcony. The property is located on the 15th floor boasting over 900 sq. Ft. Of living space. The apartment offers unique concrete style ceilings and stunning views which can be enjoyed throughout the whole flat from the floor-to-ceiling windows and the large private balcony.The Hoola features a resident's gym and concierge, and is fantastically located just a couple of minutes walk from Royal Victoria DLR station and the Cable Car.With it's landscaped resident garden areas, floor to ceiling uv reflecting glass and recycling energy, the development ensures a refreshing, green and more eco way to live.51.508380.015385Royal Docks+44 20 8022 5580E16 1UX
692017-12-22 14:57:5182017-12-22 16:53:45See all properties to rent in East LondonEast London22017-12-18 14:22:42East London12,846£370 pw692017-12-25 09:32:51£1,153 pcm (£266 pw)Large two double bedrooms two bathrooms ground floor flat, open plan kitchen / reception with door opening onto a communal garden, allocated parking space andentry phone system.Unfurnished and available immediately51.5647470.186578+44 20 3463 2524RM12 4DQ
702017-12-22 14:58:09122017-12-22 16:53:50See all retirement properties to rent in East LondonEast London22017-12-18 14:22:42East London12,846£370 pw702017-12-25 09:32:54£1,200 pcm (£277 pw)Stunning two double bedroom apartment close to the River Lea development. Benefits from Parking.Large naturally bright reception, open plan modern kitchen, two good size double rooms, modern bathrooms. Plenty of storage and Parking.Moments from many cafes, bars and restaurants. Just a five minute walk to Clapton Station where you can reach Liverpool street and the city in 10 minutes.51.56482-0.048088Riverside close+44 20 8022 0213E5 9ST
712017-12-22 14:58:09122017-12-22 16:53:50See all retirement properties to rent in East LondonEast London22017-12-18 14:22:42East London12,846£370 pw712017-12-25 09:32:57£1,100 pcm (£254 pppw)A Super size One Bedroom flat in Excel!This fabulous flat has Restaurants, Bars, Parks, Leisure centers, supermarkets and many more benefits walking distance from it.The property is well presented and fully furnished.Super-kingsize bed in the room + two bedside table cabinets with lamps, chest of drawers and 3-door wardrobe with mirror.This location is extremely desirable just five minutes walk from Prince Regent Station, 24hr bus available only two minutes walk.Excellent transport to Canary Wharf and central London. For those of you who travel regularly, London City Airport is little more than 5 minutes away.No DSS pleaseContact us to arrange a viewing.51.511830.034345Alnwick Road+44 20 8022 3976E16 3HN
722017-12-22 14:58:09122017-12-22 16:53:50See all retirement properties to rent in East LondonEast London22017-12-18 14:22:42East London12,846£370 pw722017-12-25 09:33:00£1,148 pcm (£133 pppw)City View Properties are proud to present two bedroom House with the large reception and a stunning kitchen and bathroom. This particular 2 Bedroom house has been decorated to a very high standard offering lots of natural light. The two double room offers a Hugh built in wardrobe as well as a Brand New Double Bed. The property consists of wooden flooring and carpet is well presented and Fully furnished.The perks of this amazing location are having trendy bars and clubs. Local supermarkets are all walking distance. This location is extremely desirable just two minutes walk from Chadwell Heath Station, 24hr bus terminus available only two minutes walk.2 Good Size51.569010.128715Overton Drive+44 20 8022 3976RM6 4EF
732017-12-22 14:58:09122017-12-22 16:53:50See all retirement properties to rent in East LondonEast London22017-12-18 14:22:42East London12,846£370 pw732017-12-25 09:33:02£1,148 pcm (£265 pw)City View Properties are proud to present two bedroom House with the large reception and a stunning kitchen and bathroom. This particular 2 Bedroom house has been decorated to a very high standard offering lots of natural light. The two double room offers a Hugh built in wardrobe as well as a Brand New Double Bed. The property consists of wooden flooring and carpet is well presented and Fully furnished.The perks of this amazing location are having trendy bars and clubs. Local supermarkets are all walking distance. This location is extremely desirable just two minutes walk from Chadwell Heath Station, 24hr bus terminus available only two minutes walk.2 Good Size51.569010.128715Overton Drive+44 20 8022 3976RM6 4EF
742017-12-22 14:58:09122017-12-22 16:53:50See all retirement properties to rent in East LondonEast London22017-12-18 14:22:42East London12,846£370 pw742017-12-25 09:33:07£1,278 pcm (£295 pw)Recently refurbished one bedroom flat located within minutes walk to Haggeston tube station and right next to Regents Canal. Property features, large lounge, separate fully fitted kitchen with breakfast bar, wood flooring, large double bedroom, separate modern bathroom with power shower, double glazed windows. Close to all amenities, great transport link to Central London. Viewings highly recommended.51.535988-0.077338Mill Row, Kingsland Road+44 20 3641 7950N1 5RL
752017-12-22 14:58:09122017-12-22 16:53:50See all retirement properties to rent in East LondonEast London22017-12-18 14:22:42East London12,846£370 pw752017-12-25 09:33:14£850 pcm (£196 pw)This is a lovely one bedroom first floor flat. The building benefits from a lift to the flat, communal gardens and lounge aswell as laundry room. It is also warden assisted. The flat is nicely decorated to a high standard with fitted kitchen and shower. Clean and modern, hurry it must be seen! Available 28th November. Over 60`s only!51.5668560.186203Frazer Close+44 1708 573000RM1 2DE
762017-12-22 14:58:09122017-12-22 16:53:50See all retirement properties to rent in East LondonEast London22017-12-18 14:22:42East London12,846£370 pw762017-12-25 09:33:19£1,101 pcm (£254 pw)A Super size One Bedroom flat in Excel!This fabulous flat has Restaurants, Bars, Parks, Leisure centers, supermarkets and many more benefits walking distance from it.The property is well presented and fully furnished.Super-kingsize bed in the room + two bedside table cabinets with lamps, chest of drawers and 3-door wardrobe with mirror.This location is extremely desirable just five minutes walk from Prince Regent Station, 24hr bus available only two minutes walk.Excellent transport to Canary Wharf and central London. For those of you who travel regularly, London City Airport is little more than 5 minutes away.No DSS pleaseContact us to arrange a viewing.51.511830.034345Alnwick Road+44 20 8022 3976E16 3HN
772017-12-22 14:58:09122017-12-22 16:53:50See all retirement properties to rent in East LondonEast London22017-12-18 14:22:42East London12,846£370 pw772017-12-25 09:33:26£1,350 pcm (£312 pw)Large corner 2 Bed 2 bath with wrap around balconyTwo bedroom apartment for rent• 2 Double bedroom Apartment (Fully furnished) in Icon building, Ilford available for rent.• The property is on 12th floor and benefits from Lounge with Open Plan Kitchen (2 sofas 3+2, dining table)• Integrated luxury kitchen ( granite work top, dishwasher, Fridge freezer, Oven, Microwave)• Master Double Bedroom with En-suite• Second Double Bedroom with family Bathroom• One Store Room• Private balcony• 24 hour security and concierge• Video door phone51.557960.067261ilford hill+44 20 8115 7004IG1 2FB
782017-12-22 14:58:09122017-12-22 16:53:50See all retirement properties to rent in East LondonEast London22017-12-18 14:22:42East London12,846£370 pw782017-12-25 09:33:32£737 pcm (£170 pw)Hi everyone, This large double room is available from the beginning of December in a well presented flat located in the convenient central/east area of Mile End.Property description:- Good sized kitchen with a dining area- Fully furnished with everything you need- Comfortable double bed.- Includes: Double bed, desk with chairs, built in wardrobe, chest of drawers.- Separated bathroom and toiletLocation- 4 min walk to Queen Mary University- Supermarkets like Lidl, asda or tesco.- 2 min walking to the main street, Mile End Road.- Local shops 24 hours- Easy access to Royal London Hospital.- Gyms and amenities around.Transport- 4 min walking to Stepney Green Station (District, Hammersmith and City Lines)- 12 min walk to Mile End Station (Central Line)- Within 17 min bus to Canary Wharf- 1 stop to Mile EndWhat make us unique in the marketAll the bills are includedFree Weekly cleaning service24 hours maintenanceFree relocation service-- Call, text or email for a viewing! ---- Book it online if you are not in London at the moment --Thanks, Patricia51.518845-0.036995Mile End Road+44 20 8128 4303E1 4RS
792017-12-22 14:58:09122017-12-22 16:53:50See all retirement properties to rent in East LondonEast London22017-12-18 14:22:42East London12,846£370 pw792017-12-25 09:33:37£650 pcm (£150 pw)I am happy to offer this double room for single occupant just 3 min walk to the DLR!In a big house with 3 bathrooms and living room.To share with other young professionals.The location:A few steps to Poplar High Street, full of shops, banks, supermarkets and local restaurants.Short walk to Chrisp Street Market!The transport links:- poplar DLR station is literally 5 min walking to the house. 10 min to Canary Wharf, 10 min to Stratford, 15 min to bank!- D7 and D6 direct to canary wharf!What make us unique in the marketAll the bills are includedFree Weekly cleaning service24 hours maintenanceFree relocation service-- come and see and you won't regret-- or..-- book it online if you are not in london and get the room ready for your arrival --Thanks, Patricia51.509796-0.010594Bazely Street+44 20 8128 4303E14 0ES
802017-12-22 14:58:09122017-12-22 16:53:50See all retirement properties to rent in East LondonEast London22017-12-18 14:22:42East London12,846£370 pw802017-12-25 09:33:40£650 pcm (£150 pw)I am happy to offer this double room for single occupant just 3 min walk to the DLR!In a big house with 3 bathrooms and living room.To share with other young professionals.The location:A few steps to Poplar High Street, full of shops, banks, supermarkets and local restaurants.Short walk to Chrisp Street Market!The transport links:- poplar DLR station is literally 5 min walking to the house. 10 min to Canary Wharf, 10 min to Stratford, 15 min to bank!- D7 and D6 direct to canary wharf!What make us unique in the marketAll the bills are includedFree Weekly cleaning service24 hours maintenanceFree relocation service-- come and see and you won't regret-- or..-- book it online if you are not in london and get the room ready for your arrival --Thanks, Patricia51.509796-0.010594Bazely Street+44 20 8128 4303E14 0ES
812017-12-22 14:58:09122017-12-22 16:53:50See all retirement properties to rent in East LondonEast London22017-12-18 14:22:42East London12,846£370 pw812017-12-25 09:33:45£1,800 pcm (£415 pw)***your new home***The Flat has two double rooms, kitchen, living room, toilet and bathroom and the whole flat has wooden floors.Room 1 - comes with a double bed, fitted in wardrobe, chest of drawers and a table.Room 2 - comes with a double bed, wardrobe, chest of drawers, two tables and two chairs.The living room is huge! Has a fire place and a balcony.The kitchen is fully equipped, very nice tile works as well as a good amount of space and has a very modern feel to it.Bathroom and toilet separate.***what you need to know about the location***- Bethnal Green Station Is a 5 minute walk- Cambridge Heath Statin Overground is a 10 minute walk.- D3,309, Number 8, D6,106,254,388 Bus Stop is at walking distance - goes towards Central London and Stratford Westfield City.- Supermarkets, off licences, shops, bars and restaurants very close by.- Victoria Park Is the closest park.If this two bedroom Flat sounds like the perfect home for yourself or you and your family then get in touch with me to book your appointment.Kind RegardsSterling De Vere Team51.532116-0.048161St James Avenue+44 20 8128 4303E2 9JE
822017-12-22 14:58:09122017-12-22 16:53:50See all retirement properties to rent in East LondonEast London22017-12-18 14:22:42East London12,846£370 pw822017-12-25 09:33:52£800 pcm (£185 pppw)We are pleased to market this clean small studio flat in Gnats HIll. Walking distant to Gantshill tube StationAll bills included Except electricity and internetSeparate kitchen /fridge/microwaveIdeal for city workers. 25 min. Oxford StreetFully furnishedLaminated flooringOn-suite toilet with showerOpposite to Parkno petsNo DSS*** Must see ***Near all shops and amenities Restaurants, Supermarkets, shops, 3-5 walking distant to Tube stations ( Central Line ) near Barkingside leisure center. Very good location.51.573210.073076Perth Road+44 20 8033 7796IG2 6DY
832017-12-22 14:58:09122017-12-22 16:53:50See all retirement properties to rent in East LondonEast London22017-12-18 14:22:42East London12,846£370 pw832017-12-25 09:33:56£1,517 pcm (£350 pppw)City View Properties are proud to present one bedroom flat with large reception and a stunning kitchen and bathroom. This particular 1 Bedroom flat has been decorated to a very high standard offering lots of natural light. The double room offers a Hugh built in wardrobe as well as a brand New Double Bed. The whole property consists of wooden flooring and is well presented and Fully furnished.The perks of this amazing location is having trendy bars and clubs. Local supermarkets are all walking distance. This location is extremely desirable just five minutes walk from Aldgate East Station, 24hr bus terminus available only two minutes walk. You have a walking distance to the city. Only 7 minutes walking distance to Liverpool Street Station.51.52172-0.07151Brick Lane+44 20 8022 3976E1 6RU
842017-12-22 14:58:09122017-12-22 16:53:50See all retirement properties to rent in East LondonEast London22017-12-18 14:22:42East London12,846£370 pw842017-12-25 09:34:02£1,343 pcm (£310 pw)City View Properties is extremely proud to present this 3 bedroom house in Rainham, The property consist of a good sized kitchen, bathroom and three amazing double rooms with a lot of storage space. Furthermore, the bright living room on the ground floor and the private and spacious garden will make you feel home and comfortable.The location is safe and quite; full of bars, restaurant and shops open 24hr.Dagenham East Station in only 5 minutes by walk from the building.• One Semi DoubleDouble room• One single roomTwo Receptions• Spacious Separate lounge• Fully fitted kitchen• Spacious bathroom and toilet• Lovely front garden• Spacious back garden• Double glazing window• Carpet flooring• Central heating• 7-8 minutes walking distance from Dagenham Heathway under ground station• Free street parking facilityNo DSSDon't miss your chance to find a perfect home for51.5205540.197347Ashwood Avenue+44 20 8022 3976RM13 9AS
852017-12-22 14:58:09122017-12-22 16:53:50See all retirement properties to rent in East LondonEast London22017-12-18 14:22:42East London12,846£370 pw852017-12-22 14:58:09£1,625 pcm (£375 pw)51.5166970.012841
862017-12-22 14:58:09122017-12-22 16:53:50See all retirement properties to rent in East LondonEast London22017-12-18 14:22:42East London12,846£370 pw862017-12-25 09:34:09£1,200 pcm (£277 pw)* Two double bedroom* Two bathroom* Balcony* Close to Ilford station and shopsA very nice two double bedroom two bedroom flat, furnished, in the popular centreway development, close to all amenities, and close to Ilford station51.5603750.077297CITY VIEW, AXON PLACE+44 20 8022 1212IG1 1NH
872017-12-22 14:58:09122017-12-22 16:53:50See all retirement properties to rent in East LondonEast London22017-12-18 14:22:42East London12,846£370 pw872017-12-25 09:34:12£1,300 pcm (£300 pw)This one bedroom apartment is situated in Poplar in a purpose built development. The apartment benefits from:- Gas central heating- Double Glazing- Lounge with open plan kitchen- Fitted bathroom- Video Entryphone- Top floor- Cooker, fridge/freezer and washing machine also includedWith excellent links to the city (DLR Service) and local amenities close by.There is no parking for this property.51.50915-0.001903Newport Avenue+44 20 7768 0482E14 2EB
882017-12-22 14:58:09122017-12-22 16:53:50See all retirement properties to rent in East LondonEast London22017-12-18 14:22:42East London12,846£370 pw882017-12-25 09:34:15£900 pcm (£208 pw)Detailed DescriptionIf you are looking for a well-maintained retirement home, home heather house has a one bedroom accommodation within walking distance to Gants Hill station.The place is an ideal retirement place for people looking for activities and comfort. Entrance to the property is secured with an entryphone system. Has double glazed windows and electric heater. Kitchen with electric cooker/oven. Large lounge with dining area, with door leading out to the communal garden area.51.577770.059774Beehive Lane+44 20 8022 1524IG4 5EF
892017-12-22 14:58:09122017-12-22 16:53:50See all retirement properties to rent in East LondonEast London22017-12-18 14:22:42East London12,846£370 pw892017-12-25 09:34:21£771 pcm (£178 pw)Situated in the popular location of goldings court is this one double bedroom retirment flat. The property has a modern fitted kitchen, modern bathroom suite, double glazed windows and emergency pull cords. There is also an duty manger, communal laundry51.555650.068368Riverdene Road+44 20 3544 7945IG1 2EN
902017-12-22 14:58:09122017-12-22 16:53:50See all retirement properties to rent in East LondonEast London22017-12-18 14:22:42East London12,846£370 pw902017-12-25 09:34:25£775 pcm (£179 pw)Detailed DescriptionTenants over 55 years only, retirement home. One bedroom ground floor retirement apartment located within walking distance to ilford station there is 24HOUR emergency care system in place. Fully furnished with applianced kitchen, family bathroom and double bedroom.51.555650.068368Riverdene Road+44 20 3641 9852IG1 2EN
912017-12-22 14:58:22152017-12-22 17:11:37See all properties to rent in North East LondonNorth East London32017-12-18 14:22:42North East London7,066£398 pw912017-12-25 09:34:31£1,850 pcm (£427 pw)Fully Refurbished Three Bedroom Terraced HouseThe property features three bedrooms, a family size through lounge, newly fitted kitchen, newly fitted bathroom suite and a 35 Ft south facing garden.The house is located within walking distance to great transport links and shopping facilities. Tottenham Hale (Victoria Line Zone 3) and br with the Stansted Express being in proximity. Bruce Grove Underground is also within walking distance and in either station you can get to Liverpool St within 12 minutes.There is good access for shopping to the Tottenham Hale Retail park close by as well as Seven Sisters cafés and shopping quarter. There is a choice of clubs on your door step like the Styx club and local breweries or perhaps you can enjoy a number of eateries along Seven Sisters.If this is not enough then you will love a nice cycle along the canals and river that take you right up to the heart of the capital's financial city.This is a great house that’s close to excellent transport links, available immediately and offered part furnished.Please contact the Hunters lettings team at the Tottenham Branch to arrange an appointment to view on or email51.59509-0.064361London+44 20 8115 8211N17 9DY
922017-12-22 14:58:22152017-12-22 17:11:37See all properties to rent in North East LondonNorth East London32017-12-18 14:22:42North East London7,066£398 pw922017-12-25 09:34:35£1,400 pcm (£323 pw)Two double bedroom ground floor flat available now! Bairstow eves are pleased to offer this unfurnished ground floor flat with a private rear garden to the market. The property offers character with original wooden flooring and period features throughout other benefits include a modern fitted kitchen/diner, a large seperate reception room, new bathroom, gas central heating and double glazed windows. Perfectly located for commuter links and local amenities.Two double bedroom ground floor flat available now! Bairstow eves are pleased to offer this unfurnished ground floor flat with a private rear garden to the market. The property offers character with original wooden flooring and period features throughout other benefits include a modern fitted kitchen/diner, a large seperate reception room, new bathroom, gas central heating and double glazed windows. Perfectly located for commuter links and local amenities. Call to view.51.563553-0.002607+44 20 3478 3349E11 4BN
932017-12-22 14:58:22152017-12-22 17:11:37See all properties to rent in North East LondonNorth East London32017-12-18 14:22:42North East London7,066£398 pw932017-12-22 14:58:22£1,800 pcm (£415 pw)51.583294-0.001135
942017-12-22 14:58:22152017-12-22 17:11:37See all properties to rent in North East LondonNorth East London32017-12-18 14:22:42North East London7,066£398 pw942017-12-25 09:34:44£1,390 pcm (£321 pw)Rent-a-Home presents this freshly refurbished two double bedroom on ground floor.This newly refurbished property offers a bright and airy reception, modern open plan kitchen with new gas hob, oven, fridge and washing, bathroom, 2 large double bedrooms. This property also has extra storage space.Great location, walk to all the amenities of Dalston and Stoke Newington in 10 minutes. Just a 2 minute walk to the Station which takes you directly into Liverpool Street in 10 minutes.£1390 pcmAvailable 25th January 201851.557007-0.068734+44 20 3478 2925N16 7QP
952017-12-22 14:58:22152017-12-22 17:11:37See all properties to rent in North East LondonNorth East London32017-12-18 14:22:42North East London7,066£398 pw952017-12-22 14:58:22£2,747 pcm (£634 pw)51.545532-0.074874
962017-12-22 14:58:22152017-12-22 17:11:37See all properties to rent in North East LondonNorth East London32017-12-18 14:22:42North East London7,066£398 pw962017-12-25 09:34:52£1,300 pcm (£300 pw)Modern and spacious studio located within a converted warehouse. This stylish property is finished to a high standard, comes fully furnished and has wood floors throughout. Great location and all Utility Bills, Internet and Council Tax included!Our Ref: Rpl/iupload/HKL17141051.529358-0.080991Fanshaw Street London+44 20 8128 5116N1 6LQ
972017-12-22 14:58:22152017-12-22 17:11:37See all properties to rent in North East LondonNorth East London32017-12-18 14:22:42North East London7,066£398 pw972017-12-22 14:58:22£1,517 pcm (£350 pw)51.547215-0.071557
982017-12-22 14:58:22152017-12-22 17:11:37See all properties to rent in North East LondonNorth East London32017-12-18 14:22:42North East London7,066£398 pw982017-12-25 09:34:58£1,473 pcm (£340 pw)Fantastic one double bedroom apartment set in a period building. Newly refurbished with private garden.The property has spacious bright rooms, recently refurbished and newly painted. Features a spacious reception, separate kitchen, double bedroom and bathroom. Located just a 10 min walk to Hackney Downs station where you can reach Liverpool Street in just 8 minutes! Downs Park is just across the road or a short walk to London Fields or Victoria Park in 20 minutes.Our Ref: Rpl/iupload/HKL17141351.55417-0.057992Hackney Downs+44 20 8128 5116E5 8NN
992017-12-22 14:58:22152017-12-22 17:11:37See all properties to rent in North East LondonNorth East London32017-12-18 14:22:42North East London7,066£398 pw992017-12-25 09:35:00£1,842 pcm (£425 pw)Gorgeous two bedroom property in a fantastic location moments from London Fields and Dalston.The property is full of character and benefits from two almost equal size double bedrooms, spacious reception, modern separate kitchen and bathroom.Enviably located just a 5 minute walk to Haggerston Station and 10 minute walk to Dalston Junction Station. Also a short walk from the popular areas of London Fields, Broadway Market and Dalston with all the many shops, bars cafes and restaurants.Our Ref: Rpl/iupload/HKL17141451.540718-0.073Middleton Road Haggerston+44 20 8128 5116E8 4BN
1002017-12-22 14:58:22152017-12-22 17:11:37See all properties to rent in North East LondonNorth East London32017-12-18 14:22:42North East London7,066£398 pw1002017-12-25 09:35:02£2,297 pcm (£530 pw)Spacious three double bedroom split level apartment with wood flooring. Great location right next to Shoreditch Park.Features a large reception, separate modern kitchen, three double bedrooms and storage. The property is double glazed, has wood flooring throughout and has gas central heating. Can be offered either furnished or unfurnished.Walk to Hoxton Station in under 10 minutes and walk to Angel or Liverpool Street in 25 minutes. Quiet location but moments from all the cafes, bars and restaurants that Hoxton, Old street and Shoreditch have to offer.Our Ref: Rpl/iupload/HKL17141551.534206-0.082676Hobbs Place Hoxton London+44 20 8128 5116N1 5LA
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12017-12-25 09:23:37£4,333 pcm (£1,000 pw)Situated within Tower View Apartments this exceptional split-level property sits on the banks of the Thames and boasts spectacular direct south facing river views through full length windows which offer aspects of landmarks including Tower Bridge and The Shard.The property offers excellent character for a modern apartment - finished with crisp neutral décor. Wood floors in living areas, carpeted bedrooms for added comfort, a stylish, contemporary interior design and modern specification – top of the range home automation features including integrated audio throughout, air-conditioned reception and master bedroom, underfloor heating in both bathrooms and zonal controlled heating.Spread over 2 floors, arranged across a total 1170 Square Feet / 108.7 Square Meters the apartment comprises of bright and spacious reception with high, extra-large windows generating excellent natural light. Open plan kitchen with fully integrated appliances within black units and polished stone worktops. The lower level comes complete with guest WC and storage / utility compartment in the hallway.The upper level comprises of both bedrooms - generous size doubles, fully equipped with wardrobes and furnishings. The master bedroom benefits from the same exceptional views enjoyed in the reception with en-suite shower wet room featuring sleek black tile finish, mirrored vanity cabinets, custom made wash basin and heated towel rail. The 2nd bedroom also includes en-suite shower wet room in a light cream tile finish.Located in Wapping the location sits within walk distance of The City and within easy reach of Canary Wharf, The West End and Central London with Tower Hill underground and Tower Gateway DLR stations within a short walk.Set on St Katherines Walk the property is minutes from popular St Katherine’s dock and Tower Bridge where lies Shad Thames and More London for a selection of bars, restaurants and pubs. The location is also moments from Thomas More Square with large Waitrose Supermarket and other local shops and amenities.St Katherine’s Way+44 20 3463 1577E1W 1BE
