275 Organic Products Export Companies in US
Emails, phone numbers, addresses, websites, etc. of US 275 organic export companies into 12 types
![phpMyAdmin database structure screenshot database structure screenshot of 275 Organic Products Export Companies in US](/database/organic-products-export-companies-in-us/ss.png)
Description: This database contains 275 organic export companies information consisting of secondary company, CEO name, phone number, fax number, zip code, Po box, company’s email, website, address, street, founded year, certification, products service, export region, Dun & Bradstreet, organic sales, number of employees, business type, keyword and description. These 275 organic trade companies are over 45 states in the United States and fall within the following 12 types: Agent, Agricultural supplies, broker, exporter, grower, ingredient supplier, manufacturer, packer, processor, retailer, textiles and organic fiber and wholesaler/distributor.
Database Statistics
- Size: 0.30 MB
- Tables: 10
- Records: 275
- Formats: MySQL, CSV, MS Excel, MS Access, XML (See Downloads for sure.)
Database Categories
Database Structure
Table | Records | Fields |
company | 275 |
agricultural_supplies | 35 |
agricultural_supplies_to_company | 204 |
food_and_agricultural | 222 |
food_and_agricultural_to_company | 1,350 |
state | 45 |
textiles_and_organic_fiber | 52 |
textiles_and_organic_fiber_to_company | 153 |
type | 12 |
type_to_company | 572 |
Content Scope
Below are the categories / subjects / topics this database contains record entries about and the number of entries under each of them:
- AL
- AR
- AZ
- CA
- CO
- CT
- DE
- FL
- GA
- HI
- IA
- ID
- IL
- IN
- KS
- KY
- MA
- MD
- ME
- MI
- MN
- MO
- MT
- NC
- ND
- NE
- NJ
- NM
- NV
- NY
- OH
- OR
- PA
- RI
- SC
- SD
- TX
- UT
- VA
- VT
- WA
- WI
- WY
- BC
- ON
- agricultural testing
- amino acid products
- beneficial insects
- biocontrol inputs
- compost products
- disease controls
- enzyme products
- equipment
- feed, prepared dairy
- feed, prepared livestock
- feed, prepared poultry
- feed, prepared swine
- fertilizer, dry
- fertilizer, liquid
- fish products
- grain cleaning and processing
- horticultural products
- inputs, certified organic
- IPM services
- irrigation supplies
- kelp products
- lawn products
- micro-nutrients
- neem
- pest control products
- plant stimulants
- potting soil
- process chemicals
- produce packaging supplies
- publications
- seedlings
- seeds for sowing
- veterinary supplies
- waste treatment
- weed control
- aprons
- baby blankets
- baby clothes
- bags and tote bags
- baseball caps
- bath items
- bedding and sheets
- blankets
- buckwheat hulls
- buying agent
- children's clothing
- colored cotton
- cotton fiber
- cotton items
- cotton seed
- cotton waste
- custom printing
- diapers
- eye pillows and neck rolls
- fabrics
- feminine hygiene products
- flax seed
- gifts
- hemp fiber
- hemp items
- infant clothing
- interior and home items
- jeans
- knits
- linen/flax fiber
- linen/flax items
- men's clothing
- paper and paper products
- personal care products
- pillows
- private label programs
- product development
- sleepwear
- socks
- sportswear
- terry cloth items
- textiles
- t-shirts
- undergarments
- upholstery
- women's clothing
- wool fiber
- wool items
- wool, all
- woven goods
- yarn
- yoga and meditation items
- Agent
- Agricultural Supplies
- Broker
- exporter
- Grower
- Ingredient Supplier
- Manufacturer
- Packer
- Processor
- Retailer
- Textiles and Organic Fiber
- Wholesaler/Distributor
- There are 65 records with a secondary company.
- There are 218 records with a CEO name.
- In table company, there are 273 unique phone numbers.
- There are 255 records that have a fax number.
- There are 82 records that have a Po box.
- There are 273 unique email addresses in table company.
- There are 246 records with a website.
- There are 210 records that have a street.
- There are 259 records that have a populated founded year field.
- There are 197 records that have a certification.
- There are 253 records that have a products service.
- There are 228 records with an export region.
- There are 71 records with a Dun & Bradstreet.
- There are 234 records that have a populated organic sales field.
- There are 250 records that have a non-empty number of employees field.
- There are 266 records with a business type and a keyword.
- There are 243 records that have a populated description field.
Lifetime Updates (fees may apply)
This database is being constantly updated with regards to both data volume and data structure, once every 0.5 - 5 years depending on niche, and you will be notified via our Blog or Twitter when new versions come out.
Other Formats upon Request
We include the most common, popular and usable formats readily accessible on the download page, but should you need the database in other formats such as:
- Microsoft SQL Server
- Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition
- Oracle
- PostgreSQL
- Interbase / Firebird
- WordPress
- Single Table (multiple tables are combined into one)
- Microsoft Word .DOC
Let us know and we'll see what we can do. Additional fees may apply.