22017-12-25 09:23:39£3,012 pcm (£695 pw)2 bedroom flat in Stafford Place, Westminster, London. Tucked away in a discreet cul-de-sac of mews style properties which runs parallel to Buckingham Palace Road, 24 Stafford Place is almost neighbouring Buckingham Palace itself! This apartment has 2 large Ensuite bedrooms, Modern open plan Living and spacious room throughout. Available at flexible terms. Call exclusively for further information+44 20 8022 6099SW1E 6NP
32017-12-25 09:23:43£3,683 pcm (£850 pw)2 bedroom flat in Stafford Place, Westminster, London. Tucked away in a discreet cul-de-sac of mews style properties which runs parallel to Buckingham Palace Road, 24 Stafford Place is almost neighbouring Buckingham Palace itself! This apartment has 2 large Ensuite bedrooms, Modern open plan Living and spacious room throughout. Available at flexible terms. Call exclusively for further information+44 20 8022 6099SW1E 6NP
42017-12-25 09:23:48£3,250 pcm (£750 pw)1 bedroom flat in Stafford Place, Westminster, London. Tucked away in a discreet cul-de-sac of mews style properties which runs parallel to Buckingham Palace Road, 24 Stafford Place is almost neighbouring Buckingham Palace itself! This apartment has 1 large Ensuite bedrooms, Modern open plan Living and spacious room throughout. Available at flexible terms. Call exclusively for further information+44 20 8022 6099SW1E 6NL
52017-12-25 09:23:52£3,683 pcm (£850 pw)2 bedroom flat in Stafford Place, Westminster, London. Tucked away in a discreet cul-de-sac of mews style properties which runs parallel to Buckingham Palace Road, 24 Stafford Place is almost neighbouring Buckingham Palace itself! This apartment has 2 large Ensuite bedrooms, Modern open plan Living and spacious room throughout. Available at flexible terms. Call exclusively for further information+44 20 8022 6099SW1E 6NL
62017-12-25 09:27:30£3,033 pcm (£700 pw)A two bedroom apartment located on the 1st floor (with lift) of this brand new modern building located only moments away from Victoria Station and the popular local shops and amenities of Wilton Road, Pimlico. This well presented property is furnished to a high standard and further benefits from a contemporary integrated kitchen and reception room and three double bedrooms. The property offers good storage and onsite concierge. The tube links of Victoria, St James's Park and Westminster are within easy walking distance as well as a selection of bus services. The surrounding area also offers a variety of retail stores, including the flagship House of Fraser Department store, the Cardinal Place Shopping Centre as well as amenities such as Little Waitrose, a Curzon Cinema and many restaurants such as Jamie Oliver's Italian, Iberica, Browns, A Wong and Franco Manca to name but a few. Please note that the photos displayed may not be representative of the apartment.51.498245-0.14032888+44 20 8022 6099SW1 1AU
72017-12-25 09:27:35£3,683 pcm (£850 pw)A stunning two double bedroom apartment located in the prestigious Paramount Building that offers 1187 sq ft of lateral space. This well proportioned property comprises two large double bedrooms, ensuite shower room, main bathroom, large reception room and fully fitted open-plan kitchen with breakfast bar. Finished to an impeccable standard throughout this apartment is situated less than 5 minutes walk from Farringdon station and is on the popular St John Street with Waitrose nearby. Offered fully furnished and available with underground parking by separate negotiation.51.524803-0.103426206-212 St. John Street London+44 20 8022 5536EC1V 4JY
82017-12-25 09:27:40£1,842 pcm (£425 pw)Introducing 202 Bishopsgate in the heart of the City.Offering this modern spacious studio apartment with a modern bathroom in a prime location to the lettings market. The property comprises of an open plan living and sleeping area, a separate modern kitchen, a recently refurbished bathroom. This apartment is superbly located opposite Liverpool Street station and offers easy access to local bars, restaurants and shops. The utility bills are included in the rent.Contact the lettings team to arrange viewings as soon as possible.51.517952-0.079727202 Bishopsgate+44 20 8022 5580EC2M 4NR
92017-12-25 09:27:43£2,015 pcm (£465 pw)Introducing Abbott's Chambers, 202 Bishopsgate in the heart of the City.Offering this spacious one bedroom flat with a modern bathroom in a prime location to the lettings market. The property comprises of an sub open plan living room with a modern kitchen which has recently been refurbished throughout including the bathroom. The flat offers wooden flooring throughout and a good size double bedroom with fitted wardrobes. This apartment is superbly located opposite Liverpool Street station and offers easy access to local bars, restaurants and shops. The utility bills are included in the rent.Contact the lettings team to arrange viewings as soon as possible.51.517952-0.079727202 Bishopsgate+44 20 8022 5580EC2M 4NR
102017-12-25 09:27:46£2,145 pcm (£495 pw)A exciting opportunity to rent moments from the Embankment within London's Westminster in the form of this charming 2 bedroom apartment situated on the top floor (3rd floor) within this elegant Grade II Listed Georgian Town House.Accessed via a short walk up, the apartment comprises of a very spacious reception room with a fully equipped recessed kitchen. The kitchen and Reception space both benefit from a south facing aspect to which natural light is in plenty. Toward the rear of the layout, the master bedroom hosting good storage and faces the rear of the building. The second bedroom is commonly suited to a children's bedroom however can also be used as a common study space for additional storage. The apartment is concluded via a beautifully presented bathroom and has a total floor space of 580 Sq. Feet / 53 Sq. M.Craven Street is a Georgian lined street linking The Strand to the Victoria Embankment. The location was developed via the Craven Family within the mid 17th century and has laid residence to some very prominent historical figures notably Benjamin Franklin, one of the Founding Fathers of The United States of America. The location is simply unrivaled for incredible access to the many attractions of The South Bank, Westminster and Victoria Embankment.In conclusion, the location can offer excellent transport Links including immediate access to Charing Cross (Northern line – Charing Cross branch) and Embankment (Circle and District Line) London Underground stations in addition to Charing Cross Rail Station offering Mainline Services.51.50728-0.124242Craven Street+44 20 7768 2296WC2N 5NT
112017-12-25 09:28:41£2,578 pcm (£595 pw)Key features: Having been recently decorated throughout, we offer this extensive two bedroom loft style apartment in the heart of Clerkenwell.Arranged on the first floor of this popular residential building, the apartment comprises of an impressive sized living area with ample amounts of natural light. An offset kitchen is fully utilised and offers a separate breakfast area. Two double bedrooms are available boasting high ceilings in both.Located on Clerkenwell Road between both Farringdon & Barbican Stations, the apartment also offers a short walk to Old Street Station and The City.The apartment is available early February.EPC Rating - C51.52302-0.100473Clerkenwell London+44 20 3478 3310EC1M 5PS
122017-12-25 09:28:43£2,145 pcm (£495 pw)This large one bedroom bright and spacious apartment on the seventh floor, is located in the heart of Victoria.The apartment has a large bright bedroom with a spacious reception area, plenty of storage space, fully fitted kitchen and a modern bathroom. The apartment comes with free wifi and is set up for a Sky subscription.Luke House offers an excellent variety of 30 newly refurbished studio, one and two bedroom apartments, situated on the upper floors of this purpose built development building, offering flexible accommodation to suit all requirements. The building has a dedicated building manager, secure underground parking, wifi, laundry room and lift service.Centrally located in Westminster, just off Victoria Street, Luke House is surrounded by shops, bars and restaurants, as well as giving easy access to the rest of the city. Residents of Luke House have easy access to some of the capital’s best known historic sights – including Buckingham Palace, the Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey. It is a 5 minute walk to St James’s Park tube station (District line) and to Victoria tube and train station (Victoria line & Gatwick Express).All of our tenants benefit from a dedicated building manager who is on hand to assist with any property related issues. We also employ a dedicated team of maintenance experts and provide a 24-hour emergency helpline.Luke House offers an excellent variety of 30 newly refurbished studio, one and two bedroom apartments, situated on the upper floors of this purpose built development, offering flexible accommodation to suit all requirements. The building has a dedicated building manager, secure underground parking, wifi, laundry room and lift service.Centrally located in Westminster, just off Victoria Street, Luke House is surrounded by shops, bars and restaurants, as well as giving easy access to the rest of the city. Residents have access to some of the capital’s best known historic sights within easy walking distance, including Buckingham Palace, Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey. It is a 5 minute walk to St James’s Park tube station (District line) and 10 minutes to Victoria tube and train station (Victoria line & Gatwick Express). Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs)51.497944-0.1320163 Abbey Orchard Street Westminster London+44 20 8022 0759SW1P 2JJ
132017-12-25 09:28:47£2,500 pcm (£577 pw)An exquisite one bedroom apartment within the exclusive new St Dunstan's Court development.This apartment is finished to a high specification and features the highest quality fixtures and fittings. This beautiful unit offers an open plan living/dining area opening onto a stunning balcony, with a contemporary fully fitted kitchen including Siemens appliances.A spacious bedroom and bathroom with a shower and white marble affect tiles, this apartment is ideal for a single occupant or working couple.To the rear of St Dunstan’s Court, you will also benefit from private access to secluded, landscaped gardens, a perfect haven to retreat from the hustle and bustle of city living.Despite being in the core of the capital, residents can relax and unwind in their very own green oasis.This property also has stunning and unrivalled views of the Grade II listed King’s College Maughan Library.The residents also benefit from a 24 hour concierge service and exclusive club facilities.This property is offered furnished available for occupation immediately.Call Waterfronts on today to arrange a viewing with one of our friendly members of staff or to find out more information.6th FloorBedroomBathroomReception51.514954-0.109946St Dunstans House 133-137 Fetter Lane+44 20 3463 7513EC4A 1BF
142017-12-25 09:28:49£5,250 pcm (£1,212 pw)An exquisite two bedroom duplex penthouse within the exclusive new St Dunstan's Court development.This apartment is finished to a high specification and features the highest quality fixtures and fittings. This beautiful unit offers an open plan living/dining area opening onto a stunning balcony, with contemporary fully fitted kitchen to include Siemens appliances and spacious bedrooms and bathrooms, with a roof terrace.To the rear of St Dunstan’s Court, you will also benefit from private access to secluded, landscaped gardens, a perfect haven to retreat from the hustle and bustle of city living.Despite being in the core of the capital, residents can relax and unwind in their very own green oasis. This property also has stunning and unrivalled views of the Grade II listed King’s College Maughan Library.The residents also benefit from a 24 hour concierge service and exclusive club facilities.Offered fully furnished and available for occupation immediately.Please give us a call on to arrange a viewing.7th FloorBedroomBathroomReceptionBedroomBathroom51.514954-0.109946St Dunstan's House 133-137 Fetter Lane+44 20 3463 7513EC4A 1BF
152017-12-25 09:28:56£2,275 pcm (£525 pw)Key features:Luxurious 1 bedroom flatNewly refurbished building Large windowsContemporary kitchen Wood flooringFull description:A luxurious 1 bedroom flat in a newly refurbished building set in the heart of Soho.Well proportioned, bright and presented in immaculate condition, the flat comprises of a modern open plan living area with large windows, contemporary kitchen with integrated appliances & real wood flooring, one double bedroom with full height wardrobes, and an elegant bathroom.The property further benefits from the exceptional local amenities of the West end and the excellent transport links.51.512035-0.133645Rupert Street London+44 20 3463 2701W1D 7PQ
162017-12-25 09:28:58£3,900 pcm (£900 pw)Set on the first floor of this landmark development, The Strand and situated in the renowned Strand itself, this one bedroom apartment is only moments from theatres, museums, restaurants and the River Thames.Finished to a high specification throughout and including underfloor heating, air conditioning and a video entry phone system the property comprises reception room with contemporary, state of the art open plan fitted kitchen, beautiful wood floors, access to private balcony, spacious double bedroom with built in wardrobe and luxury family bathroom.Residents of The Strand also enjoy access to health spa, gym and swimming pool as well as concierge services.Available to rent on a furnished basis.Council Tax Band: TbcEPC rating: B51.509724-0.120236Strand+44 20 8128 4514WC2R 1AB
172017-12-25 09:29:01£758 pcm (£175 pw)A good size double room available in a prime location, moments away from Russell Square Station and directly adjacent to the Brunswick Centre. The room is fully furnished with all bills included. The room shares two wc's, a large kitchen and two bathrooms with showers. Available Now!* all bills included ** moments walk from the brunswick centre ** moments walk from russell square tube station ** single occupancy *51.52326-0.123571Bernard Street+44 20 3463 8360WC1N 1LN
182017-12-25 09:29:05£3,250 pcm (£750 pw)A gorgeous 2 bedroom apartment located a few minutes away from Russell Square. The fully furnished apartment has 2 bedrooms, bathroom, a fully-fitted state-of-the-art kitchen and benefits from a big balcony. The reception room can be converted into a third bedroom as there is a seperate kitchen. Located brilliantly in the heart of central London, the development has concierge service and is within walking distance to the many attractions of Soho, Covent Garden and the West End.51.520935-0.123912Cranfield House+44 20 3463 9596WC1B 4HH
192017-12-25 09:29:09£5,850 pcm (£1,350 pw)We are delighted to offer this newly refurbished 2-bedroom apartment with a large south facing reception room. This contemporary apartment set over 1324 sq. Ft. On the second floor in a portered apartment block located in the stylish area of Mayfair. The apartment has been refurbished throughout to an excellent standard and benefits from wood flooring and air cooling throughout. New Hereford House is an exclusive purpose-built block with a luxury entrance foyer and smart common areas located on the corner of Park Street and Oxford Street. The nearest tube station is Marble Arch and Bond Street.(Tenant fees may apply)51.513493-0.156068New Hereford House, 129 Park Street+44 20 3463 9596W1K 7JB
202017-12-25 09:29:14£4,160 pcm (£960 pw)Two bedroom apartment in the heart of London's fashionable Mayfair neighbouring the famous Berkeley Square. Mayfair has attracted exclusive shops, such as Fortnum and Mason, Selfridges & Fenwicks as well as world renowned designer boutiques on Mount Street & Bond Street & historic Saville Row and is also home to a number of desirable restaurants and private clubs. The fine architecture and village atmosphere that Mayfair has to offer makes it a great place to live. The apartment is set over 727 sq ft. On the sixth floor and comprises two spacious double bedroom (the master with an en-suite bathroom), two modern fitted bathrooms, airy and spacious reception room with rear facing views over Hay's Mews, modern fitted kitchen and benefits from ample storage space, porter, lift and on-site building manager. Available 22nd January 2018Two bedroom apartment in the heart of London's fashionable Mayfair neighbouring the famous Berkeley Square. Mayfair has attracted exclusive shops, such as Fortnum and Mason, Selfridges & Fenwicks as well as world renowned designer boutiques on Mount Street & Bond Street & historic Saville Row and is also home to a number of desirable restaurants and private clubs. The fine architecture and village atmosphere that Mayfair has to offer makes it a great place to live. The apartment is set over 727 sq ft. On the sixth floor and comprises two spacious double bedroom (the master with an en-suite bathroom), two modern fitted bathrooms, airy and spacious reception room with rear facing views over Hay's Mews, modern fitted kitchen and benefits from ample storage space, porter, lift and on-site building manager. Available 22nd January 201851.50793-0.149462Mayfair London+44 20 3641 5354W1J 5NA
212017-12-25 09:29:19£3,012 pcm (£695 pw)Long let. Centrally located moments from local amenities and Goodge Street Station, this fantastic two bedroom flat is presented in excellent condition and benefits from an open-plan kitchen and private balcony.Located in the heart of Fitzrovia, Goodge Street offers a variety of shops and restaurants and is a short walk to Goodge Street underground station for access to transport links.51.519238-0.136478Goodge Street+44 20 3463 0064W1T 4LZ
222017-12-25 09:29:25£1,950 pcm (£450 pw)Beautiful one bedroom apartment located in the heart of the Marylebone village. This property comprises of open plan reception room, spacious bedroom and a bathroom. This flat benefits from wooden flooring throughout and entry phone system for added security.This property comes fully furnished. Available now.51.518894-0.1511225 Marylebone Street+44 20 3544 7195W1G 8JA
232017-12-25 09:29:30£2,058 pcm (£475 pw)A superbly stylish, recently renovated 1 bed apartment situated on the ground floor of this superbly maintained residential apartment building located just a short distance from Baker Street Tube Station and the attractions of Oxford Street & Hyde Park. The apartment is offered fully-furnished and has recently been completely renovated to provide first-class living accommodation including porcelain tiled floors, under-floor heating, LED mood lighting, brand new open-plan kitchen with individual breakfast bar, composite worktops, integrated appliances, luxury fully tiled shower-room with WC, lounge with all new contemporary furnishings, LCD TV with international satellite feed and a sumptuous bedroom with all new modern furnishings and fitted wardrobes. The property also benefits from access to the building's private rear terrace garden with pond and seating areas. The building is also equipped with CCTV for added security and ultra-fast Wi-Fi is available on request.51.52086-0.159576121 Gloucester Place+44 20 3544 7195W1U 6JY
242017-12-25 09:29:32£2,492 pcm (£575 pw)A modern, spacious and fully furnished top-floor 1 bedroom apartment situated in a superbly maintained residential apartment building located just a short distance from Baker Street Tube Station and the attractions of Oxford Street & Hyde Park. The apartment offers a large lounge with solid-wood flooring, flat-screen TV & satellite feed, a modern & fully fitted kitchen containing all of the main appliances, a large double bedroom with modern furnishings and there is a fully tiled shower room with porcelain flooring. The property also benefits from the building's private rear terrace garden with pond and seating areas. The building is also equipped with CCTV for added security and ultra-fast Wi-Fi is available on request.51.52086-0.159576121 Gloucester Place+44 20 3544 7195W1U 6JY
252017-12-25 09:29:36£2,383 pcm (£550 pw)A bright & modern 1 bed apartment situated on the 2nd floor of this well maintained residential apartment building located just a short distance from Baker Street Tube Station and the attractions of Oxford Street, Park Lane & Hyde Park. The apartment is offered fully-furnished with modern furnishings and provides superb living accommodation including wood flooring, stunning open-plan kitchen with individual breakfast bar, composite worktops & integrated appliances, large lounge with LCD TV and international satellite feed, ultra-modern walk-in shower room with WC and a large bedroom with fitted wardrobes. The building is equipped with CCTV for added security and ultra-fast Wi-Fi is available on request.51.519573-0.15897991 Gloucester Place+44 20 3544 7195W1U 6JG
262017-12-25 09:29:40£1,900 pcm (£438 pw)Dance Square is a development finished and maintained to a high specification, with fantastic benefits such as a concierge service, secure entrances, lift within the building and gated gardens.The property offers, kitchen with integrated appliances and dining space. Lounge leading to a balcony with city views. One double bedroom, and bathroom. The property is offered part furnished, the landlady is flexible with this.Located in a prime area, with a access to Barbican and Old Street tube stations, moments from the City and many restaurants and amenities of Clerkenwell, popular social spots of Shoreditch and Hoxton Square are close by.Please call us to arrange a viewing.51.526207-0.097299Dance Square+44 20 7768 0482EC1V 3AJ
272017-12-25 09:29:46£1,950 pcm (£450 pw)Love Dwellings are delighted to offer to the market a lovely flat in Holborn, A One Bedroom apartment on the second floor in this purpose built block in the heart of the city. Spacious reception room, fully fitted kitchen. Electric heating. Within a short walk to Holborn Underground station.Please call to book a viewing.51.515324-0.107784Pemberton House, East Harding Street London+44 20 8115 5488EC4A 3AS
282017-12-25 09:29:50£4,312 pcm (£995 pw)Third Floor two bedroom two bathroom flat in very popular building close to Marylebone High Street, Open plan living room and kitchen, master bedroom with en suite walk in shower second double bedroom with separate bathroom. Building has 12 hour portertage51.518898-0.153183Blandford St+44 20 8128 0040W1U 4BY
292017-12-25 09:29:56£3,207 pcm (£740 pw)We are delighted to present a lovely one bedroom apartment on the Ground floor of this beautiful red brick building, situated in the heart of London`s fashionable Mayfair, close to Berkeley Square.The apartment is set over 599sq ft. And has a large living room area with fitted cupboards, bathroom and kitchen with fitted cupboards. Other benefits fully carpeted include a lift service, porter, cctv, use of a laundry room, electric heating, video entry system.The transport links include underground stations which are Green Park and Bond Street, Marble Arch all within a short walk away. Available Now Furnished or Unfurnished51.50793-0.149462Hill Street,Mayfair+44 20 8022 5281W1J 5NA
302017-12-25 09:29:58£1,200 pcm (£277 pw)Stunning two double bedroom apartment close to the River Lea development. Benefits from Parking.Large naturally bright reception, open plan modern kitchen, two good size double rooms, modern bathrooms. Plenty of storage and Parking.Moments from many cafes, bars and restaurants. Just a five minute walk to Clapton Station where you can reach Liverpool street and the city in 10 minutes.51.56482-0.048088Riverside close+44 20 8022 0213E5 9ST
312017-12-25 09:30:03£1,278 pcm (£295 pw)Recently refurbished one bedroom flat located within minutes walk to Haggeston tube station and right next to Regents Canal. Property features, large lounge, separate fully fitted kitchen with breakfast bar, wood flooring, large double bedroom, separate modern bathroom with power shower, double glazed windows. Close to all amenities, great transport link to Central London. Viewings highly recommended.51.535988-0.077338Mill Row, Kingsland Road+44 20 3641 7950N1 5RL
322017-12-25 09:30:08£737 pcm (£170 pw)Hi everyone, This large double room is available from the beginning of December in a well presented flat located in the convenient central/east area of Mile End.Property description:- Good sized kitchen with a dining area- Fully furnished with everything you need- Comfortable double bed.- Includes: Double bed, desk with chairs, built in wardrobe, chest of drawers.- Separated bathroom and toiletLocation- 4 min walk to Queen Mary University- Supermarkets like Lidl, asda or tesco.- 2 min walking to the main street, Mile End Road.- Local shops 24 hours- Easy access to Royal London Hospital.- Gyms and amenities around.Transport- 4 min walking to Stepney Green Station (District, Hammersmith and City Lines)- 12 min walk to Mile End Station (Central Line)- Within 17 min bus to Canary Wharf- 1 stop to Mile EndWhat make us unique in the marketAll the bills are includedFree Weekly cleaning service24 hours maintenanceFree relocation service-- Call, text or email for a viewing! ---- Book it online if you are not in London at the moment --Thanks, Patricia51.518845-0.036995Mile End Road+44 20 8128 4303E1 4RS
332017-12-25 09:30:11£650 pcm (£150 pw)I am happy to offer this double room for single occupant just 3 min walk to the DLR!In a big house with 3 bathrooms and living room.To share with other young professionals.The location:A few steps to Poplar High Street, full of shops, banks, supermarkets and local restaurants.Short walk to Chrisp Street Market!The transport links:- poplar DLR station is literally 5 min walking to the house. 10 min to Canary Wharf, 10 min to Stratford, 15 min to bank!- D7 and D6 direct to canary wharf!What make us unique in the marketAll the bills are includedFree Weekly cleaning service24 hours maintenanceFree relocation service-- come and see and you won't regret-- or..-- book it online if you are not in london and get the room ready for your arrival --Thanks, Patricia51.509796-0.010594Bazely Street+44 20 8128 4303E14 0ES
342017-12-25 09:30:15£650 pcm (£150 pw)I am happy to offer this double room for single occupant just 3 min walk to the DLR!In a big house with 3 bathrooms and living room.To share with other young professionals.The location:A few steps to Poplar High Street, full of shops, banks, supermarkets and local restaurants.Short walk to Chrisp Street Market!The transport links:- poplar DLR station is literally 5 min walking to the house. 10 min to Canary Wharf, 10 min to Stratford, 15 min to bank!- D7 and D6 direct to canary wharf!What make us unique in the marketAll the bills are includedFree Weekly cleaning service24 hours maintenanceFree relocation service-- come and see and you won't regret-- or..-- book it online if you are not in london and get the room ready for your arrival --Thanks, Patricia51.509796-0.010594Bazely Street+44 20 8128 4303E14 0ES
352017-12-25 09:30:17£1,800 pcm (£415 pw)***your new home***The Flat has two double rooms, kitchen, living room, toilet and bathroom and the whole flat has wooden floors.Room 1 - comes with a double bed, fitted in wardrobe, chest of drawers and a table.Room 2 - comes with a double bed, wardrobe, chest of drawers, two tables and two chairs.The living room is huge! Has a fire place and a balcony.The kitchen is fully equipped, very nice tile works as well as a good amount of space and has a very modern feel to it.Bathroom and toilet separate.***what you need to know about the location***- Bethnal Green Station Is a 5 minute walk- Cambridge Heath Statin Overground is a 10 minute walk.- D3,309, Number 8, D6,106,254,388 Bus Stop is at walking distance - goes towards Central London and Stratford Westfield City.- Supermarkets, off licences, shops, bars and restaurants very close by.- Victoria Park Is the closest park.If this two bedroom Flat sounds like the perfect home for yourself or you and your family then get in touch with me to book your appointment.Kind RegardsSterling De Vere Team51.532116-0.048161St James Avenue+44 20 8128 4303E2 9JE
362017-12-25 09:30:23£13,000 pcm (£3,000 pw)This property normally will charge £9500 pcm for short lease but will accept £4500 pcm for long-term lease.Located North of Hyde Park in the popular Hyde Park Estate of W2 is this well presented modern family townhouse. Arranged over two floors the accommodation comprises to the ground floor: Guest cloakroom, kitchen/breakfast room, reception room with sliding doors onto the approx. 300 + sq ft courtyard garden, first floor: Master bedroom with en-suite bathroom, second bedroom (currently used as a walk in dressing room) with doors onto a terrace, second floor: Third Bedroom with en-suite bathroom, bedrooms four and five share the main bathroom. The top floor comprises the second reception room with a kitchenette and doors onto the south west facing terrace measuring approx. 295 sq ft.This property normally with charge £9500 pcm for short lease but will accept £4500 pcm for long-term lease.SituationPorchester Place in the Hyde Park Estate is located close to a wealth of transport links and central London locations.Nearby underground stations include Edgware Road (Circle & District and Bakerloo lines), Lancaster Gate (Central line), Marble Arch (Central line) and Paddington Station (Heathrow Express) providing International, National and City links as well as providing tube links on the Bakerloo, Hammersmith & City and Circle & District lines. For motorists the A40 is also nearby.Hyde Park is within walking distance as is Oxford Street where the famous Selfridges store can be found.Additional Information2 x Reception RoomsKitchen/Breakfast RoomGuest Cloakroom5 x Bedrooms3 x BathroomsTop floor kitchenetteGround floor gardenTop floor south west facing terrace51.515537-0.165945Porchester Place+44 1274 067951W2 2PD
372017-12-25 09:30:29£1,517 pcm (£350 pppw)City View Properties are proud to present one bedroom flat with large reception and a stunning kitchen and bathroom. This particular 1 Bedroom flat has been decorated to a very high standard offering lots of natural light. The double room offers a Hugh built in wardrobe as well as a brand New Double Bed. The whole property consists of wooden flooring and is well presented and Fully furnished.The perks of this amazing location is having trendy bars and clubs. Local supermarkets are all walking distance. This location is extremely desirable just five minutes walk from Aldgate East Station, 24hr bus terminus available only two minutes walk. You have a walking distance to the city. Only 7 minutes walking distance to Liverpool Street Station.51.52172-0.07151Brick Lane+44 20 8022 3976E1 6RU
382017-12-25 09:30:33£1,625 pcm (£188 pppw)Spacious bright 2 double bedroom ground floor flat situated on Kennington Lane. Accommodation comprises of lounge, 2 double beds, bathroom, seperate toilet & kitchen. Large private patio area to rear of of the lounge. Fully furnished and newly decorated. Close to all transport links nearest tube Kennington & Vauxhall. Would be idea for sharers. Available mid October.We are members of The Property Redress Scheme£75.00 Admin Fee ppx6 weeks deposit1 month's rent in advanceInventory Check in £90.00- £130.00End of Tenancy clean (professionally)Students welcome51.487247-0.112187Kennington Lane+44 20 3641 5249SE11 5QT
392017-12-25 09:30:39£1,625 pcm (£375 pw)All our 2 beds have a family size bathroom and an en suite.• Engineered oak wooden flooring throughout the flat• Bedrooms come fully carpeted• Blinds and or curtains are provided• All white goods provide a total of 6 bosch appliances• There are no hidden costs, no referencing fees, check in/out fees or holding deposits. No fees• Property manager on site to provide a 1st class service on your door step like giving access to contractors so you do not have to take the time off work and signing for parcels• Laundry republic on site to undertake all your dry cleaning bringing the service at an affordable price to your door step• Low utilities bill and an B ( 84%) Energy performance certificate.• Longer tenancies offered.• Pet friendlyA short distance from Canning Town tube station, living in Rathbone East provides easy access to the O2, Westfield Stratford, the Olympic Park, Canary Wharf & the City.2 stops on the Jubilee line to Canary Wharf2 stops on the Jubilee line to Stratford10 stops on the Jubilee line to Bond Street7 stops on the DLR to BankThis is a fantastic 2 bedroom property available now for immediate occupation. The property boast a spacious master bedroom with inbuilt wardrobes offering vast amounts of space as well as an en-suite. There is a modern family bathroom located off the hallway for the 2nd bedroom. The modern kitchen/diner opens out to your very own balcony overlooking the residents courtyard below.Rathbone East provides a new standard in renting with a dedicated resident services manager based on site, a beautifully landscaped courtyard garden and rooftop allotments.We want you to make Rathbone East your home; we make customer service our priority, offer long term tenancies of 2 and 3 years and offer a choice of unfurnished, part furnished or furnished apartments.We have a dedicated on site Residents Manager who is solely for the customers of Rathbone East. They will personally follow up any issues, allow access to the property during the day as well as taking deliveries for you. There is a strong community spirit here at Rathbone East, there are customer only events as well as regular newsletters and initiatives.There are no letting fees to applicants.Please note all photos are indicative.51.5166970.012841Maud Street+44 20 3318 6642E16 1YT
402017-12-25 09:30:42£3,467 pcm (£800 pppw)We are delighted to introduce this wonderful 1 bedroom apartment. With a contemporary luxury design and open plan living, it composites all that modern contemporary living has to offer.With beautiful views of Baker Street and wonderful floor to ceiling windows, you will truly feel you are in a hidden treasure based in the heart of Marylebone.This flat comes fully fitted with custom designed fixtures and fittings and maintained to the highest standard. The Apartment comes fully equipped with individual under floor heating, air conditioning and mood lights which are perfect for every occasion.51.52366-0.158541Baker Street+44 20 8115 7279NW1 6XE
412017-12-25 09:30:46£1,400 pcm (£323 pw)Property featuresOne Double BedroomSeparate living roomKitchenBathroomProperty descriptionSet within a low-rise block on the doorstep of Regent's Park, this one double bedroom flat with offers separate living room, kitchen, full bathroom. The flat is situated within easy reach of the shops, bars, cafes and restaurants of Marylebone. Fitzrovia and Camden Town. The attractions of Soho and the West End and ample transport links are also close by.51.529697-0.144038Albany Street+44 20 8128 4232NW1 4DH
422017-12-25 09:30:51£1,300 pcm (£300 pw)This one bedroom apartment is situated in Poplar in a purpose built development. The apartment benefits from:- Gas central heating- Double Glazing- Lounge with open plan kitchen- Fitted bathroom- Video Entryphone- Top floor- Cooker, fridge/freezer and washing machine also includedWith excellent links to the city (DLR Service) and local amenities close by.There is no parking for this property.51.50915-0.001903Newport Avenue+44 20 7768 0482E14 2EB
432017-12-25 09:30:56£700 pcm (£162 pw)We have taken on a range of fabulous properties in Clapham - Not including gas, electric, water or council tax.Shared bathroom facilitiesShared kitchen facilities.Communal lounges available for useDouble glazingFantastic transport linksGreat locationThis is the perfect property for a guardian who needs to commute or likes to get around. With the nearest Train Stations being 10 minutes walking distance from Clapham Common Station. You will be able to get to Clapham South, Zone 2 and take 25 minutes to get to loveable Knightsbridge. Not only is this area surrounded by great neighbouring areas but also Clapham Rover F. C football club, Clapham high street, Clapham Old Town, which includes a range of great pubs and restaurants and Abbeville Road.As follows;Flat 34 Morten Close, London, SW4 8LG 3 bedroom flat with living room, kitchen, bathroom, toilet.£750pcmFlat 14, Tresidder House, Poynders Road, London, SW4 8PU2 bedroom flat with living room, kitchen, bathroom, toilet. £700Flat 31, Tresidder House, Poynders Road, London, SW4 8PU2 bedroom flat with living room, kitchen, bathroom, toilet.£700Flat 40, Tresidder House, Poynders Road, London, SW4 8PU1 bedroom flat with living room, kitchen, bathroom, toilet.£6508 Morten Close, London, SW4 8LGIt is a 3 bedroom flat with living room, kitchen, bathroom, toilet.£750 plus all bills (gas, electric, water, council tax)18 Morten Close, London, SW4 8LGIt is a 2 bedroom maisonette flat with living room, kitchen, bathroom, toilet.£700 plus all bills (gas, electric, water, council tax)39 Moberly Road, London, SW4 8EZIt is a 2 bedroom flat with living room, kitchen, bathroom, toilet.£700 plus all bills (gas, electric, water, council tax)please note these properties do not include water, gas, electric or council tax bills.Going quickly please contact us today for further information.Global Guardians offer available spaces for 60% cheaper than the average market value!We are a property guardian company, so you will be living in the property under a monthly licence agreement. This means that your notice period is a minimum 4 weeks. We only accept working professionals, 21 and over, to secure our properties – no children or pets are allowed in the building.We require documentation from you to apply to become a guardian. These include:• 3 months previous bank statements• 3 months previous pay slips• A scanned copy of your passport• An employers reference51.44969-0.133914moberly road+44 20 8115 8753SW4 8EZ
442017-12-25 09:31:02£5,612 pcm (£1,295 pw)Beautifully appointed first floor flat set in a stunning newly developed Victorian building with solid oak floors throughout. The apartment has been renovated to a very high standard; boasting a wonderful double volume reception room with extensive views. The state-of-the-art kitchen features all mod cons and there are 3 spacious bedrooms with fitted wardrobes. The stunning master bedroom has a fabulous en-suite bathroom with power shower. There is a second family bathroom and separate guest cloakroom. There is a large terrace leading out from the reception room and a glass lift for easy access. Offered unfurnished.51.555885-0.184359Redington Road+44 20 3641 3972NW3 7QX
452017-12-25 09:31:07£1,400 pcm (£323 pw)Two double bedroom ground floor flat available now! Bairstow eves are pleased to offer this unfurnished ground floor flat with a private rear garden to the market. The property offers character with original wooden flooring and period features throughout other benefits include a modern fitted kitchen/diner, a large seperate reception room, new bathroom, gas central heating and double glazed windows. Perfectly located for commuter links and local amenities.Two double bedroom ground floor flat available now! Bairstow eves are pleased to offer this unfurnished ground floor flat with a private rear garden to the market. The property offers character with original wooden flooring and period features throughout other benefits include a modern fitted kitchen/diner, a large seperate reception room, new bathroom, gas central heating and double glazed windows. Perfectly located for commuter links and local amenities. Call to view.51.563553-0.002607+44 20 3478 3349E11 4BN
462017-12-25 09:31:12£1,100 pcm (£254 pw)Bairstow eves are proud to present a ready to move into 2 bedroom flat on North Street above a shop within walking distance to Emerson Park Station. This property has a separate kitchen, a bathroom with a shower and two double bedrooms as well as a lounge. With gas central heating and parking this is a must see property! Available now! Call Bairstow eves Hornchurch now to view !Bairstow eves are proud to present a ready to move into 2 bedroom flat on North Street above a shop within walking distance to Emerson Park Station. This property has a separate kitchen, a bathroom with a shower and two double bedrooms as well as a lounge. With gas central heating and parking this is a must see property!Available now! Call Bairstow eves Hornchurch now to view !51.5661280.220395+44 1708 629062RM11 1SR
472017-12-22 14:57:51£1,800 pcm (£415 pw)51.583294-0.001135
482017-12-25 09:31:22£1,390 pcm (£321 pw)Rent-a-Home presents this freshly refurbished two double bedroom on ground floor.This newly refurbished property offers a bright and airy reception, modern open plan kitchen with new gas hob, oven, fridge and washing, bathroom, 2 large double bedrooms. This property also has extra storage space.Great location, walk to all the amenities of Dalston and Stoke Newington in 10 minutes. Just a 2 minute walk to the Station which takes you directly into Liverpool Street in 10 minutes.£1390 pcmAvailable 25th January 201851.557007-0.068734+44 20 3478 2925N16 7QP
492017-12-25 09:31:27£1,050 pcm (£242 pw)Must be viewed. David Daniels are delighted to offer this modern purpose built flat which is situated in a quiet residential area within walking distance of Goresbrook Park. The property is situated on the second floor and has a communal garden, a very spacious lounge, off street parking, and a modern fitted kitchen and bathroom. The property is ideally located, with easy access to transport links including Becontree station which offers District Line services into the city. We anticipate extremely high demand, therefore an early viewing is highly recommended51.5338250.135018+44 20 3478 3360RM9 6XG
502017-12-22 14:57:51£2,747 pcm (£634 pw)51.545532-0.074874
512017-12-22 14:57:51£1,517 pcm (£350 pw)51.547215-0.071557
522017-12-25 09:31:37£1,473 pcm (£340 pw)Fantastic one double bedroom apartment set in a period building. Newly refurbished with private garden.The property has spacious bright rooms, recently refurbished and newly painted. Features a spacious reception, separate kitchen, double bedroom and bathroom. Located just a 10 min walk to Hackney Downs station where you can reach Liverpool Street in just 8 minutes! Downs Park is just across the road or a short walk to London Fields or Victoria Park in 20 minutes.Our Ref: Rpl/iupload/HKL17141351.55417-0.057992Hackney Downs+44 20 8128 5116E5 8NN
532017-12-25 09:31:42£1,842 pcm (£425 pw)Gorgeous two bedroom property in a fantastic location moments from London Fields and Dalston.The property is full of character and benefits from two almost equal size double bedrooms, spacious reception, modern separate kitchen and bathroom.Enviably located just a 5 minute walk to Haggerston Station and 10 minute walk to Dalston Junction Station. Also a short walk from the popular areas of London Fields, Broadway Market and Dalston with all the many shops, bars cafes and restaurants.Our Ref: Rpl/iupload/HKL17141451.540718-0.073Middleton Road Haggerston+44 20 8128 5116E8 4BN
542017-12-25 09:31:45£2,058 pcm (£475 pw)Let agreed - Fantastic modern two double bedroom apartment with large balcony with stunning views of the City of London. Sought after Dalston Square development with Gym and Concierge.Features two equal size double bedrooms, bright reception with open plan modern kitchen, balcony and bathroom. Enery eficnet and also features triple glazed windows. Flexible with furniture options.Right in the heart of Dalston so just a 2 minute walk to the station along with the many popular shops cares and restaurants.Our Ref: Rpl/iupload/HKL17141651.54455-0.074843Roseberry Place Dalston Square Dalston+44 20 8128 5116E8 3DD
552017-12-25 09:31:50£1,993 pcm (£460 pw)Gorgeous semi detached house with tons of character in the desirable gated area of Gloucester Square benefiting from a front and back garden. Ideal location next to the Canal, London Fields and Broadway market.Features a large reception with separate kitchen, upstairs has two large double bedrooms, lots of storage and bathroom. Flexible with furniture options.Gloucester Square is in a peaceful location overlooking regents canal but is also just a few minutes walk to bars, cafés, restaurants of Broadway market and the green open spaces of London Fields. Walk to Hoxton Station in only 10 minutes with all the popular nightlife this area has to offer.Our Ref: Rpl/iupload/HKL17141751.535587-0.068805Hackney London+44 20 8128 5116E2 8RS
562017-12-25 09:31:54£1,430 pcm (£330 pw)Stunning one bedroom modern apartment in the sought after Clapton Square.Only built last year, this modern one double bedroom apartment with a bright reception, open plan modern kitchen, good size double bedroom and modern bathroom. Located within the picturesque Clapton Square just a few minutes walk to the high street shops, bars and restaurants. Flexible with Furniture. Option to include Bills.Just a 5 minute walk to Hackney Downs Station where you can reach Liverpool street in 8 Minutes! And Hackney Central (Links to London Stratford, Highbury and Islington, Liverpool Street) and regular buses run frequently throughout this area with links to the City, Shoreditch, Oxford Circus and much more 24 hours a day!Guide Price £330 - £370pwOur Ref: Rpl/iupload/HKL17141251.551216-0.05457Clapton London+44 20 8128 5116E5 8HP
572017-12-25 09:31:58£1,690 pcm (£390 pw)A beautifully presented two double bedroom apartment with a balcony offering views of the River Thames accessed from both the lounge and Master Bedroom. The property benefits from good quality furnishings, a secure parking space and bicycle store in the basement. Located within walking distance of South Quay DLR station. Call the Canary Wharf office on or email to arrange a viewing.Fees apply: The set-up fee for up to two tenants is £350 (inc VAT). For each additional tenant or if a guarantor is required there is a fee of £96 (inc VAT). A check out fee of £180 (inc VAT) will be charged at the end of the tenancy.51.49987-0.008072Stewart Street+44 20 8033 7707E14 3EX
582017-12-25 09:32:01£1,100 pcm (£254 pw)Property Reference: 322387.1 Bed Flat, Wilmington Gardens, IG11. This 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom Flat is available to move in from 27 December, 2017.The rent is £1,100.00 per month (£253.85 per week).Property comes furnishedDeposit / Bond is £1,523.10Minimum tenancy is 6 MonthsMaximum number of tenants is 2More details available upon enquiry.Photos to follow shortly.Summary & Exclusions:- No DSS / Housing Benefit Applicants- Students welcome to enquire- Pets considered / by arrangement- No Smokers- Family Friendly- Bills not included- Property has parking- Property has garden access- EPC Rating: D If calling, please quote reference: 322387 Fees:You will not be charged any admin fees.Referencing for tenants only costs £20 each, if requested by the landlord for this property.** Contact today to book a viewing and have the landlord show you round! **Request Details form responded to 24/7, with phone bookings available 9am-9pm, 7 days a week.OpenRent endeavours to make all property particulars as accurate and reliable as possible, however if you require any further clarification or information please contact us. When applying for a tenancy using the Rent Now process, you will be required to pay one month's rent and any deposit before moving in. This will be paid to OpenRent and released to the landlord once you have moved in. With OpenRent there are no administration fees to pay, although you may need to pay £20 per tenant to cover the cost of referencing if required by the landlord.51.5412830.087589+44 20 3542 2178IG11 9TP
592017-12-25 09:32:08£1,800 pcm (£415 pw)Property Reference: 319501.Beautiful and refurnished 2 bedroom maisonette to rent.Summary & Exclusions:- Rent Amount: £1,800.00 per month (£415.38 per week)- Deposit / Bond: £1,800.00- 2 Bedrooms- 1 Bathrooms- Property comes furnished- Available to move in from 25 December, 2017- Minimum tenancy term is 12 months- Maximum number of tenants is 4- No DSS / Housing Benefit Applicants- Students welcome to enquire- No Pets, sorry- Smokers considered- Family Friendly- Bills not included- No Parking Available- No Garden Access- EPC Rating: B If calling, please quote reference: 319501 Fees:You will not be charged any admin fees.Referencing for tenants only costs £20 each, if requested by the landlord for this property.** Contact today to book a viewing and have the landlord show you round! **Request Details form responded to 24/7, with phone bookings available 9am-9pm, 7 days a week.OpenRent endeavours to make all property particulars as accurate and reliable as possible, however if you require any further clarification or information please contact us. When applying for a tenancy using the Rent Now process, you will be required to pay one month's rent and any deposit before moving in. This will be paid to OpenRent and released to the landlord once you have moved in. With OpenRent there are no administration fees to pay, although you may need to pay £20 per tenant to cover the cost of referencing if required by the landlord.51.524727-0.047641Raynham House Harpley Square+44 20 3542 2178E1 4EB
602017-12-25 09:32:13£850 pcm (£196 pw)Property Reference: 322101.Very nice double room in an nice and clean house.Just 5 min walking from Westferry station and mints from Limehouse station.Buses 24hr to central London3 double room available in the same house.£800£850£900Summary & Exclusions:- Rent Amount: £850.00 per month (£196.15 per week)- Deposit / Bond: £850.00- 4 Bedrooms- 2 Bathrooms- Property comes furnished- Available to move in from 03 January, 2018- Minimum tenancy term is 3 months- Maximum number of tenants is 2- No DSS / Housing Benefit Applicants- Students welcome to enquire- No Pets, sorry- Smokers considered- Family Friendly- Bills Included- Property has parking- Property has garden access If calling, please quote reference: 322101 Fees:You will not be charged any admin fees.Referencing for tenants only costs £20 each, if requested by the landlord for this property.** Contact today to book a viewing and have the landlord show you round! **Request Details form responded to 24/7, with phone bookings available 9am-9pm, 7 days a week.OpenRent endeavours to make all property particulars as accurate and reliable as possible, however if you require any further clarification or information please contact us. When applying for a tenancy using the Rent Now process, you will be required to pay one month's rent and any deposit before moving in. This will be paid to OpenRent and released to the landlord once you have moved in. With OpenRent there are no administration fees to pay, although you may need to pay £20 per tenant to cover the cost of referencing if required by the landlord.51.51394-0.031787+44 20 3542 2178E14 7TF
612017-12-25 09:32:15£950 pcm (£219 pw)RM4U is pleased to offer you this First floor one bedroom flat located moments from Forest Gate Overground Station and an array of High Street amenities. This flat is in an excellent location and consists of a large sitting room, double bedroom, fully fitted kitchen and modern bathroom. The property has recently undergone refurbishment and is fully furnished with ample storage. Would suit a professional couple or single professional.Newly DecoratedDouble BedroomSeparate ReceptionSeparate Fully Fitted KitchenBathroomExcellent Transport LinksAvailable NowIf you require further information, please contact us...51.550210.026176SEBERT ROAD Forest Gate+44 20 3641 5020E7 0NQ
622017-12-25 09:32:21£1,430 pcm (£330 pw)A one bedroom, one bathroom apartment on the 1st floor of Hoola's West Tower. This designer furnished apartment includes a spacious living and dining area, fitted kitchen with integrated appliances, tiled flooring, floor-to-ceiling windows, fitted bedroom storage, modern bathroom suite and a large private balcony. Residents will also have access to a 24 hour concierge service and a residents' gymnasium. There are several amenities located nearby including restaurants, cafés and shops. The development is located near to Royal Victoria DLR station, providing a valuable transport link for commutes within the Capital.51.5083270.014721 Tidal Basin Road Hoola+44 20 7768 2436E16 1UP
632017-12-25 09:32:25£1,885 pcm (£435 pw)A one bedroom apartment situated on the Nineteenth floor of this popular development. This south facing property offers spectacular views through floor to ceiling glass walls and also features access to a balcony, comfort cooling and designer furnishings. On-site facilities include 24 hour concierge service, a fully staffed fitness suite with Ozone pool, residents' cinema and a 48th floor cocktail bar that offers panoramic views. The development is located within walking distance of Canary Wharf, providing transport links and several amenities including Canary Wharf Shopping Centre.51.4998-0.0173683 Pan Peninsula Square Canary Wharf+44 20 3641 4650E14 9HP
642017-12-22 14:57:51£173 pcm (£40 pw)51.4998-0.017368
652017-12-25 09:32:34£1,275 pcm (£294 pw)A fabulous 1 bedroom apartment located minutes from Ilford Station. This property is located on a high floor and benefits from great views, natural lighting and lavish finish to apartment51.558560.069524Ilford+44 20 8115 4637IG1 2DG
662017-12-25 09:32:40£1,668 pcm (£385 pw)Lang and Ward are pleased to present this amazing fully furnished two bedroom, two bathroom apartment in Fabian Bell Tower, Heart of Bow development in E3, part of Bow Conservation area.This apartment comprises a master bedroom en-suite shower room and balcony, a sophisticated open-plan living room with fully fitted kitchen (washing machine, fridge/freezer and dishwasher), dining area and this unit is available fully furnished and a parking space is available.Fabian Bell Tower development is located within a short walk to Bow tube station (Central, District, Hammersmith & City lines) with the N8 night bus stopping close by. Roman Road market is a 2 minute stroll which has all you need on daily basis, and also Victoria Park is down the road, which is the biggest park in East London and a host to many live events.51.533634-0.022877Fabian Bell Tower"/> var html = document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0]; if ( html.className == "no-js" ) { html.className = "js"; } window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; var OX_dfp_options = { prefetch: true, customVariables: {"branch_name":"Lang and Ward","page":"E3 2SD
672017-12-25 09:32:45£2,253 pcm (£520 pw)This spectacular 2 bedroom flat in the Landmark boasts stunning views towards Canary Wharf and is ready to move in to immediately.The property comprises two bedrooms, two bathrooms (one en-suite), a spacious open-plan living and kitchen area with integrated appliances, and access to a large private balcony. The flat features floor to ceiling windows and has been excellently maintained.The Landmark has a 24 hour concierge and resident's gym, and is located just a short walk from Canary Wharf station, South Quay DLR and Heron Quay DLR.51.502014-0.024765Canary Wharf+44 20 8022 5580E14 9EB
682017-12-25 09:32:49£2,102 pcm (£485 pw)Enjoy the stunning views of the river and the O2 from this spacious two bedroom flat on a high floor in the Hoola development. Living accommodation consists of a kitchen diner with integrated appliances, a spacious living area, two modern bathrooms, two spacious bedrooms and a large balcony. The property is located on the 15th floor boasting over 900 sq. Ft. Of living space. The apartment offers unique concrete style ceilings and stunning views which can be enjoyed throughout the whole flat from the floor-to-ceiling windows and the large private balcony.The Hoola features a resident's gym and concierge, and is fantastically located just a couple of minutes walk from Royal Victoria DLR station and the Cable Car.With it's landscaped resident garden areas, floor to ceiling uv reflecting glass and recycling energy, the development ensures a refreshing, green and more eco way to live.51.508380.015385Royal Docks+44 20 8022 5580E16 1UX
692017-12-25 09:32:51£1,153 pcm (£266 pw)Large two double bedrooms two bathrooms ground floor flat, open plan kitchen / reception with door opening onto a communal garden, allocated parking space andentry phone system.Unfurnished and available immediately51.5647470.186578+44 20 3463 2524RM12 4DQ
702017-12-25 09:32:54£1,200 pcm (£277 pw)Stunning two double bedroom apartment close to the River Lea development. Benefits from Parking.Large naturally bright reception, open plan modern kitchen, two good size double rooms, modern bathrooms. Plenty of storage and Parking.Moments from many cafes, bars and restaurants. Just a five minute walk to Clapton Station where you can reach Liverpool street and the city in 10 minutes.51.56482-0.048088Riverside close+44 20 8022 0213E5 9ST
712017-12-25 09:32:57£1,100 pcm (£254 pppw)A Super size One Bedroom flat in Excel!This fabulous flat has Restaurants, Bars, Parks, Leisure centers, supermarkets and many more benefits walking distance from it.The property is well presented and fully furnished.Super-kingsize bed in the room + two bedside table cabinets with lamps, chest of drawers and 3-door wardrobe with mirror.This location is extremely desirable just five minutes walk from Prince Regent Station, 24hr bus available only two minutes walk.Excellent transport to Canary Wharf and central London. For those of you who travel regularly, London City Airport is little more than 5 minutes away.No DSS pleaseContact us to arrange a viewing.51.511830.034345Alnwick Road+44 20 8022 3976E16 3HN
722017-12-25 09:33:00£1,148 pcm (£133 pppw)City View Properties are proud to present two bedroom House with the large reception and a stunning kitchen and bathroom. This particular 2 Bedroom house has been decorated to a very high standard offering lots of natural light. The two double room offers a Hugh built in wardrobe as well as a Brand New Double Bed. The property consists of wooden flooring and carpet is well presented and Fully furnished.The perks of this amazing location are having trendy bars and clubs. Local supermarkets are all walking distance. This location is extremely desirable just two minutes walk from Chadwell Heath Station, 24hr bus terminus available only two minutes walk.2 Good Size51.569010.128715Overton Drive+44 20 8022 3976RM6 4EF
732017-12-25 09:33:02£1,148 pcm (£265 pw)City View Properties are proud to present two bedroom House with the large reception and a stunning kitchen and bathroom. This particular 2 Bedroom house has been decorated to a very high standard offering lots of natural light. The two double room offers a Hugh built in wardrobe as well as a Brand New Double Bed. The property consists of wooden flooring and carpet is well presented and Fully furnished.The perks of this amazing location are having trendy bars and clubs. Local supermarkets are all walking distance. This location is extremely desirable just two minutes walk from Chadwell Heath Station, 24hr bus terminus available only two minutes walk.2 Good Size51.569010.128715Overton Drive+44 20 8022 3976RM6 4EF
742017-12-25 09:33:07£1,278 pcm (£295 pw)Recently refurbished one bedroom flat located within minutes walk to Haggeston tube station and right next to Regents Canal. Property features, large lounge, separate fully fitted kitchen with breakfast bar, wood flooring, large double bedroom, separate modern bathroom with power shower, double glazed windows. Close to all amenities, great transport link to Central London. Viewings highly recommended.51.535988-0.077338Mill Row, Kingsland Road+44 20 3641 7950N1 5RL
752017-12-25 09:33:14£850 pcm (£196 pw)This is a lovely one bedroom first floor flat. The building benefits from a lift to the flat, communal gardens and lounge aswell as laundry room. It is also warden assisted. The flat is nicely decorated to a high standard with fitted kitchen and shower. Clean and modern, hurry it must be seen! Available 28th November. Over 60`s only!51.5668560.186203Frazer Close+44 1708 573000RM1 2DE
762017-12-25 09:33:19£1,101 pcm (£254 pw)A Super size One Bedroom flat in Excel!This fabulous flat has Restaurants, Bars, Parks, Leisure centers, supermarkets and many more benefits walking distance from it.The property is well presented and fully furnished.Super-kingsize bed in the room + two bedside table cabinets with lamps, chest of drawers and 3-door wardrobe with mirror.This location is extremely desirable just five minutes walk from Prince Regent Station, 24hr bus available only two minutes walk.Excellent transport to Canary Wharf and central London. For those of you who travel regularly, London City Airport is little more than 5 minutes away.No DSS pleaseContact us to arrange a viewing.51.511830.034345Alnwick Road+44 20 8022 3976E16 3HN
772017-12-25 09:33:26£1,350 pcm (£312 pw)Large corner 2 Bed 2 bath with wrap around balconyTwo bedroom apartment for rent• 2 Double bedroom Apartment (Fully furnished) in Icon building, Ilford available for rent.• The property is on 12th floor and benefits from Lounge with Open Plan Kitchen (2 sofas 3+2, dining table)• Integrated luxury kitchen ( granite work top, dishwasher, Fridge freezer, Oven, Microwave)• Master Double Bedroom with En-suite• Second Double Bedroom with family Bathroom• One Store Room• Private balcony• 24 hour security and concierge• Video door phone51.557960.067261ilford hill+44 20 8115 7004IG1 2FB
782017-12-25 09:33:32£737 pcm (£170 pw)Hi everyone, This large double room is available from the beginning of December in a well presented flat located in the convenient central/east area of Mile End.Property description:- Good sized kitchen with a dining area- Fully furnished with everything you need- Comfortable double bed.- Includes: Double bed, desk with chairs, built in wardrobe, chest of drawers.- Separated bathroom and toiletLocation- 4 min walk to Queen Mary University- Supermarkets like Lidl, asda or tesco.- 2 min walking to the main street, Mile End Road.- Local shops 24 hours- Easy access to Royal London Hospital.- Gyms and amenities around.Transport- 4 min walking to Stepney Green Station (District, Hammersmith and City Lines)- 12 min walk to Mile End Station (Central Line)- Within 17 min bus to Canary Wharf- 1 stop to Mile EndWhat make us unique in the marketAll the bills are includedFree Weekly cleaning service24 hours maintenanceFree relocation service-- Call, text or email for a viewing! ---- Book it online if you are not in London at the moment --Thanks, Patricia51.518845-0.036995Mile End Road+44 20 8128 4303E1 4RS
792017-12-25 09:33:37£650 pcm (£150 pw)I am happy to offer this double room for single occupant just 3 min walk to the DLR!In a big house with 3 bathrooms and living room.To share with other young professionals.The location:A few steps to Poplar High Street, full of shops, banks, supermarkets and local restaurants.Short walk to Chrisp Street Market!The transport links:- poplar DLR station is literally 5 min walking to the house. 10 min to Canary Wharf, 10 min to Stratford, 15 min to bank!- D7 and D6 direct to canary wharf!What make us unique in the marketAll the bills are includedFree Weekly cleaning service24 hours maintenanceFree relocation service-- come and see and you won't regret-- or..-- book it online if you are not in london and get the room ready for your arrival --Thanks, Patricia51.509796-0.010594Bazely Street+44 20 8128 4303E14 0ES
802017-12-25 09:33:40£650 pcm (£150 pw)I am happy to offer this double room for single occupant just 3 min walk to the DLR!In a big house with 3 bathrooms and living room.To share with other young professionals.The location:A few steps to Poplar High Street, full of shops, banks, supermarkets and local restaurants.Short walk to Chrisp Street Market!The transport links:- poplar DLR station is literally 5 min walking to the house. 10 min to Canary Wharf, 10 min to Stratford, 15 min to bank!- D7 and D6 direct to canary wharf!What make us unique in the marketAll the bills are includedFree Weekly cleaning service24 hours maintenanceFree relocation service-- come and see and you won't regret-- or..-- book it online if you are not in london and get the room ready for your arrival --Thanks, Patricia51.509796-0.010594Bazely Street+44 20 8128 4303E14 0ES
812017-12-25 09:33:45£1,800 pcm (£415 pw)***your new home***The Flat has two double rooms, kitchen, living room, toilet and bathroom and the whole flat has wooden floors.Room 1 - comes with a double bed, fitted in wardrobe, chest of drawers and a table.Room 2 - comes with a double bed, wardrobe, chest of drawers, two tables and two chairs.The living room is huge! Has a fire place and a balcony.The kitchen is fully equipped, very nice tile works as well as a good amount of space and has a very modern feel to it.Bathroom and toilet separate.***what you need to know about the location***- Bethnal Green Station Is a 5 minute walk- Cambridge Heath Statin Overground is a 10 minute walk.- D3,309, Number 8, D6,106,254,388 Bus Stop is at walking distance - goes towards Central London and Stratford Westfield City.- Supermarkets, off licences, shops, bars and restaurants very close by.- Victoria Park Is the closest park.If this two bedroom Flat sounds like the perfect home for yourself or you and your family then get in touch with me to book your appointment.Kind RegardsSterling De Vere Team51.532116-0.048161St James Avenue+44 20 8128 4303E2 9JE
822017-12-25 09:33:52£800 pcm (£185 pppw)We are pleased to market this clean small studio flat in Gnats HIll. Walking distant to Gantshill tube StationAll bills included Except electricity and internetSeparate kitchen /fridge/microwaveIdeal for city workers. 25 min. Oxford StreetFully furnishedLaminated flooringOn-suite toilet with showerOpposite to Parkno petsNo DSS*** Must see ***Near all shops and amenities Restaurants, Supermarkets, shops, 3-5 walking distant to Tube stations ( Central Line ) near Barkingside leisure center. Very good location.51.573210.073076Perth Road+44 20 8033 7796IG2 6DY
832017-12-25 09:33:56£1,517 pcm (£350 pppw)City View Properties are proud to present one bedroom flat with large reception and a stunning kitchen and bathroom. This particular 1 Bedroom flat has been decorated to a very high standard offering lots of natural light. The double room offers a Hugh built in wardrobe as well as a brand New Double Bed. The whole property consists of wooden flooring and is well presented and Fully furnished.The perks of this amazing location is having trendy bars and clubs. Local supermarkets are all walking distance. This location is extremely desirable just five minutes walk from Aldgate East Station, 24hr bus terminus available only two minutes walk. You have a walking distance to the city. Only 7 minutes walking distance to Liverpool Street Station.51.52172-0.07151Brick Lane+44 20 8022 3976E1 6RU
842017-12-25 09:34:02£1,343 pcm (£310 pw)City View Properties is extremely proud to present this 3 bedroom house in Rainham, The property consist of a good sized kitchen, bathroom and three amazing double rooms with a lot of storage space. Furthermore, the bright living room on the ground floor and the private and spacious garden will make you feel home and comfortable.The location is safe and quite; full of bars, restaurant and shops open 24hr.Dagenham East Station in only 5 minutes by walk from the building.• One Semi DoubleDouble room• One single roomTwo Receptions• Spacious Separate lounge• Fully fitted kitchen• Spacious bathroom and toilet• Lovely front garden• Spacious back garden• Double glazing window• Carpet flooring• Central heating• 7-8 minutes walking distance from Dagenham Heathway under ground station• Free street parking facilityNo DSSDon't miss your chance to find a perfect home for51.5205540.197347Ashwood Avenue+44 20 8022 3976RM13 9AS
852017-12-22 14:58:09£1,625 pcm (£375 pw)51.5166970.012841
862017-12-25 09:34:09£1,200 pcm (£277 pw)* Two double bedroom* Two bathroom* Balcony* Close to Ilford station and shopsA very nice two double bedroom two bedroom flat, furnished, in the popular centreway development, close to all amenities, and close to Ilford station51.5603750.077297CITY VIEW, AXON PLACE+44 20 8022 1212IG1 1NH
872017-12-25 09:34:12£1,300 pcm (£300 pw)This one bedroom apartment is situated in Poplar in a purpose built development. The apartment benefits from:- Gas central heating- Double Glazing- Lounge with open plan kitchen- Fitted bathroom- Video Entryphone- Top floor- Cooker, fridge/freezer and washing machine also includedWith excellent links to the city (DLR Service) and local amenities close by.There is no parking for this property.51.50915-0.001903Newport Avenue+44 20 7768 0482E14 2EB
882017-12-25 09:34:15£900 pcm (£208 pw)Detailed DescriptionIf you are looking for a well-maintained retirement home, home heather house has a one bedroom accommodation within walking distance to Gants Hill station.The place is an ideal retirement place for people looking for activities and comfort. Entrance to the property is secured with an entryphone system. Has double glazed windows and electric heater. Kitchen with electric cooker/oven. Large lounge with dining area, with door leading out to the communal garden area.51.577770.059774Beehive Lane+44 20 8022 1524IG4 5EF
892017-12-25 09:34:21£771 pcm (£178 pw)Situated in the popular location of goldings court is this one double bedroom retirment flat. The property has a modern fitted kitchen, modern bathroom suite, double glazed windows and emergency pull cords. There is also an duty manger, communal laundry51.555650.068368Riverdene Road+44 20 3544 7945IG1 2EN
902017-12-25 09:34:25£775 pcm (£179 pw)Detailed DescriptionTenants over 55 years only, retirement home. One bedroom ground floor retirement apartment located within walking distance to ilford station there is 24HOUR emergency care system in place. Fully furnished with applianced kitchen, family bathroom and double bedroom.51.555650.068368Riverdene Road+44 20 3641 9852IG1 2EN
912017-12-25 09:34:31£1,850 pcm (£427 pw)Fully Refurbished Three Bedroom Terraced HouseThe property features three bedrooms, a family size through lounge, newly fitted kitchen, newly fitted bathroom suite and a 35 Ft south facing garden.The house is located within walking distance to great transport links and shopping facilities. Tottenham Hale (Victoria Line Zone 3) and br with the Stansted Express being in proximity. Bruce Grove Underground is also within walking distance and in either station you can get to Liverpool St within 12 minutes.There is good access for shopping to the Tottenham Hale Retail park close by as well as Seven Sisters cafés and shopping quarter. There is a choice of clubs on your door step like the Styx club and local breweries or perhaps you can enjoy a number of eateries along Seven Sisters.If this is not enough then you will love a nice cycle along the canals and river that take you right up to the heart of the capital's financial city.This is a great house that’s close to excellent transport links, available immediately and offered part furnished.Please contact the Hunters lettings team at the Tottenham Branch to arrange an appointment to view on or email51.59509-0.064361London+44 20 8115 8211N17 9DY
922017-12-25 09:34:35£1,400 pcm (£323 pw)Two double bedroom ground floor flat available now! Bairstow eves are pleased to offer this unfurnished ground floor flat with a private rear garden to the market. The property offers character with original wooden flooring and period features throughout other benefits include a modern fitted kitchen/diner, a large seperate reception room, new bathroom, gas central heating and double glazed windows. Perfectly located for commuter links and local amenities.Two double bedroom ground floor flat available now! Bairstow eves are pleased to offer this unfurnished ground floor flat with a private rear garden to the market. The property offers character with original wooden flooring and period features throughout other benefits include a modern fitted kitchen/diner, a large seperate reception room, new bathroom, gas central heating and double glazed windows. Perfectly located for commuter links and local amenities. Call to view.51.563553-0.002607+44 20 3478 3349E11 4BN
932017-12-22 14:58:22£1,800 pcm (£415 pw)51.583294-0.001135
942017-12-25 09:34:44£1,390 pcm (£321 pw)Rent-a-Home presents this freshly refurbished two double bedroom on ground floor.This newly refurbished property offers a bright and airy reception, modern open plan kitchen with new gas hob, oven, fridge and washing, bathroom, 2 large double bedrooms. This property also has extra storage space.Great location, walk to all the amenities of Dalston and Stoke Newington in 10 minutes. Just a 2 minute walk to the Station which takes you directly into Liverpool Street in 10 minutes.£1390 pcmAvailable 25th January 201851.557007-0.068734+44 20 3478 2925N16 7QP
952017-12-22 14:58:22£2,747 pcm (£634 pw)51.545532-0.074874
962017-12-25 09:34:52£1,300 pcm (£300 pw)Modern and spacious studio located within a converted warehouse. This stylish property is finished to a high standard, comes fully furnished and has wood floors throughout. Great location and all Utility Bills, Internet and Council Tax included!Our Ref: Rpl/iupload/HKL17141051.529358-0.080991Fanshaw Street London+44 20 8128 5116N1 6LQ
972017-12-22 14:58:22£1,517 pcm (£350 pw)51.547215-0.071557
982017-12-25 09:34:58£1,473 pcm (£340 pw)Fantastic one double bedroom apartment set in a period building. Newly refurbished with private garden.The property has spacious bright rooms, recently refurbished and newly painted. Features a spacious reception, separate kitchen, double bedroom and bathroom. Located just a 10 min walk to Hackney Downs station where you can reach Liverpool Street in just 8 minutes! Downs Park is just across the road or a short walk to London Fields or Victoria Park in 20 minutes.Our Ref: Rpl/iupload/HKL17141351.55417-0.057992Hackney Downs+44 20 8128 5116E5 8NN
992017-12-25 09:35:00£1,842 pcm (£425 pw)Gorgeous two bedroom property in a fantastic location moments from London Fields and Dalston.The property is full of character and benefits from two almost equal size double bedrooms, spacious reception, modern separate kitchen and bathroom.Enviably located just a 5 minute walk to Haggerston Station and 10 minute walk to Dalston Junction Station. Also a short walk from the popular areas of London Fields, Broadway Market and Dalston with all the many shops, bars cafes and restaurants.Our Ref: Rpl/iupload/HKL17141451.540718-0.073Middleton Road Haggerston+44 20 8128 5116E8 4BN
1002017-12-25 09:35:02£2,297 pcm (£530 pw)Spacious three double bedroom split level apartment with wood flooring. Great location right next to Shoreditch Park.Features a large reception, separate modern kitchen, three double bedrooms and storage. The property is double glazed, has wood flooring throughout and has gas central heating. Can be offered either furnished or unfurnished.Walk to Hoxton Station in under 10 minutes and walk to Angel or Liverpool Street in 25 minutes. Quiet location but moments from all the cafes, bars and restaurants that Hoxton, Old street and Shoreditch have to offer.Our Ref: Rpl/iupload/HKL17141551.534206-0.082676Hobbs Place Hoxton London+44 20 8128 5116N1 5LA
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feature top feature.ts feature.value
12017-12-25 09:23:372 Bedrooms
22017-12-25 09:23:372 Bathrooms
32017-12-25 09:23:37Reception
42017-12-25 09:23:37Furnished
52017-12-25 09:23:37Fitted Kitchen
62017-12-25 09:23:37Epc-c
72017-12-25 09:23:37Refurbished Georgian Period Building
82017-12-25 09:23:37Close To Kings Cross, Euston & The West End
92017-12-25 09:23:37Nearby Warren Street Tube Station
102017-12-25 09:23:39Neighbouring Buckingham Pala
112017-12-25 09:23:39Newly Furbished Within
122017-12-25 09:23:39Mews Style
142017-12-25 09:23:43Mew Style Property
192017-12-25 09:23:52Discreet Mews Style Properties
212017-12-25 09:23:52Newly Built within
222017-12-25 09:23:52Completed at High Spec
452017-12-25 09:27:35Loft Apartment
462017-12-25 09:27:35Excellent decorative order
482017-12-25 09:27:35Open Plan Kitchen
492017-12-25 09:27:35En suite shower room
502017-12-25 09:27:35Bathroom
512017-12-25 09:27:35Close to Farringdon Tube
522017-12-25 09:27:35Balcony
532017-12-25 09:27:35Two bedrooms
542017-12-25 09:27:35Secured parking by separate negotiation
552017-12-25 09:27:40Studio apartment
562017-12-25 09:27:40Seperate kitchen
572017-12-25 09:27:40Liverpool Street Station moments away
582017-12-25 09:27:40City apartment
602017-12-25 09:27:40Local bars, restaurents and transport
612017-12-25 09:27:40Available now
622017-12-25 09:27:40Utility bills included
632017-12-25 09:27:43Large one bedroom flat
642017-12-25 09:27:43Great location
662017-12-25 09:27:43Separate kitchen
672017-12-25 09:27:43Recently refurbished
692017-12-25 09:27:43All utility bills included
712017-12-25 09:27:462 Bedroom Apartment
722017-12-25 09:27:46Top Floor
732017-12-25 09:27:46580 Sq. Feet / 53 Sq. M.
742017-12-25 09:27:46Conveniently Located
752017-12-25 09:28:43Secure area
762017-12-25 09:28:43Sky system installed - only pay for your subscriptions
772017-12-25 09:28:43Free of charge wireless broadband
782017-12-25 09:28:43Entry phone system into building
792017-12-25 09:28:43Parking available (at additional cost)
802017-12-25 09:28:4324 hour emergency service
812017-12-25 09:28:43Newly refurbished
822017-12-25 09:28:43Fully fitted kitchens
832017-12-25 09:28:43Wireless internet
842017-12-25 09:28:432 passenger lifts
852017-12-25 09:28:58Brand New Savoy House Development
862017-12-25 09:28:58Luxury 1 Bedroom Apartment
872017-12-25 09:28:5824 House Concierge Service
882017-12-25 09:28:58Resident Only Gym, Spa and Pool
892017-12-25 09:28:58State of the Art Kitchen
902017-12-25 09:29:01Conversion
912017-12-25 09:29:01Studio Flat
932017-12-25 09:29:01Shower
942017-12-25 09:29:01Garden
952017-12-25 09:29:01Washing Machine
962017-12-25 09:29:01Council Tax Included
972017-12-25 09:29:01Electricity Included
982017-12-25 09:29:01Gas Included
992017-12-25 09:29:01Gas Central Heating
1012017-12-25 09:29:052 Beds
1042017-12-25 09:29:05Separate WC
1052017-12-25 09:29:05Parking
1072017-12-25 09:29:05Porter
1082017-12-25 09:29:05Lift
1122017-12-25 09:29:091 Reception
1192017-12-25 09:29:09Dish Washer
1202017-12-25 09:29:19Contemporary two bedroom third floor flat
1212017-12-25 09:29:19Presented to an excellent standard throughout
1222017-12-25 09:29:19Open-plan reception room with modern fitted kitchen
1232017-12-25 09:29:19Master bedroom with en-suite toilet
1242017-12-25 09:29:19Good size second bedroom
1252017-12-25 09:29:19Benefits from a private balcony
1262017-12-25 09:29:19Excellent location in the heart of Fitzrovia
1272017-12-25 09:29:25Apartment
1282017-12-25 09:29:251 Bed
1302017-12-25 09:29:251 Bathroom
1522017-12-25 09:29:33Dishwasher
1622017-12-25 09:29:50Water
1632017-12-25 09:29:50Central heating
1642017-12-25 09:29:50Double glazing
1652017-12-25 09:29:50Porter/security
1662017-12-25 09:29:50Wood floors
1672017-12-25 09:29:56Electricity
1682017-12-25 09:29:56Communal garden
1722017-12-25 09:29:58Off street parking
1802017-12-25 09:30:08Gas
1812017-12-25 09:30:08Internet
1822017-12-25 09:30:08Telephone
1832017-12-25 09:30:08TV License
1872017-12-25 09:30:08On street/residents parking
1942017-12-25 09:30:11Satellite Cable TV
1992017-12-25 09:30:11Terrace
2192017-12-25 09:30:39Waterfront
2252017-12-25 09:31:07Two double bedrooms
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property_x_feature top property_x_feature.ts property.ts property.title property.description property.latitude property.longitude property.street_address property.postal_code feature.ts feature.value
12017-12-25 09:23:3712017-12-25 09:23:37£4,333 pcm (£1,000 pw)Situated within Tower View Apartments this exceptional split-level property sits on the banks of the Thames and boasts spectacular direct south facing river views through full length windows which offer aspects of landmarks including Tower Bridge and The Shard.The property offers excellent character for a modern apartment - finished with crisp neutral décor. Wood floors in living areas, carpeted bedrooms for added comfort, a stylish, contemporary interior design and modern specification – top of the range home automation features including integrated audio throughout, air-conditioned reception and master bedroom, underfloor heating in both bathrooms and zonal controlled heating.Spread over 2 floors, arranged across a total 1170 Square Feet / 108.7 Square Meters the apartment comprises of bright and spacious reception with high, extra-large windows generating excellent natural light. Open plan kitchen with fully integrated appliances within black units and polished stone worktops. The lower level comes complete with guest WC and storage / utility compartment in the hallway.The upper level comprises of both bedrooms - generous size doubles, fully equipped with wardrobes and furnishings. The master bedroom benefits from the same exceptional views enjoyed in the reception with en-suite shower wet room featuring sleek black tile finish, mirrored vanity cabinets, custom made wash basin and heated towel rail. The 2nd bedroom also includes en-suite shower wet room in a light cream tile finish.Located in Wapping the location sits within walk distance of The City and within easy reach of Canary Wharf, The West End and Central London with Tower Hill underground and Tower Gateway DLR stations within a short walk.Set on St Katherines Walk the property is minutes from popular St Katherine’s dock and Tower Bridge where lies Shad Thames and More London for a selection of bars, restaurants and pubs. The location is also moments from Thomas More Square with large Waitrose Supermarket and other local shops and amenities.St Katherine’s Way+44 20 3463 1577E1W 1BE12017-12-25 09:23:372 Bedrooms
22017-12-25 09:23:3712017-12-25 09:23:37£4,333 pcm (£1,000 pw)Situated within Tower View Apartments this exceptional split-level property sits on the banks of the Thames and boasts spectacular direct south facing river views through full length windows which offer aspects of landmarks including Tower Bridge and The Shard.The property offers excellent character for a modern apartment - finished with crisp neutral décor. Wood floors in living areas, carpeted bedrooms for added comfort, a stylish, contemporary interior design and modern specification – top of the range home automation features including integrated audio throughout, air-conditioned reception and master bedroom, underfloor heating in both bathrooms and zonal controlled heating.Spread over 2 floors, arranged across a total 1170 Square Feet / 108.7 Square Meters the apartment comprises of bright and spacious reception with high, extra-large windows generating excellent natural light. Open plan kitchen with fully integrated appliances within black units and polished stone worktops. The lower level comes complete with guest WC and storage / utility compartment in the hallway.The upper level comprises of both bedrooms - generous size doubles, fully equipped with wardrobes and furnishings. The master bedroom benefits from the same exceptional views enjoyed in the reception with en-suite shower wet room featuring sleek black tile finish, mirrored vanity cabinets, custom made wash basin and heated towel rail. The 2nd bedroom also includes en-suite shower wet room in a light cream tile finish.Located in Wapping the location sits within walk distance of The City and within easy reach of Canary Wharf, The West End and Central London with Tower Hill underground and Tower Gateway DLR stations within a short walk.Set on St Katherines Walk the property is minutes from popular St Katherine’s dock and Tower Bridge where lies Shad Thames and More London for a selection of bars, restaurants and pubs. The location is also moments from Thomas More Square with large Waitrose Supermarket and other local shops and amenities.St Katherine’s Way+44 20 3463 1577E1W 1BE22017-12-25 09:23:372 Bathrooms
32017-12-25 09:23:3712017-12-25 09:23:37£4,333 pcm (£1,000 pw)Situated within Tower View Apartments this exceptional split-level property sits on the banks of the Thames and boasts spectacular direct south facing river views through full length windows which offer aspects of landmarks including Tower Bridge and The Shard.The property offers excellent character for a modern apartment - finished with crisp neutral décor. Wood floors in living areas, carpeted bedrooms for added comfort, a stylish, contemporary interior design and modern specification – top of the range home automation features including integrated audio throughout, air-conditioned reception and master bedroom, underfloor heating in both bathrooms and zonal controlled heating.Spread over 2 floors, arranged across a total 1170 Square Feet / 108.7 Square Meters the apartment comprises of bright and spacious reception with high, extra-large windows generating excellent natural light. Open plan kitchen with fully integrated appliances within black units and polished stone worktops. The lower level comes complete with guest WC and storage / utility compartment in the hallway.The upper level comprises of both bedrooms - generous size doubles, fully equipped with wardrobes and furnishings. The master bedroom benefits from the same exceptional views enjoyed in the reception with en-suite shower wet room featuring sleek black tile finish, mirrored vanity cabinets, custom made wash basin and heated towel rail. The 2nd bedroom also includes en-suite shower wet room in a light cream tile finish.Located in Wapping the location sits within walk distance of The City and within easy reach of Canary Wharf, The West End and Central London with Tower Hill underground and Tower Gateway DLR stations within a short walk.Set on St Katherines Walk the property is minutes from popular St Katherine’s dock and Tower Bridge where lies Shad Thames and More London for a selection of bars, restaurants and pubs. The location is also moments from Thomas More Square with large Waitrose Supermarket and other local shops and amenities.St Katherine’s Way+44 20 3463 1577E1W 1BE32017-12-25 09:23:37Reception
42017-12-25 09:23:3712017-12-25 09:23:37£4,333 pcm (£1,000 pw)Situated within Tower View Apartments this exceptional split-level property sits on the banks of the Thames and boasts spectacular direct south facing river views through full length windows which offer aspects of landmarks including Tower Bridge and The Shard.The property offers excellent character for a modern apartment - finished with crisp neutral décor. Wood floors in living areas, carpeted bedrooms for added comfort, a stylish, contemporary interior design and modern specification – top of the range home automation features including integrated audio throughout, air-conditioned reception and master bedroom, underfloor heating in both bathrooms and zonal controlled heating.Spread over 2 floors, arranged across a total 1170 Square Feet / 108.7 Square Meters the apartment comprises of bright and spacious reception with high, extra-large windows generating excellent natural light. Open plan kitchen with fully integrated appliances within black units and polished stone worktops. The lower level comes complete with guest WC and storage / utility compartment in the hallway.The upper level comprises of both bedrooms - generous size doubles, fully equipped with wardrobes and furnishings. The master bedroom benefits from the same exceptional views enjoyed in the reception with en-suite shower wet room featuring sleek black tile finish, mirrored vanity cabinets, custom made wash basin and heated towel rail. The 2nd bedroom also includes en-suite shower wet room in a light cream tile finish.Located in Wapping the location sits within walk distance of The City and within easy reach of Canary Wharf, The West End and Central London with Tower Hill underground and Tower Gateway DLR stations within a short walk.Set on St Katherines Walk the property is minutes from popular St Katherine’s dock and Tower Bridge where lies Shad Thames and More London for a selection of bars, restaurants and pubs. The location is also moments from Thomas More Square with large Waitrose Supermarket and other local shops and amenities.St Katherine’s Way+44 20 3463 1577E1W 1BE42017-12-25 09:23:37Furnished
52017-12-25 09:23:3712017-12-25 09:23:37£4,333 pcm (£1,000 pw)Situated within Tower View Apartments this exceptional split-level property sits on the banks of the Thames and boasts spectacular direct south facing river views through full length windows which offer aspects of landmarks including Tower Bridge and The Shard.The property offers excellent character for a modern apartment - finished with crisp neutral décor. Wood floors in living areas, carpeted bedrooms for added comfort, a stylish, contemporary interior design and modern specification – top of the range home automation features including integrated audio throughout, air-conditioned reception and master bedroom, underfloor heating in both bathrooms and zonal controlled heating.Spread over 2 floors, arranged across a total 1170 Square Feet / 108.7 Square Meters the apartment comprises of bright and spacious reception with high, extra-large windows generating excellent natural light. Open plan kitchen with fully integrated appliances within black units and polished stone worktops. The lower level comes complete with guest WC and storage / utility compartment in the hallway.The upper level comprises of both bedrooms - generous size doubles, fully equipped with wardrobes and furnishings. The master bedroom benefits from the same exceptional views enjoyed in the reception with en-suite shower wet room featuring sleek black tile finish, mirrored vanity cabinets, custom made wash basin and heated towel rail. The 2nd bedroom also includes en-suite shower wet room in a light cream tile finish.Located in Wapping the location sits within walk distance of The City and within easy reach of Canary Wharf, The West End and Central London with Tower Hill underground and Tower Gateway DLR stations within a short walk.Set on St Katherines Walk the property is minutes from popular St Katherine’s dock and Tower Bridge where lies Shad Thames and More London for a selection of bars, restaurants and pubs. The location is also moments from Thomas More Square with large Waitrose Supermarket and other local shops and amenities.St Katherine’s Way+44 20 3463 1577E1W 1BE52017-12-25 09:23:37Fitted Kitchen
62017-12-25 09:23:3712017-12-25 09:23:37£4,333 pcm (£1,000 pw)Situated within Tower View Apartments this exceptional split-level property sits on the banks of the Thames and boasts spectacular direct south facing river views through full length windows which offer aspects of landmarks including Tower Bridge and The Shard.The property offers excellent character for a modern apartment - finished with crisp neutral décor. Wood floors in living areas, carpeted bedrooms for added comfort, a stylish, contemporary interior design and modern specification – top of the range home automation features including integrated audio throughout, air-conditioned reception and master bedroom, underfloor heating in both bathrooms and zonal controlled heating.Spread over 2 floors, arranged across a total 1170 Square Feet / 108.7 Square Meters the apartment comprises of bright and spacious reception with high, extra-large windows generating excellent natural light. Open plan kitchen with fully integrated appliances within black units and polished stone worktops. The lower level comes complete with guest WC and storage / utility compartment in the hallway.The upper level comprises of both bedrooms - generous size doubles, fully equipped with wardrobes and furnishings. The master bedroom benefits from the same exceptional views enjoyed in the reception with en-suite shower wet room featuring sleek black tile finish, mirrored vanity cabinets, custom made wash basin and heated towel rail. The 2nd bedroom also includes en-suite shower wet room in a light cream tile finish.Located in Wapping the location sits within walk distance of The City and within easy reach of Canary Wharf, The West End and Central London with Tower Hill underground and Tower Gateway DLR stations within a short walk.Set on St Katherines Walk the property is minutes from popular St Katherine’s dock and Tower Bridge where lies Shad Thames and More London for a selection of bars, restaurants and pubs. The location is also moments from Thomas More Square with large Waitrose Supermarket and other local shops and amenities.St Katherine’s Way+44 20 3463 1577E1W 1BE62017-12-25 09:23:37Epc-c
72017-12-25 09:23:3712017-12-25 09:23:37£4,333 pcm (£1,000 pw)Situated within Tower View Apartments this exceptional split-level property sits on the banks of the Thames and boasts spectacular direct south facing river views through full length windows which offer aspects of landmarks including Tower Bridge and The Shard.The property offers excellent character for a modern apartment - finished with crisp neutral décor. Wood floors in living areas, carpeted bedrooms for added comfort, a stylish, contemporary interior design and modern specification – top of the range home automation features including integrated audio throughout, air-conditioned reception and master bedroom, underfloor heating in both bathrooms and zonal controlled heating.Spread over 2 floors, arranged across a total 1170 Square Feet / 108.7 Square Meters the apartment comprises of bright and spacious reception with high, extra-large windows generating excellent natural light. Open plan kitchen with fully integrated appliances within black units and polished stone worktops. The lower level comes complete with guest WC and storage / utility compartment in the hallway.The upper level comprises of both bedrooms - generous size doubles, fully equipped with wardrobes and furnishings. The master bedroom benefits from the same exceptional views enjoyed in the reception with en-suite shower wet room featuring sleek black tile finish, mirrored vanity cabinets, custom made wash basin and heated towel rail. The 2nd bedroom also includes en-suite shower wet room in a light cream tile finish.Located in Wapping the location sits within walk distance of The City and within easy reach of Canary Wharf, The West End and Central London with Tower Hill underground and Tower Gateway DLR stations within a short walk.Set on St Katherines Walk the property is minutes from popular St Katherine’s dock and Tower Bridge where lies Shad Thames and More London for a selection of bars, restaurants and pubs. The location is also moments from Thomas More Square with large Waitrose Supermarket and other local shops and amenities.St Katherine’s Way+44 20 3463 1577E1W 1BE72017-12-25 09:23:37Refurbished Georgian Period Building
82017-12-25 09:23:3712017-12-25 09:23:37£4,333 pcm (£1,000 pw)Situated within Tower View Apartments this exceptional split-level property sits on the banks of the Thames and boasts spectacular direct south facing river views through full length windows which offer aspects of landmarks including Tower Bridge and The Shard.The property offers excellent character for a modern apartment - finished with crisp neutral décor. Wood floors in living areas, carpeted bedrooms for added comfort, a stylish, contemporary interior design and modern specification – top of the range home automation features including integrated audio throughout, air-conditioned reception and master bedroom, underfloor heating in both bathrooms and zonal controlled heating.Spread over 2 floors, arranged across a total 1170 Square Feet / 108.7 Square Meters the apartment comprises of bright and spacious reception with high, extra-large windows generating excellent natural light. Open plan kitchen with fully integrated appliances within black units and polished stone worktops. The lower level comes complete with guest WC and storage / utility compartment in the hallway.The upper level comprises of both bedrooms - generous size doubles, fully equipped with wardrobes and furnishings. The master bedroom benefits from the same exceptional views enjoyed in the reception with en-suite shower wet room featuring sleek black tile finish, mirrored vanity cabinets, custom made wash basin and heated towel rail. The 2nd bedroom also includes en-suite shower wet room in a light cream tile finish.Located in Wapping the location sits within walk distance of The City and within easy reach of Canary Wharf, The West End and Central London with Tower Hill underground and Tower Gateway DLR stations within a short walk.Set on St Katherines Walk the property is minutes from popular St Katherine’s dock and Tower Bridge where lies Shad Thames and More London for a selection of bars, restaurants and pubs. The location is also moments from Thomas More Square with large Waitrose Supermarket and other local shops and amenities.St Katherine’s Way+44 20 3463 1577E1W 1BE82017-12-25 09:23:37Close To Kings Cross, Euston & The West End
92017-12-25 09:23:3712017-12-25 09:23:37£4,333 pcm (£1,000 pw)Situated within Tower View Apartments this exceptional split-level property sits on the banks of the Thames and boasts spectacular direct south facing river views through full length windows which offer aspects of landmarks including Tower Bridge and The Shard.The property offers excellent character for a modern apartment - finished with crisp neutral décor. Wood floors in living areas, carpeted bedrooms for added comfort, a stylish, contemporary interior design and modern specification – top of the range home automation features including integrated audio throughout, air-conditioned reception and master bedroom, underfloor heating in both bathrooms and zonal controlled heating.Spread over 2 floors, arranged across a total 1170 Square Feet / 108.7 Square Meters the apartment comprises of bright and spacious reception with high, extra-large windows generating excellent natural light. Open plan kitchen with fully integrated appliances within black units and polished stone worktops. The lower level comes complete with guest WC and storage / utility compartment in the hallway.The upper level comprises of both bedrooms - generous size doubles, fully equipped with wardrobes and furnishings. The master bedroom benefits from the same exceptional views enjoyed in the reception with en-suite shower wet room featuring sleek black tile finish, mirrored vanity cabinets, custom made wash basin and heated towel rail. The 2nd bedroom also includes en-suite shower wet room in a light cream tile finish.Located in Wapping the location sits within walk distance of The City and within easy reach of Canary Wharf, The West End and Central London with Tower Hill underground and Tower Gateway DLR stations within a short walk.Set on St Katherines Walk the property is minutes from popular St Katherine’s dock and Tower Bridge where lies Shad Thames and More London for a selection of bars, restaurants and pubs. The location is also moments from Thomas More Square with large Waitrose Supermarket and other local shops and amenities.St Katherine’s Way+44 20 3463 1577E1W 1BE92017-12-25 09:23:37Nearby Warren Street Tube Station
102017-12-25 09:23:3922017-12-25 09:23:39£3,012 pcm (£695 pw)2 bedroom flat in Stafford Place, Westminster, London. Tucked away in a discreet cul-de-sac of mews style properties which runs parallel to Buckingham Palace Road, 24 Stafford Place is almost neighbouring Buckingham Palace itself! This apartment has 2 large Ensuite bedrooms, Modern open plan Living and spacious room throughout. Available at flexible terms. Call exclusively for further information+44 20 8022 6099SW1E 6NP102017-12-25 09:23:39Neighbouring Buckingham Pala
112017-12-25 09:23:3922017-12-25 09:23:39£3,012 pcm (£695 pw)2 bedroom flat in Stafford Place, Westminster, London. Tucked away in a discreet cul-de-sac of mews style properties which runs parallel to Buckingham Palace Road, 24 Stafford Place is almost neighbouring Buckingham Palace itself! This apartment has 2 large Ensuite bedrooms, Modern open plan Living and spacious room throughout. Available at flexible terms. Call exclusively for further information+44 20 8022 6099SW1E 6NP112017-12-25 09:23:39Newly Furbished Within
122017-12-25 09:23:3922017-12-25 09:23:39£3,012 pcm (£695 pw)2 bedroom flat in Stafford Place, Westminster, London. Tucked away in a discreet cul-de-sac of mews style properties which runs parallel to Buckingham Palace Road, 24 Stafford Place is almost neighbouring Buckingham Palace itself! This apartment has 2 large Ensuite bedrooms, Modern open plan Living and spacious room throughout. Available at flexible terms. Call exclusively for further information+44 20 8022 6099SW1E 6NP122017-12-25 09:23:39Mews Style
132017-12-25 09:23:4332017-12-25 09:23:43£3,683 pcm (£850 pw)2 bedroom flat in Stafford Place, Westminster, London. Tucked away in a discreet cul-de-sac of mews style properties which runs parallel to Buckingham Palace Road, 24 Stafford Place is almost neighbouring Buckingham Palace itself! This apartment has 2 large Ensuite bedrooms, Modern open plan Living and spacious room throughout. Available at flexible terms. Call exclusively for further information+44 20 8022 6099SW1E 6NP102017-12-25 09:23:39Neighbouring Buckingham Pala
142017-12-25 09:23:4332017-12-25 09:23:43£3,683 pcm (£850 pw)2 bedroom flat in Stafford Place, Westminster, London. Tucked away in a discreet cul-de-sac of mews style properties which runs parallel to Buckingham Palace Road, 24 Stafford Place is almost neighbouring Buckingham Palace itself! This apartment has 2 large Ensuite bedrooms, Modern open plan Living and spacious room throughout. Available at flexible terms. Call exclusively for further information+44 20 8022 6099SW1E 6NP142017-12-25 09:23:43Mew Style Property
152017-12-25 09:23:4332017-12-25 09:23:43£3,683 pcm (£850 pw)2 bedroom flat in Stafford Place, Westminster, London. Tucked away in a discreet cul-de-sac of mews style properties which runs parallel to Buckingham Palace Road, 24 Stafford Place is almost neighbouring Buckingham Palace itself! This apartment has 2 large Ensuite bedrooms, Modern open plan Living and spacious room throughout. Available at flexible terms. Call exclusively for further information+44 20 8022 6099SW1E 6NP112017-12-25 09:23:39Newly Furbished Within
162017-12-25 09:23:4842017-12-25 09:23:48£3,250 pcm (£750 pw)1 bedroom flat in Stafford Place, Westminster, London. Tucked away in a discreet cul-de-sac of mews style properties which runs parallel to Buckingham Palace Road, 24 Stafford Place is almost neighbouring Buckingham Palace itself! This apartment has 1 large Ensuite bedrooms, Modern open plan Living and spacious room throughout. Available at flexible terms. Call exclusively for further information+44 20 8022 6099SW1E 6NL112017-12-25 09:23:39Newly Furbished Within
172017-12-25 09:23:4842017-12-25 09:23:48£3,250 pcm (£750 pw)1 bedroom flat in Stafford Place, Westminster, London. Tucked away in a discreet cul-de-sac of mews style properties which runs parallel to Buckingham Palace Road, 24 Stafford Place is almost neighbouring Buckingham Palace itself! This apartment has 1 large Ensuite bedrooms, Modern open plan Living and spacious room throughout. Available at flexible terms. Call exclusively for further information+44 20 8022 6099SW1E 6NL102017-12-25 09:23:39Neighbouring Buckingham Pala
182017-12-25 09:23:4842017-12-25 09:23:48£3,250 pcm (£750 pw)1 bedroom flat in Stafford Place, Westminster, London. Tucked away in a discreet cul-de-sac of mews style properties which runs parallel to Buckingham Palace Road, 24 Stafford Place is almost neighbouring Buckingham Palace itself! This apartment has 1 large Ensuite bedrooms, Modern open plan Living and spacious room throughout. Available at flexible terms. Call exclusively for further information+44 20 8022 6099SW1E 6NL122017-12-25 09:23:39Mews Style
192017-12-25 09:23:5252017-12-25 09:23:52£3,683 pcm (£850 pw)2 bedroom flat in Stafford Place, Westminster, London. Tucked away in a discreet cul-de-sac of mews style properties which runs parallel to Buckingham Palace Road, 24 Stafford Place is almost neighbouring Buckingham Palace itself! This apartment has 2 large Ensuite bedrooms, Modern open plan Living and spacious room throughout. Available at flexible terms. Call exclusively for further information+44 20 8022 6099SW1E 6NL192017-12-25 09:23:52Discreet Mews Style Properties
202017-12-25 09:23:5252017-12-25 09:23:52£3,683 pcm (£850 pw)2 bedroom flat in Stafford Place, Westminster, London. Tucked away in a discreet cul-de-sac of mews style properties which runs parallel to Buckingham Palace Road, 24 Stafford Place is almost neighbouring Buckingham Palace itself! This apartment has 2 large Ensuite bedrooms, Modern open plan Living and spacious room throughout. Available at flexible terms. Call exclusively for further information+44 20 8022 6099SW1E 6NL102017-12-25 09:23:39Neighbouring Buckingham Pala
212017-12-25 09:23:5252017-12-25 09:23:52£3,683 pcm (£850 pw)2 bedroom flat in Stafford Place, Westminster, London. Tucked away in a discreet cul-de-sac of mews style properties which runs parallel to Buckingham Palace Road, 24 Stafford Place is almost neighbouring Buckingham Palace itself! This apartment has 2 large Ensuite bedrooms, Modern open plan Living and spacious room throughout. Available at flexible terms. Call exclusively for further information+44 20 8022 6099SW1E 6NL212017-12-25 09:23:52Newly Built within
222017-12-25 09:23:5252017-12-25 09:23:52£3,683 pcm (£850 pw)2 bedroom flat in Stafford Place, Westminster, London. Tucked away in a discreet cul-de-sac of mews style properties which runs parallel to Buckingham Palace Road, 24 Stafford Place is almost neighbouring Buckingham Palace itself! This apartment has 2 large Ensuite bedrooms, Modern open plan Living and spacious room throughout. Available at flexible terms. Call exclusively for further information+44 20 8022 6099SW1E 6NL222017-12-25 09:23:52Completed at High Spec
452017-12-25 09:27:3572017-12-25 09:27:35£3,683 pcm (£850 pw)A stunning two double bedroom apartment located in the prestigious Paramount Building that offers 1187 sq ft of lateral space. This well proportioned property comprises two large double bedrooms, ensuite shower room, main bathroom, large reception room and fully fitted open-plan kitchen with breakfast bar. Finished to an impeccable standard throughout this apartment is situated less than 5 minutes walk from Farringdon station and is on the popular St John Street with Waitrose nearby. Offered fully furnished and available with underground parking by separate negotiation.51.524803-0.103426206-212 St. John Street London+44 20 8022 5536EC1V 4JY452017-12-25 09:27:35Loft Apartment
462017-12-25 09:27:3572017-12-25 09:27:35£3,683 pcm (£850 pw)A stunning two double bedroom apartment located in the prestigious Paramount Building that offers 1187 sq ft of lateral space. This well proportioned property comprises two large double bedrooms, ensuite shower room, main bathroom, large reception room and fully fitted open-plan kitchen with breakfast bar. Finished to an impeccable standard throughout this apartment is situated less than 5 minutes walk from Farringdon station and is on the popular St John Street with Waitrose nearby. Offered fully furnished and available with underground parking by separate negotiation.51.524803-0.103426206-212 St. John Street London+44 20 8022 5536EC1V 4JY462017-12-25 09:27:35Excellent decorative order
472017-12-25 09:27:3572017-12-25 09:27:35£3,683 pcm (£850 pw)A stunning two double bedroom apartment located in the prestigious Paramount Building that offers 1187 sq ft of lateral space. This well proportioned property comprises two large double bedrooms, ensuite shower room, main bathroom, large reception room and fully fitted open-plan kitchen with breakfast bar. Finished to an impeccable standard throughout this apartment is situated less than 5 minutes walk from Farringdon station and is on the popular St John Street with Waitrose nearby. Offered fully furnished and available with underground parking by separate negotiation.51.524803-0.103426206-212 St. John Street London+44 20 8022 5536EC1V 4JY42017-12-25 09:23:37Furnished
482017-12-25 09:27:3572017-12-25 09:27:35£3,683 pcm (£850 pw)A stunning two double bedroom apartment located in the prestigious Paramount Building that offers 1187 sq ft of lateral space. This well proportioned property comprises two large double bedrooms, ensuite shower room, main bathroom, large reception room and fully fitted open-plan kitchen with breakfast bar. Finished to an impeccable standard throughout this apartment is situated less than 5 minutes walk from Farringdon station and is on the popular St John Street with Waitrose nearby. Offered fully furnished and available with underground parking by separate negotiation.51.524803-0.103426206-212 St. John Street London+44 20 8022 5536EC1V 4JY482017-12-25 09:27:35Open Plan Kitchen
492017-12-25 09:27:3572017-12-25 09:27:35£3,683 pcm (£850 pw)A stunning two double bedroom apartment located in the prestigious Paramount Building that offers 1187 sq ft of lateral space. This well proportioned property comprises two large double bedrooms, ensuite shower room, main bathroom, large reception room and fully fitted open-plan kitchen with breakfast bar. Finished to an impeccable standard throughout this apartment is situated less than 5 minutes walk from Farringdon station and is on the popular St John Street with Waitrose nearby. Offered fully furnished and available with underground parking by separate negotiation.51.524803-0.103426206-212 St. John Street London+44 20 8022 5536EC1V 4JY492017-12-25 09:27:35En suite shower room
502017-12-25 09:27:3572017-12-25 09:27:35£3,683 pcm (£850 pw)A stunning two double bedroom apartment located in the prestigious Paramount Building that offers 1187 sq ft of lateral space. This well proportioned property comprises two large double bedrooms, ensuite shower room, main bathroom, large reception room and fully fitted open-plan kitchen with breakfast bar. Finished to an impeccable standard throughout this apartment is situated less than 5 minutes walk from Farringdon station and is on the popular St John Street with Waitrose nearby. Offered fully furnished and available with underground parking by separate negotiation.51.524803-0.103426206-212 St. John Street London+44 20 8022 5536EC1V 4JY502017-12-25 09:27:35Bathroom
512017-12-25 09:27:3572017-12-25 09:27:35£3,683 pcm (£850 pw)A stunning two double bedroom apartment located in the prestigious Paramount Building that offers 1187 sq ft of lateral space. This well proportioned property comprises two large double bedrooms, ensuite shower room, main bathroom, large reception room and fully fitted open-plan kitchen with breakfast bar. Finished to an impeccable standard throughout this apartment is situated less than 5 minutes walk from Farringdon station and is on the popular St John Street with Waitrose nearby. Offered fully furnished and available with underground parking by separate negotiation.51.524803-0.103426206-212 St. John Street London+44 20 8022 5536EC1V 4JY512017-12-25 09:27:35Close to Farringdon Tube
522017-12-25 09:27:3572017-12-25 09:27:35£3,683 pcm (£850 pw)A stunning two double bedroom apartment located in the prestigious Paramount Building that offers 1187 sq ft of lateral space. This well proportioned property comprises two large double bedrooms, ensuite shower room, main bathroom, large reception room and fully fitted open-plan kitchen with breakfast bar. Finished to an impeccable standard throughout this apartment is situated less than 5 minutes walk from Farringdon station and is on the popular St John Street with Waitrose nearby. Offered fully furnished and available with underground parking by separate negotiation.51.524803-0.103426206-212 St. John Street London+44 20 8022 5536EC1V 4JY522017-12-25 09:27:35Balcony
532017-12-25 09:27:3572017-12-25 09:27:35£3,683 pcm (£850 pw)A stunning two double bedroom apartment located in the prestigious Paramount Building that offers 1187 sq ft of lateral space. This well proportioned property comprises two large double bedrooms, ensuite shower room, main bathroom, large reception room and fully fitted open-plan kitchen with breakfast bar. Finished to an impeccable standard throughout this apartment is situated less than 5 minutes walk from Farringdon station and is on the popular St John Street with Waitrose nearby. Offered fully furnished and available with underground parking by separate negotiation.51.524803-0.103426206-212 St. John Street London+44 20 8022 5536EC1V 4JY532017-12-25 09:27:35Two bedrooms
542017-12-25 09:27:3572017-12-25 09:27:35£3,683 pcm (£850 pw)A stunning two double bedroom apartment located in the prestigious Paramount Building that offers 1187 sq ft of lateral space. This well proportioned property comprises two large double bedrooms, ensuite shower room, main bathroom, large reception room and fully fitted open-plan kitchen with breakfast bar. Finished to an impeccable standard throughout this apartment is situated less than 5 minutes walk from Farringdon station and is on the popular St John Street with Waitrose nearby. Offered fully furnished and available with underground parking by separate negotiation.51.524803-0.103426206-212 St. John Street London+44 20 8022 5536EC1V 4JY542017-12-25 09:27:35Secured parking by separate negotiation
552017-12-25 09:27:4082017-12-25 09:27:40£1,842 pcm (£425 pw)Introducing 202 Bishopsgate in the heart of the City.Offering this modern spacious studio apartment with a modern bathroom in a prime location to the lettings market. The property comprises of an open plan living and sleeping area, a separate modern kitchen, a recently refurbished bathroom. This apartment is superbly located opposite Liverpool Street station and offers easy access to local bars, restaurants and shops. The utility bills are included in the rent.Contact the lettings team to arrange viewings as soon as possible.51.517952-0.079727202 Bishopsgate+44 20 8022 5580EC2M 4NR552017-12-25 09:27:40Studio apartment
562017-12-25 09:27:4082017-12-25 09:27:40£1,842 pcm (£425 pw)Introducing 202 Bishopsgate in the heart of the City.Offering this modern spacious studio apartment with a modern bathroom in a prime location to the lettings market. The property comprises of an open plan living and sleeping area, a separate modern kitchen, a recently refurbished bathroom. This apartment is superbly located opposite Liverpool Street station and offers easy access to local bars, restaurants and shops. The utility bills are included in the rent.Contact the lettings team to arrange viewings as soon as possible.51.517952-0.079727202 Bishopsgate+44 20 8022 5580EC2M 4NR562017-12-25 09:27:40Seperate kitchen
572017-12-25 09:27:4082017-12-25 09:27:40£1,842 pcm (£425 pw)Introducing 202 Bishopsgate in the heart of the City.Offering this modern spacious studio apartment with a modern bathroom in a prime location to the lettings market. The property comprises of an open plan living and sleeping area, a separate modern kitchen, a recently refurbished bathroom. This apartment is superbly located opposite Liverpool Street station and offers easy access to local bars, restaurants and shops. The utility bills are included in the rent.Contact the lettings team to arrange viewings as soon as possible.51.517952-0.079727202 Bishopsgate+44 20 8022 5580EC2M 4NR572017-12-25 09:27:40Liverpool Street Station moments away
582017-12-25 09:27:4082017-12-25 09:27:40£1,842 pcm (£425 pw)Introducing 202 Bishopsgate in the heart of the City.Offering this modern spacious studio apartment with a modern bathroom in a prime location to the lettings market. The property comprises of an open plan living and sleeping area, a separate modern kitchen, a recently refurbished bathroom. This apartment is superbly located opposite Liverpool Street station and offers easy access to local bars, restaurants and shops. The utility bills are included in the rent.Contact the lettings team to arrange viewings as soon as possible.51.517952-0.079727202 Bishopsgate+44 20 8022 5580EC2M 4NR582017-12-25 09:27:40City apartment
592017-12-25 09:27:4082017-12-25 09:27:40£1,842 pcm (£425 pw)Introducing 202 Bishopsgate in the heart of the City.Offering this modern spacious studio apartment with a modern bathroom in a prime location to the lettings market. The property comprises of an open plan living and sleeping area, a separate modern kitchen, a recently refurbished bathroom. This apartment is superbly located opposite Liverpool Street station and offers easy access to local bars, restaurants and shops. The utility bills are included in the rent.Contact the lettings team to arrange viewings as soon as possible.51.517952-0.079727202 Bishopsgate+44 20 8022 5580EC2M 4NR42017-12-25 09:23:37Furnished
602017-12-25 09:27:4082017-12-25 09:27:40£1,842 pcm (£425 pw)Introducing 202 Bishopsgate in the heart of the City.Offering this modern spacious studio apartment with a modern bathroom in a prime location to the lettings market. The property comprises of an open plan living and sleeping area, a separate modern kitchen, a recently refurbished bathroom. This apartment is superbly located opposite Liverpool Street station and offers easy access to local bars, restaurants and shops. The utility bills are included in the rent.Contact the lettings team to arrange viewings as soon as possible.51.517952-0.079727202 Bishopsgate+44 20 8022 5580EC2M 4NR602017-12-25 09:27:40Local bars, restaurents and transport
612017-12-25 09:27:4082017-12-25 09:27:40£1,842 pcm (£425 pw)Introducing 202 Bishopsgate in the heart of the City.Offering this modern spacious studio apartment with a modern bathroom in a prime location to the lettings market. The property comprises of an open plan living and sleeping area, a separate modern kitchen, a recently refurbished bathroom. This apartment is superbly located opposite Liverpool Street station and offers easy access to local bars, restaurants and shops. The utility bills are included in the rent.Contact the lettings team to arrange viewings as soon as possible.51.517952-0.079727202 Bishopsgate+44 20 8022 5580EC2M 4NR612017-12-25 09:27:40Available now
622017-12-25 09:27:4082017-12-25 09:27:40£1,842 pcm (£425 pw)Introducing 202 Bishopsgate in the heart of the City.Offering this modern spacious studio apartment with a modern bathroom in a prime location to the lettings market. The property comprises of an open plan living and sleeping area, a separate modern kitchen, a recently refurbished bathroom. This apartment is superbly located opposite Liverpool Street station and offers easy access to local bars, restaurants and shops. The utility bills are included in the rent.Contact the lettings team to arrange viewings as soon as possible.51.517952-0.079727202 Bishopsgate+44 20 8022 5580EC2M 4NR622017-12-25 09:27:40Utility bills included
632017-12-25 09:27:4392017-12-25 09:27:43£2,015 pcm (£465 pw)Introducing Abbott's Chambers, 202 Bishopsgate in the heart of the City.Offering this spacious one bedroom flat with a modern bathroom in a prime location to the lettings market. The property comprises of an sub open plan living room with a modern kitchen which has recently been refurbished throughout including the bathroom. The flat offers wooden flooring throughout and a good size double bedroom with fitted wardrobes. This apartment is superbly located opposite Liverpool Street station and offers easy access to local bars, restaurants and shops. The utility bills are included in the rent.Contact the lettings team to arrange viewings as soon as possible.51.517952-0.079727202 Bishopsgate+44 20 8022 5580EC2M 4NR632017-12-25 09:27:43Large one bedroom flat
642017-12-25 09:27:4392017-12-25 09:27:43£2,015 pcm (£465 pw)Introducing Abbott's Chambers, 202 Bishopsgate in the heart of the City.Offering this spacious one bedroom flat with a modern bathroom in a prime location to the lettings market. The property comprises of an sub open plan living room with a modern kitchen which has recently been refurbished throughout including the bathroom. The flat offers wooden flooring throughout and a good size double bedroom with fitted wardrobes. This apartment is superbly located opposite Liverpool Street station and offers easy access to local bars, restaurants and shops. The utility bills are included in the rent.Contact the lettings team to arrange viewings as soon as possible.51.517952-0.079727202 Bishopsgate+44 20 8022 5580EC2M 4NR642017-12-25 09:27:43Great location
652017-12-25 09:27:4392017-12-25 09:27:43£2,015 pcm (£465 pw)Introducing Abbott's Chambers, 202 Bishopsgate in the heart of the City.Offering this spacious one bedroom flat with a modern bathroom in a prime location to the lettings market. The property comprises of an sub open plan living room with a modern kitchen which has recently been refurbished throughout including the bathroom. The flat offers wooden flooring throughout and a good size double bedroom with fitted wardrobes. This apartment is superbly located opposite Liverpool Street station and offers easy access to local bars, restaurants and shops. The utility bills are included in the rent.Contact the lettings team to arrange viewings as soon as possible.51.517952-0.079727202 Bishopsgate+44 20 8022 5580EC2M 4NR572017-12-25 09:27:40Liverpool Street Station moments away
662017-12-25 09:27:4392017-12-25 09:27:43£2,015 pcm (£465 pw)Introducing Abbott's Chambers, 202 Bishopsgate in the heart of the City.Offering this spacious one bedroom flat with a modern bathroom in a prime location to the lettings market. The property comprises of an sub open plan living room with a modern kitchen which has recently been refurbished throughout including the bathroom. The flat offers wooden flooring throughout and a good size double bedroom with fitted wardrobes. This apartment is superbly located opposite Liverpool Street station and offers easy access to local bars, restaurants and shops. The utility bills are included in the rent.Contact the lettings team to arrange viewings as soon as possible.51.517952-0.079727202 Bishopsgate+44 20 8022 5580EC2M 4NR662017-12-25 09:27:43Separate kitchen
672017-12-25 09:27:4392017-12-25 09:27:43£2,015 pcm (£465 pw)Introducing Abbott's Chambers, 202 Bishopsgate in the heart of the City.Offering this spacious one bedroom flat with a modern bathroom in a prime location to the lettings market. The property comprises of an sub open plan living room with a modern kitchen which has recently been refurbished throughout including the bathroom. The flat offers wooden flooring throughout and a good size double bedroom with fitted wardrobes. This apartment is superbly located opposite Liverpool Street station and offers easy access to local bars, restaurants and shops. The utility bills are included in the rent.Contact the lettings team to arrange viewings as soon as possible.51.517952-0.079727202 Bishopsgate+44 20 8022 5580EC2M 4NR672017-12-25 09:27:43Recently refurbished
682017-12-25 09:27:4392017-12-25 09:27:43£2,015 pcm (£465 pw)Introducing Abbott's Chambers, 202 Bishopsgate in the heart of the City.Offering this spacious one bedroom flat with a modern bathroom in a prime location to the lettings market. The property comprises of an sub open plan living room with a modern kitchen which has recently been refurbished throughout including the bathroom. The flat offers wooden flooring throughout and a good size double bedroom with fitted wardrobes. This apartment is superbly located opposite Liverpool Street station and offers easy access to local bars, restaurants and shops. The utility bills are included in the rent.Contact the lettings team to arrange viewings as soon as possible.51.517952-0.079727202 Bishopsgate+44 20 8022 5580EC2M 4NR602017-12-25 09:27:40Local bars, restaurents and transport
692017-12-25 09:27:4392017-12-25 09:27:43£2,015 pcm (£465 pw)Introducing Abbott's Chambers, 202 Bishopsgate in the heart of the City.Offering this spacious one bedroom flat with a modern bathroom in a prime location to the lettings market. The property comprises of an sub open plan living room with a modern kitchen which has recently been refurbished throughout including the bathroom. The flat offers wooden flooring throughout and a good size double bedroom with fitted wardrobes. This apartment is superbly located opposite Liverpool Street station and offers easy access to local bars, restaurants and shops. The utility bills are included in the rent.Contact the lettings team to arrange viewings as soon as possible.51.517952-0.079727202 Bishopsgate+44 20 8022 5580EC2M 4NR692017-12-25 09:27:43All utility bills included
702017-12-25 09:27:4392017-12-25 09:27:43£2,015 pcm (£465 pw)Introducing Abbott's Chambers, 202 Bishopsgate in the heart of the City.Offering this spacious one bedroom flat with a modern bathroom in a prime location to the lettings market. The property comprises of an sub open plan living room with a modern kitchen which has recently been refurbished throughout including the bathroom. The flat offers wooden flooring throughout and a good size double bedroom with fitted wardrobes. This apartment is superbly located opposite Liverpool Street station and offers easy access to local bars, restaurants and shops. The utility bills are included in the rent.Contact the lettings team to arrange viewings as soon as possible.51.517952-0.079727202 Bishopsgate+44 20 8022 5580EC2M 4NR612017-12-25 09:27:40Available now
712017-12-25 09:27:46102017-12-25 09:27:46£2,145 pcm (£495 pw)A exciting opportunity to rent moments from the Embankment within London's Westminster in the form of this charming 2 bedroom apartment situated on the top floor (3rd floor) within this elegant Grade II Listed Georgian Town House.Accessed via a short walk up, the apartment comprises of a very spacious reception room with a fully equipped recessed kitchen. The kitchen and Reception space both benefit from a south facing aspect to which natural light is in plenty. Toward the rear of the layout, the master bedroom hosting good storage and faces the rear of the building. The second bedroom is commonly suited to a children's bedroom however can also be used as a common study space for additional storage. The apartment is concluded via a beautifully presented bathroom and has a total floor space of 580 Sq. Feet / 53 Sq. M.Craven Street is a Georgian lined street linking The Strand to the Victoria Embankment. The location was developed via the Craven Family within the mid 17th century and has laid residence to some very prominent historical figures notably Benjamin Franklin, one of the Founding Fathers of The United States of America. The location is simply unrivaled for incredible access to the many attractions of The South Bank, Westminster and Victoria Embankment.In conclusion, the location can offer excellent transport Links including immediate access to Charing Cross (Northern line – Charing Cross branch) and Embankment (Circle and District Line) London Underground stations in addition to Charing Cross Rail Station offering Mainline Services.51.50728-0.124242Craven Street+44 20 7768 2296WC2N 5NT712017-12-25 09:27:462 Bedroom Apartment
722017-12-25 09:27:46102017-12-25 09:27:46£2,145 pcm (£495 pw)A exciting opportunity to rent moments from the Embankment within London's Westminster in the form of this charming 2 bedroom apartment situated on the top floor (3rd floor) within this elegant Grade II Listed Georgian Town House.Accessed via a short walk up, the apartment comprises of a very spacious reception room with a fully equipped recessed kitchen. The kitchen and Reception space both benefit from a south facing aspect to which natural light is in plenty. Toward the rear of the layout, the master bedroom hosting good storage and faces the rear of the building. The second bedroom is commonly suited to a children's bedroom however can also be used as a common study space for additional storage. The apartment is concluded via a beautifully presented bathroom and has a total floor space of 580 Sq. Feet / 53 Sq. M.Craven Street is a Georgian lined street linking The Strand to the Victoria Embankment. The location was developed via the Craven Family within the mid 17th century and has laid residence to some very prominent historical figures notably Benjamin Franklin, one of the Founding Fathers of The United States of America. The location is simply unrivaled for incredible access to the many attractions of The South Bank, Westminster and Victoria Embankment.In conclusion, the location can offer excellent transport Links including immediate access to Charing Cross (Northern line – Charing Cross branch) and Embankment (Circle and District Line) London Underground stations in addition to Charing Cross Rail Station offering Mainline Services.51.50728-0.124242Craven Street+44 20 7768 2296WC2N 5NT722017-12-25 09:27:46Top Floor
732017-12-25 09:27:46102017-12-25 09:27:46£2,145 pcm (£495 pw)A exciting opportunity to rent moments from the Embankment within London's Westminster in the form of this charming 2 bedroom apartment situated on the top floor (3rd floor) within this elegant Grade II Listed Georgian Town House.Accessed via a short walk up, the apartment comprises of a very spacious reception room with a fully equipped recessed kitchen. The kitchen and Reception space both benefit from a south facing aspect to which natural light is in plenty. Toward the rear of the layout, the master bedroom hosting good storage and faces the rear of the building. The second bedroom is commonly suited to a children's bedroom however can also be used as a common study space for additional storage. The apartment is concluded via a beautifully presented bathroom and has a total floor space of 580 Sq. Feet / 53 Sq. M.Craven Street is a Georgian lined street linking The Strand to the Victoria Embankment. The location was developed via the Craven Family within the mid 17th century and has laid residence to some very prominent historical figures notably Benjamin Franklin, one of the Founding Fathers of The United States of America. The location is simply unrivaled for incredible access to the many attractions of The South Bank, Westminster and Victoria Embankment.In conclusion, the location can offer excellent transport Links including immediate access to Charing Cross (Northern line – Charing Cross branch) and Embankment (Circle and District Line) London Underground stations in addition to Charing Cross Rail Station offering Mainline Services.51.50728-0.124242Craven Street+44 20 7768 2296WC2N 5NT732017-12-25 09:27:46580 Sq. Feet / 53 Sq. M.
742017-12-25 09:27:46102017-12-25 09:27:46£2,145 pcm (£495 pw)A exciting opportunity to rent moments from the Embankment within London's Westminster in the form of this charming 2 bedroom apartment situated on the top floor (3rd floor) within this elegant Grade II Listed Georgian Town House.Accessed via a short walk up, the apartment comprises of a very spacious reception room with a fully equipped recessed kitchen. The kitchen and Reception space both benefit from a south facing aspect to which natural light is in plenty. Toward the rear of the layout, the master bedroom hosting good storage and faces the rear of the building. The second bedroom is commonly suited to a children's bedroom however can also be used as a common study space for additional storage. The apartment is concluded via a beautifully presented bathroom and has a total floor space of 580 Sq. Feet / 53 Sq. M.Craven Street is a Georgian lined street linking The Strand to the Victoria Embankment. The location was developed via the Craven Family within the mid 17th century and has laid residence to some very prominent historical figures notably Benjamin Franklin, one of the Founding Fathers of The United States of America. The location is simply unrivaled for incredible access to the many attractions of The South Bank, Westminster and Victoria Embankment.In conclusion, the location can offer excellent transport Links including immediate access to Charing Cross (Northern line – Charing Cross branch) and Embankment (Circle and District Line) London Underground stations in addition to Charing Cross Rail Station offering Mainline Services.51.50728-0.124242Craven Street+44 20 7768 2296WC2N 5NT742017-12-25 09:27:46Conveniently Located
752017-12-25 09:28:43122017-12-25 09:28:43£2,145 pcm (£495 pw)This large one bedroom bright and spacious apartment on the seventh floor, is located in the heart of Victoria.The apartment has a large bright bedroom with a spacious reception area, plenty of storage space, fully fitted kitchen and a modern bathroom. The apartment comes with free wifi and is set up for a Sky subscription.Luke House offers an excellent variety of 30 newly refurbished studio, one and two bedroom apartments, situated on the upper floors of this purpose built development building, offering flexible accommodation to suit all requirements. The building has a dedicated building manager, secure underground parking, wifi, laundry room and lift service.Centrally located in Westminster, just off Victoria Street, Luke House is surrounded by shops, bars and restaurants, as well as giving easy access to the rest of the city. Residents of Luke House have easy access to some of the capital’s best known historic sights – including Buckingham Palace, the Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey. It is a 5 minute walk to St James’s Park tube station (District line) and to Victoria tube and train station (Victoria line & Gatwick Express).All of our tenants benefit from a dedicated building manager who is on hand to assist with any property related issues. We also employ a dedicated team of maintenance experts and provide a 24-hour emergency helpline.Luke House offers an excellent variety of 30 newly refurbished studio, one and two bedroom apartments, situated on the upper floors of this purpose built development, offering flexible accommodation to suit all requirements. The building has a dedicated building manager, secure underground parking, wifi, laundry room and lift service.Centrally located in Westminster, just off Victoria Street, Luke House is surrounded by shops, bars and restaurants, as well as giving easy access to the rest of the city. Residents have access to some of the capital’s best known historic sights within easy walking distance, including Buckingham Palace, Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey. It is a 5 minute walk to St James’s Park tube station (District line) and 10 minutes to Victoria tube and train station (Victoria line & Gatwick Express). Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs)51.497944-0.1320163 Abbey Orchard Street Westminster London+44 20 8022 0759SW1P 2JJ752017-12-25 09:28:43Secure area
762017-12-25 09:28:43122017-12-25 09:28:43£2,145 pcm (£495 pw)This large one bedroom bright and spacious apartment on the seventh floor, is located in the heart of Victoria.The apartment has a large bright bedroom with a spacious reception area, plenty of storage space, fully fitted kitchen and a modern bathroom. The apartment comes with free wifi and is set up for a Sky subscription.Luke House offers an excellent variety of 30 newly refurbished studio, one and two bedroom apartments, situated on the upper floors of this purpose built development building, offering flexible accommodation to suit all requirements. The building has a dedicated building manager, secure underground parking, wifi, laundry room and lift service.Centrally located in Westminster, just off Victoria Street, Luke House is surrounded by shops, bars and restaurants, as well as giving easy access to the rest of the city. Residents of Luke House have easy access to some of the capital’s best known historic sights – including Buckingham Palace, the Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey. It is a 5 minute walk to St James’s Park tube station (District line) and to Victoria tube and train station (Victoria line & Gatwick Express).All of our tenants benefit from a dedicated building manager who is on hand to assist with any property related issues. We also employ a dedicated team of maintenance experts and provide a 24-hour emergency helpline.Luke House offers an excellent variety of 30 newly refurbished studio, one and two bedroom apartments, situated on the upper floors of this purpose built development, offering flexible accommodation to suit all requirements. The building has a dedicated building manager, secure underground parking, wifi, laundry room and lift service.Centrally located in Westminster, just off Victoria Street, Luke House is surrounded by shops, bars and restaurants, as well as giving easy access to the rest of the city. Residents have access to some of the capital’s best known historic sights within easy walking distance, including Buckingham Palace, Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey. It is a 5 minute walk to St James’s Park tube station (District line) and 10 minutes to Victoria tube and train station (Victoria line & Gatwick Express). Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs)51.497944-0.1320163 Abbey Orchard Street Westminster London+44 20 8022 0759SW1P 2JJ762017-12-25 09:28:43Sky system installed - only pay for your subscriptions
772017-12-25 09:28:43122017-12-25 09:28:43£2,145 pcm (£495 pw)This large one bedroom bright and spacious apartment on the seventh floor, is located in the heart of Victoria.The apartment has a large bright bedroom with a spacious reception area, plenty of storage space, fully fitted kitchen and a modern bathroom. The apartment comes with free wifi and is set up for a Sky subscription.Luke House offers an excellent variety of 30 newly refurbished studio, one and two bedroom apartments, situated on the upper floors of this purpose built development building, offering flexible accommodation to suit all requirements. The building has a dedicated building manager, secure underground parking, wifi, laundry room and lift service.Centrally located in Westminster, just off Victoria Street, Luke House is surrounded by shops, bars and restaurants, as well as giving easy access to the rest of the city. Residents of Luke House have easy access to some of the capital’s best known historic sights – including Buckingham Palace, the Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey. It is a 5 minute walk to St James’s Park tube station (District line) and to Victoria tube and train station (Victoria line & Gatwick Express).All of our tenants benefit from a dedicated building manager who is on hand to assist with any property related issues. We also employ a dedicated team of maintenance experts and provide a 24-hour emergency helpline.Luke House offers an excellent variety of 30 newly refurbished studio, one and two bedroom apartments, situated on the upper floors of this purpose built development, offering flexible accommodation to suit all requirements. The building has a dedicated building manager, secure underground parking, wifi, laundry room and lift service.Centrally located in Westminster, just off Victoria Street, Luke House is surrounded by shops, bars and restaurants, as well as giving easy access to the rest of the city. Residents have access to some of the capital’s best known historic sights within easy walking distance, including Buckingham Palace, Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey. It is a 5 minute walk to St James’s Park tube station (District line) and 10 minutes to Victoria tube and train station (Victoria line & Gatwick Express). Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs)51.497944-0.1320163 Abbey Orchard Street Westminster London+44 20 8022 0759SW1P 2JJ772017-12-25 09:28:43Free of charge wireless broadband
782017-12-25 09:28:43122017-12-25 09:28:43£2,145 pcm (£495 pw)This large one bedroom bright and spacious apartment on the seventh floor, is located in the heart of Victoria.The apartment has a large bright bedroom with a spacious reception area, plenty of storage space, fully fitted kitchen and a modern bathroom. The apartment comes with free wifi and is set up for a Sky subscription.Luke House offers an excellent variety of 30 newly refurbished studio, one and two bedroom apartments, situated on the upper floors of this purpose built development building, offering flexible accommodation to suit all requirements. The building has a dedicated building manager, secure underground parking, wifi, laundry room and lift service.Centrally located in Westminster, just off Victoria Street, Luke House is surrounded by shops, bars and restaurants, as well as giving easy access to the rest of the city. Residents of Luke House have easy access to some of the capital’s best known historic sights – including Buckingham Palace, the Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey. It is a 5 minute walk to St James’s Park tube station (District line) and to Victoria tube and train station (Victoria line & Gatwick Express).All of our tenants benefit from a dedicated building manager who is on hand to assist with any property related issues. We also employ a dedicated team of maintenance experts and provide a 24-hour emergency helpline.Luke House offers an excellent variety of 30 newly refurbished studio, one and two bedroom apartments, situated on the upper floors of this purpose built development, offering flexible accommodation to suit all requirements. The building has a dedicated building manager, secure underground parking, wifi, laundry room and lift service.Centrally located in Westminster, just off Victoria Street, Luke House is surrounded by shops, bars and restaurants, as well as giving easy access to the rest of the city. Residents have access to some of the capital’s best known historic sights within easy walking distance, including Buckingham Palace, Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey. It is a 5 minute walk to St James’s Park tube station (District line) and 10 minutes to Victoria tube and train station (Victoria line & Gatwick Express). Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs)51.497944-0.1320163 Abbey Orchard Street Westminster London+44 20 8022 0759SW1P 2JJ782017-12-25 09:28:43Entry phone system into building
792017-12-25 09:28:43122017-12-25 09:28:43£2,145 pcm (£495 pw)This large one bedroom bright and spacious apartment on the seventh floor, is located in the heart of Victoria.The apartment has a large bright bedroom with a spacious reception area, plenty of storage space, fully fitted kitchen and a modern bathroom. The apartment comes with free wifi and is set up for a Sky subscription.Luke House offers an excellent variety of 30 newly refurbished studio, one and two bedroom apartments, situated on the upper floors of this purpose built development building, offering flexible accommodation to suit all requirements. The building has a dedicated building manager, secure underground parking, wifi, laundry room and lift service.Centrally located in Westminster, just off Victoria Street, Luke House is surrounded by shops, bars and restaurants, as well as giving easy access to the rest of the city. Residents of Luke House have easy access to some of the capital’s best known historic sights – including Buckingham Palace, the Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey. It is a 5 minute walk to St James’s Park tube station (District line) and to Victoria tube and train station (Victoria line & Gatwick Express).All of our tenants benefit from a dedicated building manager who is on hand to assist with any property related issues. We also employ a dedicated team of maintenance experts and provide a 24-hour emergency helpline.Luke House offers an excellent variety of 30 newly refurbished studio, one and two bedroom apartments, situated on the upper floors of this purpose built development, offering flexible accommodation to suit all requirements. The building has a dedicated building manager, secure underground parking, wifi, laundry room and lift service.Centrally located in Westminster, just off Victoria Street, Luke House is surrounded by shops, bars and restaurants, as well as giving easy access to the rest of the city. Residents have access to some of the capital’s best known historic sights within easy walking distance, including Buckingham Palace, Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey. It is a 5 minute walk to St James’s Park tube station (District line) and 10 minutes to Victoria tube and train station (Victoria line & Gatwick Express). Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs)51.497944-0.1320163 Abbey Orchard Street Westminster London+44 20 8022 0759SW1P 2JJ792017-12-25 09:28:43Parking available (at additional cost)
802017-12-25 09:28:43122017-12-25 09:28:43£2,145 pcm (£495 pw)This large one bedroom bright and spacious apartment on the seventh floor, is located in the heart of Victoria.The apartment has a large bright bedroom with a spacious reception area, plenty of storage space, fully fitted kitchen and a modern bathroom. The apartment comes with free wifi and is set up for a Sky subscription.Luke House offers an excellent variety of 30 newly refurbished studio, one and two bedroom apartments, situated on the upper floors of this purpose built development building, offering flexible accommodation to suit all requirements. The building has a dedicated building manager, secure underground parking, wifi, laundry room and lift service.Centrally located in Westminster, just off Victoria Street, Luke House is surrounded by shops, bars and restaurants, as well as giving easy access to the rest of the city. Residents of Luke House have easy access to some of the capital’s best known historic sights – including Buckingham Palace, the Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey. It is a 5 minute walk to St James’s Park tube station (District line) and to Victoria tube and train station (Victoria line & Gatwick Express).All of our tenants benefit from a dedicated building manager who is on hand to assist with any property related issues. We also employ a dedicated team of maintenance experts and provide a 24-hour emergency helpline.Luke House offers an excellent variety of 30 newly refurbished studio, one and two bedroom apartments, situated on the upper floors of this purpose built development, offering flexible accommodation to suit all requirements. The building has a dedicated building manager, secure underground parking, wifi, laundry room and lift service.Centrally located in Westminster, just off Victoria Street, Luke House is surrounded by shops, bars and restaurants, as well as giving easy access to the rest of the city. Residents have access to some of the capital’s best known historic sights within easy walking distance, including Buckingham Palace, Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey. It is a 5 minute walk to St James’s Park tube station (District line) and 10 minutes to Victoria tube and train station (Victoria line & Gatwick Express). Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs)51.497944-0.1320163 Abbey Orchard Street Westminster London+44 20 8022 0759SW1P 2JJ802017-12-25 09:28:4324 hour emergency service
812017-12-25 09:28:43122017-12-25 09:28:43£2,145 pcm (£495 pw)This large one bedroom bright and spacious apartment on the seventh floor, is located in the heart of Victoria.The apartment has a large bright bedroom with a spacious reception area, plenty of storage space, fully fitted kitchen and a modern bathroom. The apartment comes with free wifi and is set up for a Sky subscription.Luke House offers an excellent variety of 30 newly refurbished studio, one and two bedroom apartments, situated on the upper floors of this purpose built development building, offering flexible accommodation to suit all requirements. The building has a dedicated building manager, secure underground parking, wifi, laundry room and lift service.Centrally located in Westminster, just off Victoria Street, Luke House is surrounded by shops, bars and restaurants, as well as giving easy access to the rest of the city. Residents of Luke House have easy access to some of the capital’s best known historic sights – including Buckingham Palace, the Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey. It is a 5 minute walk to St James’s Park tube station (District line) and to Victoria tube and train station (Victoria line & Gatwick Express).All of our tenants benefit from a dedicated building manager who is on hand to assist with any property related issues. We also employ a dedicated team of maintenance experts and provide a 24-hour emergency helpline.Luke House offers an excellent variety of 30 newly refurbished studio, one and two bedroom apartments, situated on the upper floors of this purpose built development, offering flexible accommodation to suit all requirements. The building has a dedicated building manager, secure underground parking, wifi, laundry room and lift service.Centrally located in Westminster, just off Victoria Street, Luke House is surrounded by shops, bars and restaurants, as well as giving easy access to the rest of the city. Residents have access to some of the capital’s best known historic sights within easy walking distance, including Buckingham Palace, Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey. It is a 5 minute walk to St James’s Park tube station (District line) and 10 minutes to Victoria tube and train station (Victoria line & Gatwick Express). Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs)51.497944-0.1320163 Abbey Orchard Street Westminster London+44 20 8022 0759SW1P 2JJ812017-12-25 09:28:43Newly refurbished
822017-12-25 09:28:43122017-12-25 09:28:43£2,145 pcm (£495 pw)This large one bedroom bright and spacious apartment on the seventh floor, is located in the heart of Victoria.The apartment has a large bright bedroom with a spacious reception area, plenty of storage space, fully fitted kitchen and a modern bathroom. The apartment comes with free wifi and is set up for a Sky subscription.Luke House offers an excellent variety of 30 newly refurbished studio, one and two bedroom apartments, situated on the upper floors of this purpose built development building, offering flexible accommodation to suit all requirements. The building has a dedicated building manager, secure underground parking, wifi, laundry room and lift service.Centrally located in Westminster, just off Victoria Street, Luke House is surrounded by shops, bars and restaurants, as well as giving easy access to the rest of the city. Residents of Luke House have easy access to some of the capital’s best known historic sights – including Buckingham Palace, the Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey. It is a 5 minute walk to St James’s Park tube station (District line) and to Victoria tube and train station (Victoria line & Gatwick Express).All of our tenants benefit from a dedicated building manager who is on hand to assist with any property related issues. We also employ a dedicated team of maintenance experts and provide a 24-hour emergency helpline.Luke House offers an excellent variety of 30 newly refurbished studio, one and two bedroom apartments, situated on the upper floors of this purpose built development, offering flexible accommodation to suit all requirements. The building has a dedicated building manager, secure underground parking, wifi, laundry room and lift service.Centrally located in Westminster, just off Victoria Street, Luke House is surrounded by shops, bars and restaurants, as well as giving easy access to the rest of the city. Residents have access to some of the capital’s best known historic sights within easy walking distance, including Buckingham Palace, Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey. It is a 5 minute walk to St James’s Park tube station (District line) and 10 minutes to Victoria tube and train station (Victoria line & Gatwick Express). Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs)51.497944-0.1320163 Abbey Orchard Street Westminster London+44 20 8022 0759SW1P 2JJ822017-12-25 09:28:43Fully fitted kitchens
832017-12-25 09:28:43122017-12-25 09:28:43£2,145 pcm (£495 pw)This large one bedroom bright and spacious apartment on the seventh floor, is located in the heart of Victoria.The apartment has a large bright bedroom with a spacious reception area, plenty of storage space, fully fitted kitchen and a modern bathroom. The apartment comes with free wifi and is set up for a Sky subscription.Luke House offers an excellent variety of 30 newly refurbished studio, one and two bedroom apartments, situated on the upper floors of this purpose built development building, offering flexible accommodation to suit all requirements. The building has a dedicated building manager, secure underground parking, wifi, laundry room and lift service.Centrally located in Westminster, just off Victoria Street, Luke House is surrounded by shops, bars and restaurants, as well as giving easy access to the rest of the city. Residents of Luke House have easy access to some of the capital’s best known historic sights – including Buckingham Palace, the Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey. It is a 5 minute walk to St James’s Park tube station (District line) and to Victoria tube and train station (Victoria line & Gatwick Express).All of our tenants benefit from a dedicated building manager who is on hand to assist with any property related issues. We also employ a dedicated team of maintenance experts and provide a 24-hour emergency helpline.Luke House offers an excellent variety of 30 newly refurbished studio, one and two bedroom apartments, situated on the upper floors of this purpose built development, offering flexible accommodation to suit all requirements. The building has a dedicated building manager, secure underground parking, wifi, laundry room and lift service.Centrally located in Westminster, just off Victoria Street, Luke House is surrounded by shops, bars and restaurants, as well as giving easy access to the rest of the city. Residents have access to some of the capital’s best known historic sights within easy walking distance, including Buckingham Palace, Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey. It is a 5 minute walk to St James’s Park tube station (District line) and 10 minutes to Victoria tube and train station (Victoria line & Gatwick Express). Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs)51.497944-0.1320163 Abbey Orchard Street Westminster London+44 20 8022 0759SW1P 2JJ832017-12-25 09:28:43Wireless internet
842017-12-25 09:28:43122017-12-25 09:28:43£2,145 pcm (£495 pw)This large one bedroom bright and spacious apartment on the seventh floor, is located in the heart of Victoria.The apartment has a large bright bedroom with a spacious reception area, plenty of storage space, fully fitted kitchen and a modern bathroom. The apartment comes with free wifi and is set up for a Sky subscription.Luke House offers an excellent variety of 30 newly refurbished studio, one and two bedroom apartments, situated on the upper floors of this purpose built development building, offering flexible accommodation to suit all requirements. The building has a dedicated building manager, secure underground parking, wifi, laundry room and lift service.Centrally located in Westminster, just off Victoria Street, Luke House is surrounded by shops, bars and restaurants, as well as giving easy access to the rest of the city. Residents of Luke House have easy access to some of the capital’s best known historic sights – including Buckingham Palace, the Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey. It is a 5 minute walk to St James’s Park tube station (District line) and to Victoria tube and train station (Victoria line & Gatwick Express).All of our tenants benefit from a dedicated building manager who is on hand to assist with any property related issues. We also employ a dedicated team of maintenance experts and provide a 24-hour emergency helpline.Luke House offers an excellent variety of 30 newly refurbished studio, one and two bedroom apartments, situated on the upper floors of this purpose built development, offering flexible accommodation to suit all requirements. The building has a dedicated building manager, secure underground parking, wifi, laundry room and lift service.Centrally located in Westminster, just off Victoria Street, Luke House is surrounded by shops, bars and restaurants, as well as giving easy access to the rest of the city. Residents have access to some of the capital’s best known historic sights within easy walking distance, including Buckingham Palace, Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey. It is a 5 minute walk to St James’s Park tube station (District line) and 10 minutes to Victoria tube and train station (Victoria line & Gatwick Express). Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs)51.497944-0.1320163 Abbey Orchard Street Westminster London+44 20 8022 0759SW1P 2JJ842017-12-25 09:28:432 passenger lifts
852017-12-25 09:28:58162017-12-25 09:28:58£3,900 pcm (£900 pw)Set on the first floor of this landmark development, The Strand and situated in the renowned Strand itself, this one bedroom apartment is only moments from theatres, museums, restaurants and the River Thames.Finished to a high specification throughout and including underfloor heating, air conditioning and a video entry phone system the property comprises reception room with contemporary, state of the art open plan fitted kitchen, beautiful wood floors, access to private balcony, spacious double bedroom with built in wardrobe and luxury family bathroom.Residents of The Strand also enjoy access to health spa, gym and swimming pool as well as concierge services.Available to rent on a furnished basis.Council Tax Band: TbcEPC rating: B51.509724-0.120236Strand+44 20 8128 4514WC2R 1AB852017-12-25 09:28:58Brand New Savoy House Development
862017-12-25 09:28:58162017-12-25 09:28:58£3,900 pcm (£900 pw)Set on the first floor of this landmark development, The Strand and situated in the renowned Strand itself, this one bedroom apartment is only moments from theatres, museums, restaurants and the River Thames.Finished to a high specification throughout and including underfloor heating, air conditioning and a video entry phone system the property comprises reception room with contemporary, state of the art open plan fitted kitchen, beautiful wood floors, access to private balcony, spacious double bedroom with built in wardrobe and luxury family bathroom.Residents of The Strand also enjoy access to health spa, gym and swimming pool as well as concierge services.Available to rent on a furnished basis.Council Tax Band: TbcEPC rating: B51.509724-0.120236Strand+44 20 8128 4514WC2R 1AB862017-12-25 09:28:58Luxury 1 Bedroom Apartment
872017-12-25 09:28:58162017-12-25 09:28:58£3,900 pcm (£900 pw)Set on the first floor of this landmark development, The Strand and situated in the renowned Strand itself, this one bedroom apartment is only moments from theatres, museums, restaurants and the River Thames.Finished to a high specification throughout and including underfloor heating, air conditioning and a video entry phone system the property comprises reception room with contemporary, state of the art open plan fitted kitchen, beautiful wood floors, access to private balcony, spacious double bedroom with built in wardrobe and luxury family bathroom.Residents of The Strand also enjoy access to health spa, gym and swimming pool as well as concierge services.Available to rent on a furnished basis.Council Tax Band: TbcEPC rating: B51.509724-0.120236Strand+44 20 8128 4514WC2R 1AB872017-12-25 09:28:5824 House Concierge Service
882017-12-25 09:28:58162017-12-25 09:28:58£3,900 pcm (£900 pw)Set on the first floor of this landmark development, The Strand and situated in the renowned Strand itself, this one bedroom apartment is only moments from theatres, museums, restaurants and the River Thames.Finished to a high specification throughout and including underfloor heating, air conditioning and a video entry phone system the property comprises reception room with contemporary, state of the art open plan fitted kitchen, beautiful wood floors, access to private balcony, spacious double bedroom with built in wardrobe and luxury family bathroom.Residents of The Strand also enjoy access to health spa, gym and swimming pool as well as concierge services.Available to rent on a furnished basis.Council Tax Band: TbcEPC rating: B51.509724-0.120236Strand+44 20 8128 4514WC2R 1AB882017-12-25 09:28:58Resident Only Gym, Spa and Pool
892017-12-25 09:28:58162017-12-25 09:28:58£3,900 pcm (£900 pw)Set on the first floor of this landmark development, The Strand and situated in the renowned Strand itself, this one bedroom apartment is only moments from theatres, museums, restaurants and the River Thames.Finished to a high specification throughout and including underfloor heating, air conditioning and a video entry phone system the property comprises reception room with contemporary, state of the art open plan fitted kitchen, beautiful wood floors, access to private balcony, spacious double bedroom with built in wardrobe and luxury family bathroom.Residents of The Strand also enjoy access to health spa, gym and swimming pool as well as concierge services.Available to rent on a furnished basis.Council Tax Band: TbcEPC rating: B51.509724-0.120236Strand+44 20 8128 4514WC2R 1AB892017-12-25 09:28:58State of the Art Kitchen
902017-12-25 09:29:01172017-12-25 09:29:01£758 pcm (£175 pw)A good size double room available in a prime location, moments away from Russell Square Station and directly adjacent to the Brunswick Centre. The room is fully furnished with all bills included. The room shares two wc's, a large kitchen and two bathrooms with showers. Available Now!* all bills included ** moments walk from the brunswick centre ** moments walk from russell square tube station ** single occupancy *51.52326-0.123571Bernard Street+44 20 3463 8360WC1N 1LN902017-12-25 09:29:01Conversion
912017-12-25 09:29:01172017-12-25 09:29:01£758 pcm (£175 pw)A good size double room available in a prime location, moments away from Russell Square Station and directly adjacent to the Brunswick Centre. The room is fully furnished with all bills included. The room shares two wc's, a large kitchen and two bathrooms with showers. Available Now!* all bills included ** moments walk from the brunswick centre ** moments walk from russell square tube station ** single occupancy *51.52326-0.123571Bernard Street+44 20 3463 8360WC1N 1LN912017-12-25 09:29:01Studio Flat
922017-12-25 09:29:01172017-12-25 09:29:01£758 pcm (£175 pw)A good size double room available in a prime location, moments away from Russell Square Station and directly adjacent to the Brunswick Centre. The room is fully furnished with all bills included. The room shares two wc's, a large kitchen and two bathrooms with showers. Available Now!* all bills included ** moments walk from the brunswick centre ** moments walk from russell square tube station ** single occupancy *51.52326-0.123571Bernard Street+44 20 3463 8360WC1N 1LN42017-12-25 09:23:37Furnished
932017-12-25 09:29:01172017-12-25 09:29:01£758 pcm (£175 pw)A good size double room available in a prime location, moments away from Russell Square Station and directly adjacent to the Brunswick Centre. The room is fully furnished with all bills included. The room shares two wc's, a large kitchen and two bathrooms with showers. Available Now!* all bills included ** moments walk from the brunswick centre ** moments walk from russell square tube station ** single occupancy *51.52326-0.123571Bernard Street+44 20 3463 8360WC1N 1LN932017-12-25 09:29:01Shower
942017-12-25 09:29:01172017-12-25 09:29:01£758 pcm (£175 pw)A good size double room available in a prime location, moments away from Russell Square Station and directly adjacent to the Brunswick Centre. The room is fully furnished with all bills included. The room shares two wc's, a large kitchen and two bathrooms with showers. Available Now!* all bills included ** moments walk from the brunswick centre ** moments walk from russell square tube station ** single occupancy *51.52326-0.123571Bernard Street+44 20 3463 8360WC1N 1LN942017-12-25 09:29:01Garden
952017-12-25 09:29:01172017-12-25 09:29:01£758 pcm (£175 pw)A good size double room available in a prime location, moments away from Russell Square Station and directly adjacent to the Brunswick Centre. The room is fully furnished with all bills included. The room shares two wc's, a large kitchen and two bathrooms with showers. Available Now!* all bills included ** moments walk from the brunswick centre ** moments walk from russell square tube station ** single occupancy *51.52326-0.123571Bernard Street+44 20 3463 8360WC1N 1LN952017-12-25 09:29:01Washing Machine
962017-12-25 09:29:01172017-12-25 09:29:01£758 pcm (£175 pw)A good size double room available in a prime location, moments away from Russell Square Station and directly adjacent to the Brunswick Centre. The room is fully furnished with all bills included. The room shares two wc's, a large kitchen and two bathrooms with showers. Available Now!* all bills included ** moments walk from the brunswick centre ** moments walk from russell square tube station ** single occupancy *51.52326-0.123571Bernard Street+44 20 3463 8360WC1N 1LN962017-12-25 09:29:01Council Tax Included
972017-12-25 09:29:01172017-12-25 09:29:01£758 pcm (£175 pw)A good size double room available in a prime location, moments away from Russell Square Station and directly adjacent to the Brunswick Centre. The room is fully furnished with all bills included. The room shares two wc's, a large kitchen and two bathrooms with showers. Available Now!* all bills included ** moments walk from the brunswick centre ** moments walk from russell square tube station ** single occupancy *51.52326-0.123571Bernard Street+44 20 3463 8360WC1N 1LN972017-12-25 09:29:01Electricity Included
982017-12-25 09:29:01172017-12-25 09:29:01£758 pcm (£175 pw)A good size double room available in a prime location, moments away from Russell Square Station and directly adjacent to the Brunswick Centre. The room is fully furnished with all bills included. The room shares two wc's, a large kitchen and two bathrooms with showers. Available Now!* all bills included ** moments walk from the brunswick centre ** moments walk from russell square tube station ** single occupancy *51.52326-0.123571Bernard Street+44 20 3463 8360WC1N 1LN982017-12-25 09:29:01Gas Included
992017-12-25 09:29:01172017-12-25 09:29:01£758 pcm (£175 pw)A good size double room available in a prime location, moments away from Russell Square Station and directly adjacent to the Brunswick Centre. The room is fully furnished with all bills included. The room shares two wc's, a large kitchen and two bathrooms with showers. Available Now!* all bills included ** moments walk from the brunswick centre ** moments walk from russell square tube station ** single occupancy *51.52326-0.123571Bernard Street+44 20 3463 8360WC1N 1LN992017-12-25 09:29:01Gas Central Heating
1002017-12-25 09:29:05182017-12-25 09:29:05£3,250 pcm (£750 pw)A gorgeous 2 bedroom apartment located a few minutes away from Russell Square. The fully furnished apartment has 2 bedrooms, bathroom, a fully-fitted state-of-the-art kitchen and benefits from a big balcony. The reception room can be converted into a third bedroom as there is a seperate kitchen. Located brilliantly in the heart of central London, the development has concierge service and is within walking distance to the many attractions of Soho, Covent Garden and the West End.51.520935-0.123912Cranfield House+44 20 3463 9596WC1B 4HH902017-12-25 09:29:01Conversion
1012017-12-25 09:29:05182017-12-25 09:29:05£3,250 pcm (£750 pw)A gorgeous 2 bedroom apartment located a few minutes away from Russell Square. The fully furnished apartment has 2 bedrooms, bathroom, a fully-fitted state-of-the-art kitchen and benefits from a big balcony. The reception room can be converted into a third bedroom as there is a seperate kitchen. Located brilliantly in the heart of central London, the development has concierge service and is within walking distance to the many attractions of Soho, Covent Garden and the West End.51.520935-0.123912Cranfield House+44 20 3463 9596WC1B 4HH1012017-12-25 09:29:052 Beds
1022017-12-25 09:29:05182017-12-25 09:29:05£3,250 pcm (£750 pw)A gorgeous 2 bedroom apartment located a few minutes away from Russell Square. The fully furnished apartment has 2 bedrooms, bathroom, a fully-fitted state-of-the-art kitchen and benefits from a big balcony. The reception room can be converted into a third bedroom as there is a seperate kitchen. Located brilliantly in the heart of central London, the development has concierge service and is within walking distance to the many attractions of Soho, Covent Garden and the West End.51.520935-0.123912Cranfield House+44 20 3463 9596WC1B 4HH22017-12-25 09:23:372 Bathrooms
1032017-12-25 09:29:05182017-12-25 09:29:05£3,250 pcm (£750 pw)A gorgeous 2 bedroom apartment located a few minutes away from Russell Square. The fully furnished apartment has 2 bedrooms, bathroom, a fully-fitted state-of-the-art kitchen and benefits from a big balcony. The reception room can be converted into a third bedroom as there is a seperate kitchen. Located brilliantly in the heart of central London, the development has concierge service and is within walking distance to the many attractions of Soho, Covent Garden and the West End.51.520935-0.123912Cranfield House+44 20 3463 9596WC1B 4HH932017-12-25 09:29:01Shower
1042017-12-25 09:29:05182017-12-25 09:29:05£3,250 pcm (£750 pw)A gorgeous 2 bedroom apartment located a few minutes away from Russell Square. The fully furnished apartment has 2 bedrooms, bathroom, a fully-fitted state-of-the-art kitchen and benefits from a big balcony. The reception room can be converted into a third bedroom as there is a seperate kitchen. Located brilliantly in the heart of central London, the development has concierge service and is within walking distance to the many attractions of Soho, Covent Garden and the West End.51.520935-0.123912Cranfield House+44 20 3463 9596WC1B 4HH1042017-12-25 09:29:05Separate WC
1052017-12-25 09:29:05182017-12-25 09:29:05£3,250 pcm (£750 pw)A gorgeous 2 bedroom apartment located a few minutes away from Russell Square. The fully furnished apartment has 2 bedrooms, bathroom, a fully-fitted state-of-the-art kitchen and benefits from a big balcony. The reception room can be converted into a third bedroom as there is a seperate kitchen. Located brilliantly in the heart of central London, the development has concierge service and is within walking distance to the many attractions of Soho, Covent Garden and the West End.51.520935-0.123912Cranfield House+44 20 3463 9596WC1B 4HH1052017-12-25 09:29:05Parking
1062017-12-25 09:29:05182017-12-25 09:29:05£3,250 pcm (£750 pw)A gorgeous 2 bedroom apartment located a few minutes away from Russell Square. The fully furnished apartment has 2 bedrooms, bathroom, a fully-fitted state-of-the-art kitchen and benefits from a big balcony. The reception room can be converted into a third bedroom as there is a seperate kitchen. Located brilliantly in the heart of central London, the development has concierge service and is within walking distance to the many attractions of Soho, Covent Garden and the West End.51.520935-0.123912Cranfield House+44 20 3463 9596WC1B 4HH522017-12-25 09:27:35Balcony
1072017-12-25 09:29:05182017-12-25 09:29:05£3,250 pcm (£750 pw)A gorgeous 2 bedroom apartment located a few minutes away from Russell Square. The fully furnished apartment has 2 bedrooms, bathroom, a fully-fitted state-of-the-art kitchen and benefits from a big balcony. The reception room can be converted into a third bedroom as there is a seperate kitchen. Located brilliantly in the heart of central London, the development has concierge service and is within walking distance to the many attractions of Soho, Covent Garden and the West End.51.520935-0.123912Cranfield House+44 20 3463 9596WC1B 4HH1072017-12-25 09:29:05Porter
1082017-12-25 09:29:05182017-12-25 09:29:05£3,250 pcm (£750 pw)A gorgeous 2 bedroom apartment located a few minutes away from Russell Square. The fully furnished apartment has 2 bedrooms, bathroom, a fully-fitted state-of-the-art kitchen and benefits from a big balcony. The reception room can be converted into a third bedroom as there is a seperate kitchen. Located brilliantly in the heart of central London, the development has concierge service and is within walking distance to the many attractions of Soho, Covent Garden and the West End.51.520935-0.123912Cranfield House+44 20 3463 9596WC1B 4HH1082017-12-25 09:29:05Lift
1092017-12-25 09:29:05182017-12-25 09:29:05£3,250 pcm (£750 pw)A gorgeous 2 bedroom apartment located a few minutes away from Russell Square. The fully furnished apartment has 2 bedrooms, bathroom, a fully-fitted state-of-the-art kitchen and benefits from a big balcony. The reception room can be converted into a third bedroom as there is a seperate kitchen. Located brilliantly in the heart of central London, the development has concierge service and is within walking distance to the many attractions of Soho, Covent Garden and the West End.51.520935-0.123912Cranfield House+44 20 3463 9596WC1B 4HH952017-12-25 09:29:01Washing Machine
1102017-12-25 09:29:09192017-12-25 09:29:09£5,850 pcm (£1,350 pw)We are delighted to offer this newly refurbished 2-bedroom apartment with a large south facing reception room. This contemporary apartment set over 1324 sq. Ft. On the second floor in a portered apartment block located in the stylish area of Mayfair. The apartment has been refurbished throughout to an excellent standard and benefits from wood flooring and air cooling throughout. New Hereford House is an exclusive purpose-built block with a luxury entrance foyer and smart common areas located on the corner of Park Street and Oxford Street. The nearest tube station is Marble Arch and Bond Street.(Tenant fees may apply)51.513493-0.156068New Hereford House, 129 Park Street+44 20 3463 9596W1K 7JB902017-12-25 09:29:01Conversion
1112017-12-25 09:29:09192017-12-25 09:29:09£5,850 pcm (£1,350 pw)We are delighted to offer this newly refurbished 2-bedroom apartment with a large south facing reception room. This contemporary apartment set over 1324 sq. Ft. On the second floor in a portered apartment block located in the stylish area of Mayfair. The apartment has been refurbished throughout to an excellent standard and benefits from wood flooring and air cooling throughout. New Hereford House is an exclusive purpose-built block with a luxury entrance foyer and smart common areas located on the corner of Park Street and Oxford Street. The nearest tube station is Marble Arch and Bond Street.(Tenant fees may apply)51.513493-0.156068New Hereford House, 129 Park Street+44 20 3463 9596W1K 7JB1012017-12-25 09:29:052 Beds
1122017-12-25 09:29:09192017-12-25 09:29:09£5,850 pcm (£1,350 pw)We are delighted to offer this newly refurbished 2-bedroom apartment with a large south facing reception room. This contemporary apartment set over 1324 sq. Ft. On the second floor in a portered apartment block located in the stylish area of Mayfair. The apartment has been refurbished throughout to an excellent standard and benefits from wood flooring and air cooling throughout. New Hereford House is an exclusive purpose-built block with a luxury entrance foyer and smart common areas located on the corner of Park Street and Oxford Street. The nearest tube station is Marble Arch and Bond Street.(Tenant fees may apply)51.513493-0.156068New Hereford House, 129 Park Street+44 20 3463 9596W1K 7JB1122017-12-25 09:29:091 Reception
1132017-12-25 09:29:09192017-12-25 09:29:09£5,850 pcm (£1,350 pw)We are delighted to offer this newly refurbished 2-bedroom apartment with a large south facing reception room. This contemporary apartment set over 1324 sq. Ft. On the second floor in a portered apartment block located in the stylish area of Mayfair. The apartment has been refurbished throughout to an excellent standard and benefits from wood flooring and air cooling throughout. New Hereford House is an exclusive purpose-built block with a luxury entrance foyer and smart common areas located on the corner of Park Street and Oxford Street. The nearest tube station is Marble Arch and Bond Street.(Tenant fees may apply)51.513493-0.156068New Hereford House, 129 Park Street+44 20 3463 9596W1K 7JB22017-12-25 09:23:372 Bathrooms
1142017-12-25 09:29:09192017-12-25 09:29:09£5,850 pcm (£1,350 pw)We are delighted to offer this newly refurbished 2-bedroom apartment with a large south facing reception room. This contemporary apartment set over 1324 sq. Ft. On the second floor in a portered apartment block located in the stylish area of Mayfair. The apartment has been refurbished throughout to an excellent standard and benefits from wood flooring and air cooling throughout. New Hereford House is an exclusive purpose-built block with a luxury entrance foyer and smart common areas located on the corner of Park Street and Oxford Street. The nearest tube station is Marble Arch and Bond Street.(Tenant fees may apply)51.513493-0.156068New Hereford House, 129 Park Street+44 20 3463 9596W1K 7JB932017-12-25 09:29:01Shower
1152017-12-25 09:29:09192017-12-25 09:29:09£5,850 pcm (£1,350 pw)We are delighted to offer this newly refurbished 2-bedroom apartment with a large south facing reception room. This contemporary apartment set over 1324 sq. Ft. On the second floor in a portered apartment block located in the stylish area of Mayfair. The apartment has been refurbished throughout to an excellent standard and benefits from wood flooring and air cooling throughout. New Hereford House is an exclusive purpose-built block with a luxury entrance foyer and smart common areas located on the corner of Park Street and Oxford Street. The nearest tube station is Marble Arch and Bond Street.(Tenant fees may apply)51.513493-0.156068New Hereford House, 129 Park Street+44 20 3463 9596W1K 7JB1042017-12-25 09:29:05Separate WC
1162017-12-25 09:29:09192017-12-25 09:29:09£5,850 pcm (£1,350 pw)We are delighted to offer this newly refurbished 2-bedroom apartment with a large south facing reception room. This contemporary apartment set over 1324 sq. Ft. On the second floor in a portered apartment block located in the stylish area of Mayfair. The apartment has been refurbished throughout to an excellent standard and benefits from wood flooring and air cooling throughout. New Hereford House is an exclusive purpose-built block with a luxury entrance foyer and smart common areas located on the corner of Park Street and Oxford Street. The nearest tube station is Marble Arch and Bond Street.(Tenant fees may apply)51.513493-0.156068New Hereford House, 129 Park Street+44 20 3463 9596W1K 7JB1072017-12-25 09:29:05Porter
1172017-12-25 09:29:09192017-12-25 09:29:09£5,850 pcm (£1,350 pw)We are delighted to offer this newly refurbished 2-bedroom apartment with a large south facing reception room. This contemporary apartment set over 1324 sq. Ft. On the second floor in a portered apartment block located in the stylish area of Mayfair. The apartment has been refurbished throughout to an excellent standard and benefits from wood flooring and air cooling throughout. New Hereford House is an exclusive purpose-built block with a luxury entrance foyer and smart common areas located on the corner of Park Street and Oxford Street. The nearest tube station is Marble Arch and Bond Street.(Tenant fees may apply)51.513493-0.156068New Hereford House, 129 Park Street+44 20 3463 9596W1K 7JB1082017-12-25 09:29:05Lift
1182017-12-25 09:29:09192017-12-25 09:29:09£5,850 pcm (£1,350 pw)We are delighted to offer this newly refurbished 2-bedroom apartment with a large south facing reception room. This contemporary apartment set over 1324 sq. Ft. On the second floor in a portered apartment block located in the stylish area of Mayfair. The apartment has been refurbished throughout to an excellent standard and benefits from wood flooring and air cooling throughout. New Hereford House is an exclusive purpose-built block with a luxury entrance foyer and smart common areas located on the corner of Park Street and Oxford Street. The nearest tube station is Marble Arch and Bond Street.(Tenant fees may apply)51.513493-0.156068New Hereford House, 129 Park Street+44 20 3463 9596W1K 7JB952017-12-25 09:29:01Washing Machine
1192017-12-25 09:29:09192017-12-25 09:29:09£5,850 pcm (£1,350 pw)We are delighted to offer this newly refurbished 2-bedroom apartment with a large south facing reception room. This contemporary apartment set over 1324 sq. Ft. On the second floor in a portered apartment block located in the stylish area of Mayfair. The apartment has been refurbished throughout to an excellent standard and benefits from wood flooring and air cooling throughout. New Hereford House is an exclusive purpose-built block with a luxury entrance foyer and smart common areas located on the corner of Park Street and Oxford Street. The nearest tube station is Marble Arch and Bond Street.(Tenant fees may apply)51.513493-0.156068New Hereford House, 129 Park Street+44 20 3463 9596W1K 7JB1192017-12-25 09:29:09Dish Washer
1202017-12-25 09:29:19212017-12-25 09:29:19£3,012 pcm (£695 pw)Long let. Centrally located moments from local amenities and Goodge Street Station, this fantastic two bedroom flat is presented in excellent condition and benefits from an open-plan kitchen and private balcony.Located in the heart of Fitzrovia, Goodge Street offers a variety of shops and restaurants and is a short walk to Goodge Street underground station for access to transport links.51.519238-0.136478Goodge Street+44 20 3463 0064W1T 4LZ1202017-12-25 09:29:19Contemporary two bedroom third floor flat
1212017-12-25 09:29:19212017-12-25 09:29:19£3,012 pcm (£695 pw)Long let. Centrally located moments from local amenities and Goodge Street Station, this fantastic two bedroom flat is presented in excellent condition and benefits from an open-plan kitchen and private balcony.Located in the heart of Fitzrovia, Goodge Street offers a variety of shops and restaurants and is a short walk to Goodge Street underground station for access to transport links.51.519238-0.136478Goodge Street+44 20 3463 0064W1T 4LZ1212017-12-25 09:29:19Presented to an excellent standard throughout
1222017-12-25 09:29:19212017-12-25 09:29:19£3,012 pcm (£695 pw)Long let. Centrally located moments from local amenities and Goodge Street Station, this fantastic two bedroom flat is presented in excellent condition and benefits from an open-plan kitchen and private balcony.Located in the heart of Fitzrovia, Goodge Street offers a variety of shops and restaurants and is a short walk to Goodge Street underground station for access to transport links.51.519238-0.136478Goodge Street+44 20 3463 0064W1T 4LZ1222017-12-25 09:29:19Open-plan reception room with modern fitted kitchen
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location top location.ts location.title location.avg_price
12017-12-18 14:22:42Central London6,324£1,371 pw
22017-12-18 14:22:42East London12,846£370 pw
32017-12-18 14:22:42North East London7,066£398 pw
42017-12-18 14:22:42North London14,784£549 pw
52017-12-18 14:22:42South London24,558£796 pw
62017-12-18 14:22:42West London25,645£803 pw
72017-12-18 14:22:42Berkshire3,596£290 pw
82017-12-18 14:22:42Buckinghamshire2,397£264 pw
92017-12-18 14:22:42East Sussex2,011£260 pw
102017-12-18 14:22:42Hampshire3,949£248 pw
112017-12-18 14:22:42Isle of Wight125£164 pw
122017-12-18 14:22:42Kent5,521£247 pw
132017-12-18 14:22:42Oxfordshire2,944£381 pw
142017-12-18 14:22:42Southampton2,998£300 pw
152017-12-18 14:22:42Surrey5,532£375 pw
162017-12-18 14:22:42West Berkshire325£251 pw
172017-12-18 14:22:42West Sussex1,730£238 pw
182017-12-18 14:22:42Windsor & Maidenhead806£444 pw
192017-12-18 14:22:42Derbyshire2,198£138 pw
202017-12-18 14:22:42Leicestershire2,962£196 pw
212017-12-18 14:22:42Lincolnshire1,469£152 pw
222017-12-18 14:22:42Northamptonshire1,047£176 pw
232017-12-18 14:22:42Nottinghamshire583£125 pw
242017-12-18 14:22:42Nottingham3,073£221 pw
252017-12-18 14:22:42Rutland65£182 pw
262017-12-18 14:22:42Bedfordshire1,843£196 pw
272017-12-18 14:22:42Cambridgeshire1,233£236 pw
282017-12-18 14:22:42Essex5,974£263 pw
292017-12-18 14:22:42Hertfordshire3,618£296 pw
302017-12-18 14:22:42Norfolk1,659£191 pw
312017-12-18 14:22:42Peterborough702£166 pw
322017-12-18 14:22:42Suffolk1,276£187 pw
332017-12-18 14:22:42County Durham2,338£115 pw
342017-12-18 14:22:42Hartlepool318£103 pw
352017-12-18 14:22:42North Yorkshire1,837£168 pw
362017-12-18 14:22:42Northumberland683£122 pw
372017-12-18 14:22:42Tyne & Wear7,218£193 pw
382017-12-18 14:22:42Cheshire2,257£180 pw
392017-12-18 14:22:42Cumbria885£122 pw
402017-12-18 14:22:42Greater Manchester7,519£236 pw
412017-12-18 14:22:42Lancashire3,994£151 pw
422017-12-18 14:22:42Merseyside4,472£182 pw
432017-12-18 14:22:42Bath & N E Somerset370£330 pw
442017-12-18 14:22:42Bristol2,647£270 pw
452017-12-18 14:22:42Cornwall1,044£167 pw
462017-12-18 14:22:42Devon2,263£182 pw
472017-12-18 14:22:42Dorset2,045£268 pw
482017-12-18 14:22:42Gloucestershire1,487£201 pw
492017-12-18 14:22:42North Somerset199£160 pw
502017-12-18 14:22:42Plymouth1,438£211 pw
512017-12-18 14:22:42Somerset796£164 pw
522017-12-18 14:22:42South Gloucestershire3£386 pw
532017-12-18 14:22:42Wiltshire1,240£180 pw
542017-12-18 14:22:42Herefordshire232£155 pw
552017-12-18 14:22:42Shropshire797£171 pw
562017-12-18 14:22:42Staffordshire2,048£148 pw
572017-12-18 14:22:42Warwickshire1,111£263 pw
582017-12-18 14:22:42West Midlands10,160£197 pw
592017-12-18 14:22:42Worcestershire720£160 pw
602017-12-18 14:22:42East Riding of Yorkshire1,017£113 pw
612017-12-18 14:22:42North East Lincolnshire183£105 pw
622017-12-18 14:22:42North Lincolnshire160£111 pw
632017-12-18 14:22:42South Yorkshire3,597£160 pw
642017-12-18 14:22:42West Yorkshire8,972£241 pw
652017-12-18 14:22:42Isle of Man350£274 pw
662017-12-18 14:22:42Channel Isles144£525 pw
672017-12-18 14:22:42Aberdeenshire1,443£175 pw
682017-12-18 14:22:42Angus192£110 pw
692017-12-18 14:22:42Argyll & Bute35£132 pw
702017-12-18 14:22:42Clackmannanshire56£115 pw
712017-12-18 14:22:42Dumfries & Galloway112£110 pw
722017-12-18 14:22:42Dundee468£136 pw
732017-12-18 14:22:42East Ayrshire53£109 pw
742017-12-18 14:22:42East Lothian69£195 pw
752017-12-18 14:22:42Edinburgh794£299 pw
762017-12-18 14:22:42Falkirk107£116 pw
772017-12-18 14:22:42Fife431£126 pw
782017-12-18 14:22:42Glasgow924£173 pw
792017-12-18 14:22:42Highland122£172 pw
802017-12-18 14:22:42Inverclyde32£119 pw
812017-12-18 14:22:42Midlothian43£172 pw
822017-12-18 14:22:42Moray75£138 pw
832017-12-18 14:22:42North Ayrshire56£109 pw
842017-12-18 14:22:42North Lanarkshire150£117 pw
852017-12-18 14:22:42Perth & Kinross248£130 pw
862017-12-18 14:22:42Renfrewshire186£123 pw
872017-12-18 14:22:42Scottish Borders64£105 pw
882017-12-18 14:22:42South Ayrshire81£123 pw
892017-12-18 14:22:42South Lanarkshire180£118 pw
902017-12-18 14:22:42Stirling53£176 pw
912017-12-18 14:22:42West Dunbartonshire22£122 pw
922017-12-18 14:22:42West Lothian129£166 pw
932017-12-18 14:22:42Blaenau Gwent75£94 pw
942017-12-18 14:22:42Bridgend204£134 pw
952017-12-18 14:22:42Caerphilly180£135 pw
962017-12-18 14:22:42Cardiff2,925£295 pw
972017-12-18 14:22:42Carmarthenshire359£128 pw
982017-12-18 14:22:42Ceredigion361£244 pw
992017-12-18 14:22:42Conwy67£143 pw
1002017-12-18 14:22:42Denbighshire39£132 pw

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